Mohanji Acharyas

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Who is an Acharya?

The word Acharya in Sanskrit means ‘Teacher’. An Acharya is someone who practices what he/she believes in with conviction, clarity and consistency transforming people towards positivity. The platform from which he/she operates is the TRADITION. Mohanji Acharyas in a true sense represent Mohanji and the tradition of liberation.

Mohanji’s mission is to take every individual towards liberation. To walk this path of liberation, the benchmark is transformation from the existing level to a higher level. For this purpose, Acharyas came into being.

Acharyas mission in the world

The word Acharya in Sanskrit means ‘Teacher’. An Acharya is someone who practices what he/she believes in with conviction, clarity and consistency transforming people towards positivity. The platform from which he/she operates is the TRADITION. Mohanji Acharyas in a true sense represent Mohanji and the tradition of liberation.

 “We are all MASTERS with absolute power to create our own destiny. Find this truth within. This is the eternal truth, not the waking state orientated relative truth that changes with time.”


Transformative programs led by Mohanji Acharyas are offered in person and through zoom/online sessions

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