Bliss Of Silence - Guided Meditation
Enter into a zone of total emptiness. No thoughts. You are not pushed into any activity or thinking
Bliss of Silence is a 40-minute guided meditation that is ideal for any spiritual aspirant, from a busy businessman to a teenager. It firstly helps us relax at the level of the physical body, and then slowly dive into stillness. We are guided to expand our consciousness to reveal our true identity.
Why Bliss Of Silence Meditation?
In Mohanji’s words, “Through this meditation, you enter into a zone which is totally empty, where there is nothing. Total emptiness. No thoughts.
You are not pushed into activity or thinking. When the lungs are very peaceful and silent, the system becomes silent. Feel your lungs and make sure you are silent.

Everything becomes silent and then it’s a state of peace and bliss. You won’t care what’s happening outside. No matter what happens outside, you feel, “It’s ok, I’m peaceful.”
You are able to go within, to a zone where you are extremely peaceful. The benchmark of your progress in spirituality is silence. Silence leads to liberation.”

Enter into a zone of total emptiness. No thoughts. You are not pushed into any activity or thinking


Feel Relaxed
Experience a deep and complete relaxation of mind, body and spirit

Inner Silence
Experience the perfect stillness and Inner silence as you go deeper into yourself

Deep connection with the Self
Connect to yourself deeply and consistently with every breath

Increase Awareness
Achieve the state of complete awareness, yet remaining unattached to mind

Calmness in Mind
Achieve a sense of calmness amidst all noise around you

Connect to Guru Principle
Connect to your INNER Guru or Guide which has been guiding you to achieve the highest
Other Meditations
360 Degrees meditation is a powerful, guided chakra meditation by Mohanji aimed at shifting the consciousness to 360 degrees resulting in access to higher dimensions & stability within.
Blossoms of Love- This is a 30-minute guided meditation helps us develop unconditional love that culminates in a feeling of containing the entire universe within us.
Freedom Meditation is a 10-minute guided meditation provides a therapeutic solace for children, including those struggling to cope with anxiety, autism, ADD, ADHD, OCD and so on.