{"id":1275,"date":"2024-02-12T21:48:55","date_gmt":"2024-02-12T21:48:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/mohanji.org\/usa\/?p=1275"},"modified":"2024-05-01T13:38:28","modified_gmt":"2024-05-01T13:38:28","slug":"interview-with-milica-and-thea-2023","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/mohanji.org\/usa\/interviews\/interview-with-milica-and-thea-2023\/","title":{"rendered":"Interview with Milica and Thea 2023"},"content":{"rendered":"\t\t
\u201cI needed someone to give me answers.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t Newsletter Team:<\/strong> I have three main questions I want to ask you both.<\/p> The first question I had was: How did you guys meet Mohanji? How did you get to know him?<\/em><\/p> And the second question would be: What made you come and join him as an assistant (Milica) and as his official photographer (Thea)? What has your experience been so far? <\/em><\/p> And the third question is: What has changed in you before you started this and after?<\/em><\/p> Personally, since I saw you both last year, I can see changes. \u00a0<\/p> Milica:<\/strong> I honestly think people see that more than us.<\/p> Thea:<\/strong> Usually, people see these changes in us more than ourselves because there’s a gap in time. We are always with ourselves and can\u2019t see those changes right away.<\/p> Milica:<\/strong> And then, someone tells us you: \u2018you have changed!\u2019. I\u2019m like, really?? \ud83d\ude0a<\/p> \u00a0<\/strong>Newsletter Team: <\/strong>I can see more confidence in you both compared to last year when you were here. So back to the first question, how did you guys meet? Thea, you can go first.<\/p> Thea:<\/strong> I met Mohanji in 2016. I was 22 years old. Several years prior to that my only wish that was always there was that I needed someone to give me answers about various experiences. When I was 17, I had an awakening experience that I didn’t know was an awakening at that time, but I learned that later. Basically, the world had categorized this experience as a psychiatric case. I saw a psychiatrist and I was prescribed medicines that I started taking. It was very bad. Much later, I came to find out that what I experienced then was the Kundalini awakening but a bit premature in time. When this awakening happened, it was quite traumatic. But this awakened something in me anyway, and I knew there was something more to life than just the regular stuff. And this thing was always in my mind, and I couldn’t resign myself to think that I was crazy then and I needed someone to give me answers<\/strong>. But whenever I met someone (for answers), there would be a limit to their knowledge. At one point I started going to yoga classes and reading a lot of books to find the answers I was looking for. But there was always a limit. I couldn’t find anything that would give me satisfaction, intellectually or otherwise.<\/p> And in late 2015, when I was in a really bad shape, someone suggested I go to a group meditation and it happened to be Mohanji’s Power of Purity (PoP) meditation in Belgrade, in Serbia. After that meditation, I instantly felt good. I didn’t have any sensation or something, but I just felt a deep sense of peace and calm and a feeling that from now on, \u2018don\u2019t worry, everything will be fine\u2019<\/em>. And I started going to these meditations whenever they were happening first, starting once a week, and then twice a week. And Mohanji had a retreat few months after that, which I attended and met him there. I had my questions answered and then I continued hanging around as much as I could whenever I had the chance. And this, over time, evolved into me being here today as his photographer.<\/p> Milica: <\/strong>I always like listening to Thea’s story. As for me, I met Mohanji in 2017 through a friend when I attended a retreat. What went on in my life before that? I always remember that since I was a kid, a very small child, weird things were going on in my mind. I was having questions such as Why am I Alive <\/em>and What is Happening <\/em>and Where am I going<\/em>?<\/strong> And then of course, parents try to explain. OK, you do this, you do that; you go to school. Just the regular things of life, which somehow made me always sad. I was like, \u2018This is so depressing\u2019<\/em>. I was never suicidal in that sense, but I was always like what is the whole point? So, I finish this, and then I finish this, and then I finish this and then I die, and I go to the ground. That made me physically sick.