Djetinjstvo I Mladost

Crna Ovca u Mojoj Obitelji

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In the depth of silence, he received the Moć čistoće i 360° meditations at different times. With the meditations came Shaktipat – a transfer of the energies from higher realms of consciousness to the recipient. Devi Mohan appeared in his rather grim but surreal life in 2007 and was instrumental in bringing him into the limelight. She encouraged Mohanji to share his inner wealth so the world could benefit from his knowledge. Mohanji believes that she was chosen by the Guru Mandala to pull him out of his introversion and help him deliver the knowledge and wisdom imparted by them so abundantly. The first meditations started in Dubai in early 2007, combined with spiritual discourses (satsang) were offered to all unconditionally and free of cost. The experiences were powerful and varied – heavy cleansing, communions with the Masters, and life-transforming experiences. Word about the Mohanji and his life-changing messages spread rapidly.