What an amazing Heart To Heart Women’s Circle program at the new USA Mohanji Center of Benevolence in Dugspur, VA! On Saturday, February 17, eight very excited women met to participate in our very first session. We laughed, we cried, we danced, we read poetry, we held hands and gave warm hugs and kisses. It truly was a special moment to be sitting with such a diverse group of women of all ages, religions and cultures whose connection to one another was through our hearts, as we shared personal stories of the challenges we have faced growing up, as well as, those that naturally occur later on in life when we naturally expand the length and breath of our many roles as women.
In reflection of her wondrous memory of the first gathering of our Heart To Heart Women’s Circle, Sai Prabha sent the beautiful quotation above and, with a poet’s vision, was moved to write, “ Here we were, in the rolling hills at the feet of the Blue Ridge Appalachian Mountains, at the breathtaking Mohanji Center of Benevolence, following in the footsteps of centuries of women who have gathered together in circles to celebrate life and womanhood. It’s so true that when women gather in such an authentic and loving way, the natural happening creates and holds a strong container for each other.”
Runa expressed her own feelings most eloquently, “ It struck me deeply that regardless of life’s trials, we had traversed them with an innate elegance, compassion, and a willingness to be available for others—never retreating from life’s challenges. So many perspectives surfaced during this special time together. Savi had a realization that women have the unique ability to support and strengthen each other…”We have persevered so much through our experiences in life, both good and bad, but having each other to lean on is what builds strength!
There were also tears of joy as we shared our deep appreciation for people who also have influenced us most in life who, embodying the highest of human values, became role models of how to overcome adversity. Lata remarked that, “The determination to live our lives with courage and confidence, despite our varied circumstances, revealed the power of the supreme feminine energy in all of us.
No doubt, the beautiful background music and sitting together in a cozy circle provided the safe and assuring atmosphere we needed to trust one another with long held emotions that, once freed, connected us to a higher understanding of what makes us the unique souls that we are today. Truly listening to one another was a freeing experience as articulated by Kalaka, who felt that the process of sharing heart to heart was transformative, “ Before I opened my heart, I felt very heavy. During the program, when I told my story, there was lightness in my body; everything that was stored for a long, long time came out. What a healing and blessing! Sonal, who felt the same way, was overwhelmed with gratitude for having a chance to share from the heart with fellow caring and compassionate women, “ I am so grateful to each one of you for giving me the opportunity to open up my heart and share with you the things which were bothering me for a very long time.” To be able to share freely was important to Sai, “Those impeccable womanly instincts were honored without the presence of anyone domineering or taking control or making their own suggestions or remedies. Just the silence, just the power of love and the container held the energy and presence of all the women in this sacred circle.”
“Something happens in the company of women. Souls open like the sun rising between blue mountains.”
Rebecca Rajasser
Andra, in turn, shared her thoughts of what she considered one of the most important benefits of the H2H Women’s Circle ~ transformation, “Who knew the transformative experience we would have, except for the Masters over eons of time, knowing that in listening to one another, we would gain an understanding that our past challenges are the very foundation of the glorious wisdom we, as women, now have with which to inspire others to also feel confident in who they are; confident enough to stand up for what they believe in, and determined enough to let go of situations and people who are no longer needed in our life’s experience.” An ”Aha” moment occurred for Jaya when she realized that in sharing, she was able to accept her experience and let go. “During the process of sharing my story, acceptance of the experience happened without any resistance, spontaneously. That made me realize everything is transitory and changing in life, but somewhere we are just holding on to something not at all needed.”
Runa summed up what all of us felt at the end of this magical session, “ One particularly impactful moment from the session occurred when, in unison, we rose to our feet, clasped hands, and shared our aspirations and hope for all women. The words Freedom, Love, Fire, Joy, Peace, Thoughtfulness, and Togetherness echoed through the room.”
Women have so much to give to the world and will, when they have a chance to see that they are perfectly designed to release the fragrance of their own inner attainment for the guidance and benefit of others and, in so doing, bless the world.
So grateful to all the sisters who grace our lives with their presence and open their minds and hearts to help one another in times of joy and sorrow. This journey of life then becomes a source of inspiration to us personally and is truly meant to “Pass forward”. So we invite women to come together ~ for the good of all. Whenever given the opportunity to join a H2H Women’s Circle, please consider taking a few moments in time to be with your fellow sisters on this “journey of life” and share ~ Heart To Heart. The freedom you will experience is nothing short of life-changing and will be nutritious for your soul.
individual testimonials
Yesterday, we proved the true meaning of H2H and sisterhood! As a woman, it felt amazing to share my stories with so many like me. We have persevered so much through our experiences in life, both good and bad but having each other to lean on is what builds strength! I felt so comfortable and open with everyone and I am so grateful that you guys were able to feel that way too! To many more!
What an amazing Heart To Heart Women’s Circle program at the new USA Mohanji Center of Benevolence in Dugspur, VA! On Saturday, February 17, eight very excited women met to participate in our very first session. We laughed, we cried, we danced, we read poetry, we held hands and gave warm hugs and kisses. It truly was a special moment to be sitting with such a diverse group of women of all ages, religions and cultures whose connection to one another was through our hearts as we shared personal stories of the challenges we have faced growing up and those that naturally occur later in life as we expand the length and breath of our many roles as women.
