What is Satsang?
Satsang is a word which comes from Sanskrit, meaning “to be in good or true company”. It also has over a period of time been associated with attending a spiritual discourse, as it essentially aligns to the outcome.
Satsangs with Mohanji Acharyas are public programs, online or in person, in which Acharyas lead positive discussions on chosen topics based on Mohanji’s teachings. Truthful and empowering experiences or stories are being shared, usually followed by a Q&A session. Catering to the needs of the audience, there are a variety of topics covered such as facing fears, handling difficult relationships, connecting to oneself, non-violence and veganism, purity in thoughts, words and actions, as well as sharing stories of masters from the Tradition of liberation that Mohanji represents and their selfless contribution to the world.
While speaking on these subjects, Acharyas share from their own experiences in life or with Mohanji, with honesty and candidness. Even though the focus is mainly on the chosen topics, Satsangs are allowed to flow naturally as per the need of the moment.