<\/p> Mentally, I was unstable because it didn’t resonate with anything that was going on around me. It wasn\u2019t like something horrible was constantly happening in my life; nothing like that. \u00a0Even in my happiest days, like when everything was going on fine, I had a good job, good relationships, everything is fine, there’s always something in the back of my head: this is it?? Like, there’s nothing more? Is this life? And like this for the next 60-70 more years? This is so sad! And you can’t explain that to people; It would feel ungrateful. So, there was always some inclination towards understanding more. I was reading about souls, about the universe, about what’s happening, about reincarnation, etc. just to understand more about life. But there was no one who could explain this to me (satisfactorily). I talked a little bit with my dad, but not, of course, to this extent like Mohanji, who understands everything.<\/p> So finally, when I first met him and attended the first Satsang, everything just made sense!<\/strong> It was like, OK, that’s it! <laughs><\/em> He has the answers, He says the right things. I don’t feel like I’m crazy anymore because when you speak about how you feel about these things to other people in the society, they are usually like: what’s wrong with you? <laughs!> <\/em>Nothing is wrong with me. Everything is fine and it’s going to be OK.<\/p> I think that was the first feeling that I also felt like: OK, everything’s going to be alright!<\/strong><\/p> And step by step I became part of a few platforms, volunteering, and not until recently, I personally served him. Two years ago I joined his office, and I resigned from my (other) job 14-15 months ago. And, probably, \u2018why\u2019, is the question. Because, honestly, nothing else made sense.<\/strong> \u00a0I was looking at it as, OK, I have an opportunity to be with a Master that is a \u2018once in a many lifetimes\u2019 opportunity to serve him and to be around him no matter how long that lasts. We never know, right? But if I lose this, I know I’m probably going to regret it forever if I don’t try.<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t Newsletter Team: <\/strong>So, did you volunteer for it or were you asked?<\/p> Milica: <\/strong>No, we were never asked. We volunteered and expressed our wish: \u2018I would like to serve you\u2019<\/em>. And when the intent is honest, when the love is there, when the connection is there, it always happens<\/strong>. Many people are given the opportunity to serve and depending on their capacity, their life and all of that.<\/p> Thea: <\/strong>I think there is also the eligibility factor<\/strong>. Many people wonder how come these people are there. Yeah, you can see sometimes the way he speaks to some people, He says it himself, he’s very stern; but he will not necessarily push them away. But the Tradition, won’t let these people come closer, because their karma doesn’t allow them, maybe, to serve him physically or be too close. Or maybe, they betrayed him badly before him. They just don’t have the ticket.<\/p> For some people, like for us, it just happened naturally, smoothly. It’s like the pieces came together so easily, so easily. OK, we expressed the desire and it happened. Some other people also express the desire, but it doesn’t happen because there is always this eligibility factor.<\/p> Milica:<\/strong> But it doesn’t mean that those who are serving him now, we are something so great and super amazing, and none of that. At this point, everything aligned for us for that to happen<\/strong>. Many, many lifetimes probably be done, all horrible things. And He has said many times that all of us who are close to him now, even the majority of people who meet him in this life, had betrayed him one way or the other (in past lifetimes). So, we all have that awareness; this is our redemption or however you want to take it. That’s up to each person.<\/p> Nothing like, \u2018OK, I’m great. And that person over there is not great\u2019. No, it’s just your personal story at this point in time<\/strong>. Many times, people wonder \u2018why I can’t do it\u2019 (volunteer close to Mohanji)?. It will definitely happen if you’re eligible for that. If your wish is really sincere, without expectation. If the love is there then it\u2019ll definitely happen<\/strong>. He never refused anyone. That doesn’t happen.<\/p> Newsletter Team:<\/strong> Now I remember Mohanji saying that it’s not easy for people around him because there\u2019s a lot of heat. There\u2019s unpredictability, and no Tamasic behavior is allowed.