There were also tears of joy as we shared our deep appreciation for people who also have influenced us most in life who, embodying the highest of human values, became role models of how to overcome adversity.
No doubt, the beautiful background music and sitting together in a cozy circle provided the safe and assuring atmosphere we needed to trust one another with long held emotions that, once freed, connected us to a higher understanding of what makes us the unique souls that we are today.
Listening to one another, we gained an understanding that our past challenges are the very foundation of the glorious wisdom we now have with which to inspire others to feel confident in who they are and to see that they are perfectly designed to release the fragrance of their inner attainment for the guidance and benefit of others; and in so doing….bless the world. So grateful to all of my sisters for sharing ~ Heart To Heart.
I have known most of you all very well for the past several years, so I thought! But when we sat together for the H2H session last weekend, I realized there was much, much more to all of us. We connected deeply as we opened our hearts, sharing our life stories, our joys, sorrow, silliness, and all. The determination to live our lives with courage and confidence, despite our varied circumstances, revealed the power of the supreme feminine energy in all of us. We hope to spread this session to many more women in our communities and light up the world around us with love, friendship, and sisterhood.
“Something happens in the company of women. Souls open like the sun, rising between blue mountains.” Rebecca Rajasser.
Here we were, in the rolling hills at the feet of the Blue Ridge Appalachian Mountains, at the breathtaking Mohanji Centre of Benevolence, following in the footste[ps of centuries of women who have gathered together in circles to celebrate life and womanhood. It’s so true that when women gather in such an authentic and loving way, the natural happening creates and holds a strong container for each other, to be and to have a safe space to share, support and express with one another and to give birth to the new.
Such was my experience at this first gathering of “Heart to Heart”, a women’s circle by and for women. I had no idea what to expect, and so therefore I didn’t. And because of this, I was greatly surprised with what was revealed to me, for me and as me during the process. It was a great experience. We came together, we danced, we laughed, we shared, we cried, we listened, and more importantly, we held the energy for each other. Not to take responsibility for someone else’s joy or sorrow, but just to be there in the reciprocity of sharing. We heard the difficulties or challenges that we’ve had in our lives, the positive experiences, and the learnings. Those impeccable womanly instincts were honored without the presence of anyone domineering or taking control or making their own suggestions or remedies. Just the silence, just the power of love and the container held the energy and presence of all the women in this sacred circle.
Personally, I felt deep gratitude for all who were there that shared so open and lovingly, honest and compassionately, that I felt renewed. I was somewhat reluctant to share in the beginning as I was feeling that there was nothing. But through listening, slowly something began to arise from deep within. As I spoke, I was able to experience myself as a witness. An old story emerged which had been swept under the carpet, feelings avoided, ignored or pretended away. This surprised me greatly as I expressed these lost feelings, I began to feel more free in light of this expression. Because of this I was able to seriously look at, contemplate and begin the understanding of a major life pattern. This was only a few days later after the gathering in which I discovered I brought back this treasure and new beginnings centered deeply around Self Respect.
So, Thank you again to All the Ladies who were present.. Such a gift, and truly a valuable experience for me. I so loved, enjoyed and deeply respected sharing and meeting one another eye to eye and heart to heart.
As I sat through the Heart to Heart session, listening to the stories shared by the women, I gained insight into the unique dimensions of each individual present. It struck me deeply that regardless of life’s trials, we had traversed them with an innate elegance, compassion, and a willingness to be available for others—never retreating from life’s challenges. This was powerful, serving as a poignant reminder to me as I continue on my personal journey.
One particularly impactful moment from the session occurred when, in unison, we rose to our feet, clasped hands, and shared our aspirations and hope for all women. The words Freedom, Love, Fire, Joy, Peace, Thoughtfulness, Togetherness echoed through our group. I am grateful to each of you who were present there that thought me worthy to be a part of your story and sharing.
Dear lovely ladies,it was such a wonderful experience we all had on our first H2H. I am so grateful to each one of you for giving me the opportunity to open up my heart and share with you the things which were bothering me since very long time. I really felt very light after talking to you all. I am also very grateful for the guidance and the support which all of you gave me. I could really feel the presence of Mohanji throughout the session. I really felt blessed to be able to attend the session.Thank you.
It was wonderful meeting you all. I felt lighter and positive after the Heart to Heart program.
The Heart, when touched, we feel we reside there as soul. That’s the truth and Heart to Heart conversation with each one of you ladies felt as though there was a oneness or togetherness feeling.
We all have a story to say with different life experiences. While sharing those experiences made me feel one another. Each one of our experiences helped me learn with love and wisdom. Deeply felt that I am not alone but there is somebody there to listen and feel my deepest life experience stored somewhere, which I was not able to express easily. Love essence of beingness felt like a family with lovely ladies around me, where no one is judged or opinionated about each other nor any suggestions. During the process of sharing my story acceptance of the experience happened without any resistance spontaneously. That made me realize everything is transitory and changing in life but somewhere we are just holding to something not at all needed.
Before I opened my heart I felt very heavy. During the program, when I told my story there was lightness in my body. What a healing and blessing? Opening my heart out telling stories of sorrow and happiness, everything that was stored for a long long time came out. I am blessed to have attended the Heart to Heart program.
Contact us
If you are interested in creating a Heart To Heart Women’s Circle in your city, please contact:
Savi Ashtamoorthy: savikurur@gmail.com
Andra Baylus: interfaithandra@gmail.com