Consciousness Kriya

Consciousness Kriya

Embrace the path of Consciousness Kriya and embark on your journey toward liberation today.

Consciousness Kriya is an advanced spiritual technique obtained through initiation by an Enlightened Master, in our case Brahmarishi Mohanji. It has its roots in the Kriya Yoga practice that was shared by ageless Mahavatar Babaji with Lahiri Mahasaya in the middle of the nineteenth century, and later made famous by Paramahansa Yogananda through his ‘Autobiography of a Yogi.’

When you practice Kriya, usually, what happens is that you enter into deeper levels of silence inside. When you enter deeper levels of silence, you start experiencing freedom – freedom from compulsive thinking.

Consciousness Kriya is a technique that combines mantras, visualizations, special body posture, and most importantly, specific breathing techniques. This advanced technique combines mantras, visualizations, special body posture, and, most importantly, specific breathing techniques. It serves as a bridge from the physical realm to the supreme consciousness, facilitating a journey toward higher awareness and self-realization.

When external factors are disturbing you, Kriya is your path, and you practice Kriya so much that nothing disturbs you. Then you have become Kriya.
You should practice until Kriya becomes you. Your breathing changes – breath pattern changes, or in other words, the outside world stops influencing you. Until then, you practice Kriya. Then you are Kriya.

Consciousness Kriya practitioners receive their training through Acharyas (teachers) appointed by Mohanji, followed by initiation, personally, by Mohanji. The techniques of Consciousness Kriya are sacred and secret; not to be shared with others.

Kriya should be practised as much as possible in a day until such time when your whole thing is Kriya. Then, there’s no practice outside of you. You are Kriya. That means you are in the mode of a Yogi. 
You are in that mode – always in that Kriya state. So, until then, keep focusing and practising. Discipline and determination – these two things are essential.

The practice of Consciousness Kriya takes about 30 minutes per day and needs to be practiced with consistency, continuity, and commitment. A vegan, or at least a vegetarian diet and the practice of ahimsa [non-violence in thought, word, and action] is an essential part of the lifestyle of the Kriya Yogi.

Ahimsa is a very prime principle in Kriya. You should not disturb things. Keep everything tidy and neat; have a conscious existence. Then, you practice Kriya. So, this conscious existence plus Kriya raises you to higher levels of awareness.

Consciousness Kriya accelerates the spiritual development of the practitioner, which is why Mohanji has named it “a rocket ship towards liberation.” It is a practice suited for those who are seriously interested in spiritual growth. For those serious about Consciousness Kriya,

 if you are eligible, training is available from Mohanji Foundation and assistance can be organised in local languages.

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