<\/p> Milica: <\/strong>Heat and hit! <laughs><\/em>. Yes, definitely. That\u2019s basically the explanation \u2013 Heat and Hit<\/strong>. There\u2019s no relaxation.<\/p> Thea:<\/strong> You’re always on your toes. And we spoke also with different people who lived with him or with other masters who work in a similar way. It’s like there’s no winning<\/strong>. You can\u2019t win this game. Even when you think \u2018for once I did everything right\u2019<\/em>, there\u2019ll always be something.<\/p> Milica:<\/strong> Whatever He tells you to do, simple and easy things in a day \u2013 for example, he says \u2018I\u2019d like to get this done this way \u2013 you do it\u2019<\/em>.<\/p> So, you do it, and say to him: \u2018Father this is done!\u2019<\/em>.<\/p> He\u2019s like: \u2018This is done completely wrong!\u2019<\/em>.<\/p> \u2018But you told me to do it like this\u2019<\/em>.<\/p> He goes: \u2018No, I don\u2019t like it.\u2019<\/em><\/p> It’s just to mess up with your mind, your expectations, and your complete wiring. He tells you go left, then you go left. And he’s like: turn right! You are completely in a state of confusion and knowing nothing<\/strong>, which eventually leads to, after months and months, a realization that, \u2018Oh! Wow! I’m so flexible\u2019<\/em><\/strong>. I can live with anything, being in USA, in India, then in Costa Rica, then other parts of the world, and I am like: \u2018I’m fine\u2019<\/em><\/strong>.<\/p> Thea: <\/strong>This reminded me of that story with Chris. Milica, please do you want to share? <laughs><\/em><\/p> Milica:<\/strong> That\u2019s one of my favorite stories. Christopher Greenwood is his Executive Assistant. We were in Slovenia, and we were having dinner. And Chris was not eating much. He usually doesn’t eat much, and Father told him: \u2018Why are you not eating? Put one more plate and eat. Or else you’re gonna be hungry\u2019<\/em>. OK, you listen, you obey what He says. There’s a reason. So, Chris ate one more plate.<\/p> Thea: <\/strong>And then after lunch, Mohanji asked Chris about some work whether it has been finished or not. After hearing an unsatisfactory answer from Chris, Father looked at him and started scolding him with a strict voice: \u2018You are lazy. You ate too much, again. You keep eating and then you do nothing.\u2019<\/em><\/p> I was like: Oh my God. He just told him to eat. <laughs><\/em><\/p> Milica: <\/strong>He got scolded for eating again. It all happens in 5 mins. \u00a0Another time, He said: \u2018You sit and you don’t understand anything\u2019<\/em>. And Chris is fine at that point; he was already here for 6-9 months, so he’s like: OK, I know what’s happening. It is fine. Bring it on! <\/em><\/p> We are like what we’re supposed to do? Nothing \u2013 just do what he says. He knows what he\u2019s doing. That\u2019s the best mantra for all. Believe (& know) that he knows absolutely what he\u2019s doing.<\/p> Thea:<\/strong> My experience is that even when you know that it’s happening, even when you tell yourself: \u2018OK, I know how this works. I’ve been here already first; several months. I’ll take it next time. Bring it on it. I’ll take it. I don’t mind my ego. I mean, it’s just an ego game\u2019<\/em>. But then even if you know, he hits you (figuratively) where you don\u2019t see it\u2019s coming.<\/p> Milica: <\/strong>Your blind spot.<\/p> Thea: <\/strong>You know it’s happening. You know what’s happening. You know, it’s the reaction inside you, but you cannot help it.<\/p> Milica:<\/strong> But the thing is, even when he scolds you or if he is strict, you always feel love. If someone else said something like that to you in your life, you’ll probably take it much worse than this. Even when he’s like that, you always feel love<\/strong>; it\u2019s a completely different vibration. So, he’s just kicking you in that moment because something is happening for your benefit but he doesn’t say.<\/strong><\/p> Thea: <\/strong>Many people have said that in the past, and my experience also is that after this situation, you feel more energetic<\/strong>. Maybe not right away, but an hour or two has to pass, or sometimes even a few days, depending on the hit <laughs><\/em>. And then you always feel that some blockage has left you<\/strong>. Something gets easier and lighter in your life.<\/p> Milica:<\/strong> Yeah, very fun. <laughs><\/em><\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t \u201cWhen the intent is honest, when the love is there, when the connection is there, it always happens.