The Golden Gate
Sreyashi Chakraborty, California, August 28, 2024
From 17th August 2024, I have been doing the Shirdi Sai Miracle meditation everyday as I was advised to do by a Mai-tri practitioner. I mostly did meditation in the late evening. With my intellect I felt this was “enough” for a daily sadhana but a telepathic voice inside my head kept pushing me to do sadhana early in the morning.
I was ignoring this telepathic voice so far until yesterday when I was doing the meditation, I again felt the nudge. I told this telepathic voice “I stay alone. So, 10pm and 4am are the same thing for me. I feel nothing special at 4am.” Then I was shown a golden gate in my third eye that was opening and the same telepathic voice said, “You are eligible to enter now.” Now, completely convinced that this is my very fertile imagination, I laughed in the meditation and said to myself, “I am not entering any gate on my own.” And then I immediately saw Mohanji smiling and holding my hand.
At that precise moment I heard “rub your palms……” means the meditation had ended. I didn’t think much about any of this, answered a few texts, and went to bed. At 4am in the morning I woke up, used the restroom, and while coming back to the bed, I spontaneously felt my focus going deep deep within through my third eye, and a molten fluid like thing was the new “I” and it was expanding. The moment I thought “what in the world is this!” the experience was gone. Now really curious, I sat in a meditative pose and within what felt like a few seconds of the same jelly-like movement and then expanding so much where I felt no body weight and beyond the walls of my room. After a few mins, the thought came “I want to be like this forever” and again that state was gone. When I checked my phone, I realized I was sitting like that for 45 mins whereas I was thinking it must have been less than 5 mins! Now I can’t wait to meditate at 4am again!
Thank you Mohanji for this experience!
Jai Mohanji!

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