Exclusive interview with Devi Mohan
Newsletter Team USA
April 14, 2024
“What I feel is different about this MCB, is the spaciousness and beauty of nature.”
Interviewer: Thank you for coming to USA and the MCB (Mohanji Center of Benevolence) USA here, and first, welcome. We wanted to ask how you feel about this place and what has been your initial thoughts and feelings?
Devi Mohan: Well, what I feel is different about this MCB, because I’ve experienced a couple of them so far, is the spaciousness and beauty of nature. It’s kind of neat, clean, spacious, and really gives you that feeling of expansion. I feel it’s really precious. We’ve all seen during COVID, how many people’s eyes opened up to that importance of being in touch with nature, and I feel this place has amazing potential, and energy is very pure. That’s what matters the most, it’s a sacred ground in which we can build something really special for generations to come.
Interviewer: What kind of activities, from your perspective, do you see happening here, that would benefit the Mohanji community in USA, as well as the local community in this case?
Devi Mohan: On this path, we really want to help people get into stability and alignment so that you can have a solid base from which you go deep within and work on your issues, on your patterns on your blockages. I see it as a perfect place for one to get aligned energetically,
spiritually, and then go very deep. There’s a huge potential for powerful silence retreats as well as light joyous programs. We did our very first Devi Circle for women, and it was just amazing. Space is very important, and I know since I have been conducting programs for many years now.
And it’s not the same where it is conducted. Sometimes, let’s say, I’m in a basement somewhere, even though it’s beautifully decorated with painted walls, energetically the location doesn’t suit me, and then I don’t get that desired effect. But here, yesterday, we just did some shorter version of dancing, and we shared – it was very, very powerful! By default, everyone was crying, laughing, you know, going deep, realizing things. So you really connect with yourself well, and that was my very first program here. It was a historic moment yesterday, the very first program and it was for women. There you go. And the hall is beautiful – I really love it. Now, Prana Pratistha will be done and then, it will be even more powerful. I can really see how it will go to higher levels.
It’s going to be amazing, and I am really happy that we can create something of such great value for people. Because this is the time globally when energies are shifting.
We are approaching the Photon Belt, we are approaching a higher frequency energy. And people who are too heavy – they can’t handle the
energy. It’s like, you’re in a cave for a long time. And then, as you suddenly come into the sun, it burns your eyes. Similarly like this, everybody has to start adjusting to lighter energy and, shift from fear and greed to a frequency of unconditional love. This is the trajectory for all of us on this planet and not many people are aware of it. Therefore this kind of work at this specific time is literally precious, and it is supported from above, from higher realms of consciousness. It is definitely supported. And all people who feel connected with the Center, who want to volunteer, will definitely see a change and transformation in their life. Because the moment you do something for higher good, you realize how your life transforms. as
“Women traditionally never needed psychiatrists.”

Interviewer: A lot of your programs, especially the program yesterday was focused on femininity. What’s the significance of the feminine? Why not all genders?
Devi Mohan: I wouldn’t say that most of my programs are focused on the feminine. For example Conscious Dancing is for everyone. This is the only program I do for women. It’s called Devi Circle or circle for women. And it is important because after more than 7000 years of patriarchy, we are now entering the point in time where the sacred feminine principle comes back into the picture. For example, in ancient Vedic India days, we saw just how valued the feminine was. It was always Sita Ram, Radhe Krishna, right? The woman was always put first, but what do we see? Even in India today, a female child is born and some parents are disappointed, right? Mothers see their daughters as just a commodity to be married and get some money. Really horrible things have been going on for women.
And then, you know, we had the feminist movement, but what we saw as a result, is kind of masculinized women, who are finding the way to the corporate world, but then lose their own femininity. So what is the real contribution of the woman? What is the authentic expression of a woman? And how women are to come back into the sisterhood instead of competing with one another?
Interviewer: Or with men?
Devi Mohan: Exactly. It all depends how masculine they are. We don’t need to elbow our way through anything. Our power is in the womb space. The whole women’s circle is about connecting to the womb space. Regaining your feminine vulnerability, understanding that our power is in creating beautiful spaces, holding energetically, holding space, being process oriented, feeling, expressing that beauty. Also, the feminine curves are to be worshipped as a goddess in a female body, not sexually objectified, as was done by the porn industry. Therefore we need to reintroduce the sacred sexuality dimension, sacred feminine and sacred masculine. That’s the whole point.
But you know, women traditionally never needed psychiatrists. They were there for one another. Women have a higher need to talk, dig deep, discuss and contemplate, than men. Men are more action and goal oriented, and we are more depth and process oriented. We are supposed to be there for one another, in that process of digging deep, on bringing out your stuff, on healing, on advising one another, supporting one another. Therefore circles are the way forward.
And this is something I’m very passionate about. I’m also a member of the International Devi Circle. I do some programs online and live as well. And this is part of my honest, authentic expression that Mohanji very much supports. That’s why I love him so much. Because aside from doing Mohanji programs, I also have my own expression that kind of yearns to come forward. And I know it’s important, especially in today’s world, where after so many millennia, women are now entering the energy and this is a huge historic moment for women. We have to be there for one another.

