Guest of Honor
Lata Ganesh, Mohanji Acharya, August 26, 2024
I would like to share a recent experience at our MCB in Dugspur, Virginia. It is truly an enormous blessing from Mohanji for which I am deeply grateful.
I have had the fortune of participating in each of the homas (fire rituals) conducted by Mohanji during his visits to the US, starting with the first one in 2014, at a private home in the Plains, in Virginia. We have since conducted homas during each of Mohanji’s visits to the US. Of all these, the homas conducted by Mohanji at our MCB, are unparalleled in intensity and power. All those who participated in the Maha Homas (grand fire ceremonies) conducted by Mohanji in September 2023, April 2024 and July 2024 will attest to how powerful each of them was.
When Mohanji told me to start conducting homas regularly, I was a bit unsure of my capability. I soon realized that I do not need to worry about my capabilities. If Mohanji says something, He also takes care of it. I underwent the training and gradually began practicing the invocation of the sacred fire and started conducting homas at the MCB during my visits there. The type of homa that we offer at our MCBs are called the homa of the Raja Yoga path. These rituals are offered with an intention (sankalpa) for the wellbeing of all those associated with Mohanji and beyond. This includes beings of all species. These homa ceremonies are very special and intense as we invoke the frequencies of powerful deities, Ganesh, Dattatreya, Hanuman, the mother Goddess, Lord Shiva, the Masters of our Lineage, and our Guru Mohanji. As the mantras are chanted in invocation and invitation of these powerful energies, one can witness the change in the frequencies and movement in the fire. As Mohanji has said, fire is a medium through which we reach Supreme Consciousness, embodied by the deities and Masters.
I have had several experiences and confirmations of the presence of Mohanji and various energies during these sessions. This experience occurred as I conducted the homa this past weekend – on Saturday, August 24th and, Sunday the 25th.
I started the homa at the MCB at sunrise. It was beautiful and serene to start this sacred ceremony to sounds of hens clucking as the early sun rays woke them, the chirping of birds, and the mooing of cows from the nearby farm as they amble over to our MCB where we have large grounds to graze and water for them to drink. Taking permission from Mohanji, and with surrender and gratitude for being an instrument for conducting this auspicious ritual, I started with raising up the fire towards the sky in honor of the Sun, the Lord Surya, the giver of life, light, and luminance. As the invocations began and the homa fire took various dimensions, I started to chant the Mohanji mantra. The homa fire dramatically changed and began to intensify and rise higher. The vibrancy of the presence was palpable. The duration of each chant is determined through internal guidance. On Saturday, I went on to chant the Mohanji mantra for a long time before ending the homa with the invocation of the Mother Supreme and Lord Shiva.
As I was ending the homa, I had a deep urge telling me that this ritual is incomplete and that I should immediately go towards the Shivalinga and perform abishekam (pouring water gently over the Shivalinga). I completed the fire ritual and went on to start the water ritual. Normally we do abishekam for the Shivalinga to chants of Om Namah Shivaya. But my inner pull was to chant a very special and unique mantra called the Siddha Potri (in praise of the Siddhas). A few years ago, I was very drawn to these 108 names of the Siddhas and used to listen to them often. It had been a long time since I had uttered or listened to these beautiful chants. I really could not understand how and why this internal guidance to utter these chants on this day to offer abishekam to Lord Shiva arose. Fortunately, I had the chants stored on my phone and I started chanting them while gently pouring sanctified water on the Shivalinga. The effect was electrifying.
Mohanji has told us that this MCB is the purest of lands and several spiritual beings frequent this space. Calling out the names of these Siddhas, invoking the embodiments of Lord Shiva himself, was magnificent – the environment seemed boundless – breaking through time and space. It was a sublime experience.
I could not wait for the next day to conduct the homa and the abishekam. It now seemed complete. Water ritual following the fire ritual – deep cleansing and opening of the portals.
Sunday morning dawned beautifully as the sun’s rays hit the Blue Ridge Mountains, painting the sky in hues of orange. I was so excited, my heart filled with joy in anticipation of offering these rituals for the benefit and wellbeing of all beings of this beautiful planet. By the Grace of Mohanji, the Homa went so beautifully. Amidst the sounds of roosters and hens, the nearby cows and other birds and insects, the homa fire danced with intensity and joy. Mohanji graced the space with His presence and brought with Him, Ganesha, Devi, Datta, and Sainath. At the conclusion of the Homa, I took the pot of sanctified water towards the Shivalinga. I was so focused on the abishekam ritual that I did not pay much attention to the surroundings. As I started playing the audio of the chants, which starts with the chanting of the “Om” mantra three times, I heard three distinct moos of a cow nearby. I did not turn my head to look towards the fence where the sound was coming from.
Cows from the neighboring land come over to our MCB fence to accept fruits and other food, but lately, they have not been coming as frequently. I continued with the chanting and abishekam. Without turning to look, in the periphery I registered that Sai Prabha was taking some fruits to the cows who had come to the fence close to the Shivalinga. After I completed the recitation and abishekam, I turned my head, and saw our MCB cow, Kali, standing and staring at me, watching the entire ritual intently. She has been there the whole time watching the abishekam and listening to the chants. In fact, it was she who had mooed three times in accompaniment to the three chants of “Om”. It was unbelievable. I took the water from the Shivalinga and some grapes that were offered and walked towards Kali. She eagerly and lovingly accepted the offerings. Her eyes were so large and intense and unusual. It seemed to me that I was looking at Mohanji’s eyes. I was completely shaken, mentally and physically. I had to hold my feet firmly to the ground to balance myself. It was an emotional moment, filled with the deepest gratitude to dear Mohanji.
Sai Prabha later told me that Kali had come towards the MCB after many days. She was so excited to see her. Sai Prabha did not know about the ritual I was performing at the Shivalinga. She was surprised that Kali would not leave after taking the food as she usually does. Instead, she stood there in rapt attention, as though listening, and watching the ritual with great intensity.

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