\u201d<\/em><\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t Newsletter Team:<\/strong> Did you come across any out-of-the-world experiences while serving him?<\/p> Milica: <\/strong>Well, (during) meditations. I wanted to say when I started serving him there was no more time like before to just sit and meditate. But couple of times he told me to practice pranayams. As with everything, he was so random. He walks into the office one day, randomly, and goes: ‘Hi, Milica. You are here; ok good. Now, sit and do pranayams\u2019. <\/em><\/strong><\/p> No explanations. Nothing. I\u2019m like OK. I\u2019ll sit and do pranayams. I have no idea. \u00a0Finally, he told: \u2018OK, breathe. You do this.\u2019<\/em> Nothing special. Not a special technique. And while I was doing it, it was amazing. A couple of times I could see him operating in different planes<\/strong>. At that time the war in Afghanistan was happening \u2013 2021 summer. I saw him being present in a war. I saw him fighting the war. I saw him in many different dimensions. And for short moments, I could see the world through his eyes, he showed me small bits and pieces. I mean, he actually showed me. See, when you connect to his consciousness, that’s possible. For example, he says Mai-Tri healers and MTM (Mohanji Transformation Method) practitioners can see that because they connect to him and they directly can go and see many things (not normally visible to regular eyes).<\/p> Thea: <\/strong>You said that you were the floor<\/em> or the chair<\/em>. <laughs><\/em> We had so much fun.<\/p> Milica: <\/strong>Again, not all experiences were so profound. Like, I felt like I’m one with the floor. And if I said that to anyone, they will probably think I’m drunk. <laughs><\/em> Something happened. It was just a breathing technique. So yeah! It was really, really amazing. I think those experiences were really necessary to see actually who you’re connecting with<\/strong>. Even if you don’t have them, what he always says is – read experiences of other people<\/strong>. Because if you don’t see with your eyes, it’s OK. There are people who see; so read (about their experiences) and connect to that. Because it’s important when you serve him, you know who you are serving<\/strong>.<\/p> Thea: <\/strong>I had an experience two weeks ago. It’s really random; so random, but it also shows how random he is. Maybe he won’t display like big miracles but sometimes he’ll display something small. I was in his room recording him, like a voice note for someone. My phone didn’t have enough battery so I was using Christina’s phone. And Christina left the room while her phone was recording. And I didn’t know what the passcode was for her phone. So, when we finished the recording, Mohanji said \u2018Stop the recording\u2019<\/em>. And Christina’s not there and I cannot call her. I told him I didn’t know the password, and he said: \u2018try this\u2019<\/em>. \u00a0I tried that combination and it worked. He looked at me smiling. <laughs><\/em><\/p> Milica: <\/strong>Basically, he can win the lottery if he wants to! <laughs><\/em><\/p> Thea: <\/strong>Later, I asked Christina if she gave her password to Mohanji. And she\u2019s like \u201cWhat? Why would I do that?\u201d. I told her what had just happened \u2013 and she just started laughing.<\/p> Milica: <\/strong>Oh, I love it. That reminded me of Sedona last year. We were in Sedona, and He was sitting in a big armchair. He has two mobile phones that he uses, and he said: \u2018OK, please bring me my mobile phones from the room\u2019<\/em>. And as I started getting up to fetch the phones, I made one step and he said: \u2018Oh no worries! They are here\u2019<\/em>. I was there the whole time, so there’s no way I did not see the phones if they’re already on the armchairs. I know they were not there before. And he\u2019s laughing: \u2018Yeah, I can do these things myself\u2019<\/em>. <laughs><\/em>.<\/p> I said: \u2018So you’re telling me every time you forget something, and you scold us, that means you could have actually brought it!\u2019 And he goes: \u2018Yeah, but what\u2019s the fun there? And how will you learn?\u2019<\/em><\/p> Thea: <\/strong>Yeah, because it comes down to, whatever he does is for the other people serving him. And that’s why it’s so important that everyone reminds themselves of that. Even if you do something for him, you’re not doing that for him, you are doing that for yourself.