Experiencing Shiva - The Divine Dance!
Bill Leonard "Prabhu", USA, September 2024
My relationship with Shiva has been growing over recent years. I admit that when I first learned of Shiva, I was reluctant to delve into the meaning as I understand it today. In fact, the more I learned about Shiva it seemed my misunderstanding of the form of Shiva only took me further away. When I attempted to find a bond with Shiva, I found myself in aversion, as insecurity or fear would arise. This must have been due to a sense of self-reflection; it was as if Shiva knew everything about me! Honestly some parts of my character have been less than desirable. I did not accept these things about myself, thus how could Shiva accept me as I was?

In July I received a request to assist with the placement of a Shiva abode at the Mohanji Center of Benevolence in Virginia. The Linga, Padme, and Nandi arrived from India and were ready to be placed. I set the intention to do whatever was needed to perform work as seva – selfless service. Even if it was intended to be “selfless” service, I could not let go of the desire for Shiva in some way to recognize my work to come closer to him. I had no idea how much would come back to me! We placed many large stones found on the property with care. Only natural materials were selected to stay in alignment with the form of Shiva as nature. Many chanted mantras and or placed flowers, as well as items of devotion under the earth. I paused many times to contemplate while looking over the pastures mostly admiring the neighboring cows noticing their ability to merge with the surroundings. Natural geodes and crystals from Brazil were placed by devotees with great intention under Nandi. Others passionately assisted in making sure all was completed on time. All of us wanted the abode of Shiva to be perfect!
The Prana Pratishta was the experience of a lifetime! I reluctantly anticipated returning to my home to resume the life I was familiar with. In a surprising turn of events, my house having been on the rental market for many weeks rented to a nice family! This allowed me to continue toward my goal of finding work and teaching yoga in Europe. A last-minute decision was made to arrange my travel so that I could attend the Kriya Intensive Retreat with Mohanji in Bosnia on my way into Italy. I knew it was meant to be, and in some way, I felt I deserved to be with Mohanji again.

The Realization
With no idea of what to expect during the water meditation and kriya practice near Sarajevo, I simply sat as close as I could to a rapid moving stream. I was in a state of mind not often found during meditation, where I had no idea of time that had lapsed. I realized the wind was picking up, as light rain fell upon me. I could hear the wind blowing thru the trees as it intensified. At the same time the sun must have emerged from the clouds, as I felt the warmth against my body.

Suddenly, I became acutely aware of the earth beneath me, supporting my body while I felt equally “in the space that surrounds the earth” as the sound of the water flowing next to me became very clear. I could see the river with my eyes closed. For a moment I had no thoughts. It was only awareness of all 5 elements, Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Akasha at the same time! I do not feel I could produce this sensation with any effort. I sensed a subtle peacefulness, while at the same time I was acutely aware of many sensations at the same time! There came a realization that Shiva had allowed me a glimpse of what I had been seeking, and a moment later I smiled as all of that faded away…right back to where it came from.
Nature will always be the same in that park, (but) I will not ever be the same! A deep sense of gratitude to the many friends of the Mohanji Foundation that have supported my journey the last few years – Thanks to you all! Prabhu

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