What is Mai-Tri Method?
Mai-Tri Method is a profound method of deep cleansing and harmonizing in which deep-seated subconscious blockages are removed, even from the subtlest layer of our existence – the causal body – where seeds of karmic impressions are stored. While the cleansing reaches deep into the energy records, it is important to note that Mai-Tri Method does not interfere with the destiny aspect of karma (as this is what has been chosen at the soul level, be it pleasant or unpleasant to our mind).
Meaning Of The word ‘Mai-Tri’

Mohanji On Self - healing

Healing is a part of creation. Healing, revitalization and rejuvenation are aspects deeply connected to the very fabric of terrestrial existence. Healing happens automatically, as long as the mind does not prevent it. Spontaneous healing takes place when we allow nature to function without interruption. Healers are just intenders. They intend that healing takes place. The receiver allows it to happen.
We all are natural healers; every man, woman and child naturally possess the capacity to heal themselves. All birds, animals and reptiles heal themselves. Healing is a part of our constitution.


Payment/Energy Exchange
Just as a loving bee extracts the honey from the flower, so the Mai-Tri Method brings you the taste of that sweetest of Nectars. And to taste it is enough to remember – to remember what we are longing for deep within. Love is the path and destination. May we experience a lasting inner transformation through that Love.
How To Book A Mai-Tri Session
If you would like to book a Mai-Tri session or have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us