Mohanji Canada
It was Wednesday, August 27, 2014, the most Auspicious Day on which Mohanji landed for the first time in this beautiful country, Canada. On that wonderful day, the journey of spreading Mohanji’s teachings started. Mohanji stayed until Thursday, September 4, 2014. During these days, HE conducted a couple of Satsangs (Discourses), including home visits. With the guidance of Mohanji, a team was formed to carry out HIS teachings in Canada. In support of this vision, a Mohanji Center was started and Mohanji Meditations were conducted regularly at this center. The Canadian team was further inspired to conduct regular monthly meditations at the center due to the regular participation of followers.
During 2015, Mohanji once again graced Toronto, Canada. During this visit on 15th August, Mohanji introduced the Consciousness Walk for the first time in Canada. 27 participants, both from Canada and the USA, took part in this powerful Meditative Walk.

During the same visit, Mohanji initiated around 9 followers into Consciousness Kriya. Initiatives were filled with gratitude during the Divine Experience. As a result of both commitment and dedication, two more Mediation Centers were opened in 2016, in the Greater Toronto Area.
In 2017, Mohanji Foundation Inc. became registered as a non-profit organization in Canada. This was the result of both the blessings from Mohanji and the commitment of the Canadian team. With this establishment in place, Mohanji’s First Ever One Day Retreat was organized. Around 45 participants took advantage of Mohanji’s presence and enjoyed the discourse.
Mohanji Foundation Team collaborated with Sathya Sai Baba Center and organized “Food Drive.” Volunteers enthusiastically participated and pre-packed sandwiches, which were distributed at various centers and to homeless people in the downtown Toronto area. Also, with consistent efforts and dedication, Mohanji’s teachings also started spreading to the province of British Columbia. Many Mohanji followers participated in Mediation and light yoga at the center.
The Canadian team demonstrated the team spirit and successfully organized the third Mohanji Acharya Training in 2019. Participants from other countries, including the USA and UK, participated along with Canadian Acharyas in the once in a lifetime training, personally conducted by Mohanji.
Mohanji Foundation Inc. Canada regularly organizes Group Consciousness Kriya, Conscious Walk, Guru Raksha Homa, Park Cleaning, Blood Donation, and Food Donation Drive to various government homeless centers.
Kriya initiations were held exclusively for Canadian participants in 2017 and for both Canadian and USA participants during 2019. Mohanji Foundation also often participates in the yoga fair, which is regularly held at Toronto.