<\/strong><\/p> Milica:<\/strong> Yeah. And he showed us many, many times that everything we do, he can do that himself much better, faster and it\u2019s easier for him.<\/p> Thea: <\/strong>But there’s another thing with a Master like him is that they have all the powers. That we know. But they wouldn’t use the powers for themselves<\/strong>. They can’t.<\/p> Milica:<\/strong> They can’t, yeah. Because it’s selfish. It’s not selfless<\/strong>. So, for example, he cannot heal himself. He’s not allowed to heal himself when he’s sick<\/strong> or something like that. He can remove anything from anyone else, but he cannot work on himself. So that’s the thing. That’s why whoever loves him, and other masters and other beings, can connect to him and protect him from that. Yeah. And he cannot say no, that\u2019s the big thing<\/strong>.<\/p> Thea:<\/strong> Yeah. Even if someone comes with the intention of killing him, he will receive them. That’s why people are around him and trying to build layers of filters. Yeah, the only thing that can prevent someone from coming and killing (or harming) him is not himself but the Tradition that will work metaphysically or physically through people.<\/p> Milica:<\/strong> Which he told us: \u2018If someone comes and asks me for my head on a plate, I would say OK\u2019<\/em>. <laughs><\/em> Well, we wouldn\u2019t allow that. That’s why people are there. But he can’t say no. He’s like: \u2018even if a person wants to do something bad and horrible to me, that person is allowed to go through that experience of doing something that horrible to me because that’s their karma. I’m not supposed to prevent it\u2019<\/em>.<\/p> Thea:<\/strong> But usually Tradition will do something. Tradition will stop it.<\/strong><\/p> Newsletter Team:<\/strong> So have you come across any experience of the Tradition protecting him in any way?<\/p> Milica: <\/strong>Many, many times. Especially when that car crash happened last year. He was in a horrible state. And I think anyone else anyone else would have died, with everything the doctors said. He was in so much pain and it was serious. But you see nothing on his face; you couldn’t see any pain. He was fine like you see him every day. He\u2019s like: \u2018Yeah, I’m in pain. But what to do? Let’s go ahead\u2019<\/em>. He is attending meetings; He\u2019s going to doctor appointments. He even took a plane with his heart condition four days after that accident, which is not allowed. So yeah, but the Tradition let him stay. That\u2019s what was basically explained to us through many people. That happened many times.<\/p> Thea:<\/strong> And I remember last year when we went to the Murugan Temple in Tiruchendur in South India. It is very famous for removing black magic and very heavy things. And Mohanji said that temple is connected to a story about Adi Shankaracharya who had some black magic attacks put on him. But he was such a powerful master that he did nothing for himself. Basically, when he meditated, he sets aside these black magic effects and demons on the side. And when he finished his meditation, he let them back in! It’s a sign that great Masters do nothing for themselves, and they allow everything. And only when he went to Tiruchendur temple, these dark things left him. And he went there not because he decided to go one day, but rather, someone else took him.<\/p> So last year, a devotee of Mohanji and their family decided that they wanted to take him there. It was an idea they had had for many years. I think this devotee is very, very subtle and very connected to masters. And I think he got that message that he should take Mohanji to this temple, and he took him there. And Preeti Duggal was there with us. She’s a senior Maitri and MTM practitioner. She saw a huge cleansing happen for Mohanji from this trip. It\u2019s as if he got a second life. I have the recording somewhere.<\/p> It was amazing what she saw. So much heaviness and burden were lifted from Mohanji at that time. It was divinely arranged such that Mohanji could go there just then because the mission needs to accelerate and so many more things need to happen in the world.<\/p> Mohanji would never say: ‘Let’s go to Thiruchendur. It’s my wish to go\u2019<\/em>. No, he wouldn’t say that. But this is happening because the Tradition through that man is sending the message<\/strong> that he should take Mohanji.<\/p> Milica: <\/strong>Yeah. And He always fulfills the wishes of his devotees. So, He will go.<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t