The Power of Being You

08jun10:00 am4:30 pmThe Power of Being You

Event Details

Join us for a full-day program:
“The Power of Being You” with Mohanji, near The Hague, The Netherlands!

Dive deep into a transformative journey of self-discovery.

Agenda: 8th June 2024 – Saturday

10:00 Welcome

10:30 Meeting with Mohanji

11:00-12:30 Satsang with Mohanji

12:30-13:30 Lunch

1:30pm Photos and book signing

2:30 pm Meditation and program with Devi Mohan

Musicians, Ye Lena and Carola

Mohanji is a global advocate trying to raise the awareness of generations from selfishness to selflessness. His mission is to wake up kindness in the hearts of people.

The Mohanji Foundation, guided by his vision, fosters a global community dedicated to liberation from mental bindings through awareness and universal values. With centers worldwide, the Foundation offers transformative programs and practices, impacting millions across various sectors and communities.

His core teaching is simply “Be You” – accept, understand, recognise and express your uniqueness in the world.


(Saturday) 10:00 am - 4:30 pm


Op Hodenpijl, 20/22 Rijksstraatweg 2636 AX Schipluiden
