Conscious Walking™

Do you love nature? Do you like being one with Nature? If the answer is YES, then you have landed on the perfect page. Conscious walking is a dynamic meditation to be done outside, in nature.
What is Conscious Walking™?
Conscious Walking (CW) is a dynamic meditation technique which reduces anxiety and anger, increases self-confidence and balances your life. The meditation is guided by a practitioner and happens in a group, outdoors in nature. The meditation focuses on being present with each step we take while being aware of our connection to mother earth.

About the Technique
Conscious Walking helps us to focus the mind in one place and find peace in the present moment. Just 30-minutes of this amazingly simple technique can increase our energy, restore our sense of peace and balance, calm the central nervous system, and bring clarity and presence of mind. Thousands of organised Conscious Walks have taken place at retreats, corporate offices, communities, schools, hospitals, and spiritual centres in 15 countries worldwide.