“Shirdi Baba was the first master who brought people from all religions together.”
Interviewer: This question is related to the MCB. We have the presence of Shirdi Sai Baba in all our MCBs. So what’s the significance of Shirdi Sai Baba? Why not Satya Sai Baba, or Mahavatar Babaji?
Devi Mohan: Oh, Shirdi Sai Baba, simply because he was the first master who brought people from all religions together, and he WOULD NOT allow anyone to frame him. That’s why he was confusing people. Sometimes he’s celebrating a Hindu holiday, sometimes he is saying Allah Malik, and then, people from different religions are coming. And, he lived that selflessness like a true Raja yogi who really needed nothing from the outside world. And whatever was collected that day from alms and from donations was shared with others. He (Shirdi Sai) was the first and I love Satya Sai as well. I feel both Mohanji and I have actually a past life connection with Shirdi Sai. So that immediate connection that comes forward is him.
But for me, it was Satya Sai who brought me to Mohanji. For me, I had a direct confirmation that Satya Sai and Shirdi Sai are One. I totally believe that. And I testify to that through my own life. But when it comes to like having spontaneous, you know, connection, always the first one is Shirdi Sai. It’s interesting, I don’t know, but simply, spontaneously, that’s what happens. And I feel that he’s a perfect example of an Avadhoota, a great Raja Yogi, great Master and Avatar, who appeals to everyone, and really cuts across all barriers. He’s like an archetype. And his presence is so powerful, and we have connected with him so deeply. I feel that whoever is on the spiritual path, easily connects with Shirdi Sai.
We recently met one master who was a strict Hindu and was not respectful towards Shirdi Sai. That was a shock for me. I didn’t realize there were such people as well among Indians. Therefore we really do not impose. When you come to an MCB, you don’t have to attend the Aarti, you don’t have to worship any Master that we worship and bow down to. This is not imposed on anybody. I feel this is important to point out. I feel that no matter which religion you belong to, you have to be respectful of the saints. Please understand that regardless of the religion a Master comes from, at the point when the soul leaves the body, if it comes out through the crown, and that Master merges with the Consciousness, he remains available. In my religion, Serbian Orthodox Church, we do have a couple of such saints who have exited in that way and merged with Consciousness and are still available, and their monasteries, where their relics remain, are super powerful places. I was happy to take Mohanji to some of these monasteries. And I feel that visiting Samadhis of saints, and connecting with saints from all religions is heritage, that belongs to the entire humanity. I feel at the point in time, as the consciousness rises on our planet, that we do start to recognize that essence, and not look at the very frame of the religion itself.

“Babaji created the thirst for having a guru”
Interviewer: And I did read your book, it’s really an amazing book. So tell me something about Mahavatar Babaji because you feel a deep connection with him. You have put your experiences in the book, of course, anything else you want to share about him?
Devi Mohan: He completely changed me, he changed my software for good. That astral encounter, and the way it happened, what I experienced there, was so overwhelmingly powerful, that I couldn’t be the same anymore. It came at the right time when I could have gone into the path of career and, building your reputation, money, salary. So he just kind of appeared, created the thirst for having a guru. He brought me to the book, Autobiography of a Yogi. But, then I realized who he was, because he kept me first thirsting to understand who he was, after the astral encounter. And he conveyed the key messages. One more time he came, entered Mohanji’s body and then reconfirmed the whole thing about the golden path, royal path and what it truly means. And after that, I knew and I felt he handed me over to Mohanji. And that was that moment, because until then, he was number one for me. He was everything for me. When you see the eyes of a master, who literally gives you Shaktipat through the eyes and expands you beyond anything you have ever imagined to experience, you just can’t be the same anymore. There’s a huge change. But I also understood the importance of a living Master. That’s what he conveyed to me through Yoganandaji. And then the next thing that happened is that he entered Mohanji’s body and spoke to me through him. And then he gave Mohanji the Kriya in a subsequent encounter a few years later.
When he gave the Kriya that was a clear sign for me that, you know, everything was given, like birth is given. He had given me the chance for the solution during the astral encounter but I was not ready then. So I understand that this is not my path. And now I am preparing myself to actually be able to withstand that powerful energy. Because Mohanji explained that beautifully – you first have to become a solid unit, like a full circle, before you expand like a balloon, right into dissolution. So, I experienced that, once the expansion starts, and there’s a part of you, that’s not ready, then you become nervous, you can have a breakdown. Same if Kundalini rises too fast, and there are too many blockages, you can just lose it, you’ll become a mental case. So we have our own pace. And this path provides stability, and very safe way to progress. And, through that consistency, of connection, it’s like building a muscle in the gym, you keep building. The focus is always on the central axis. Most of our processes, always center around the Sushumna Nadi. Our charitable work is also cleansing the path for Kundalini through Sushumna Nadi, through the central axis.
It’s all about that, and surrendering yourself. And, you actually feel that progress, you feel how you can’t be tilted, like a strong pillar within you. The problems of life will come along with their karmic lessons, within the family within work, or your surroundings, or your health, or global situations, wars, whatever happens. I know we are going through a turbulence of various sorts, but I’m really not afraid even if another war happens, or another calamity, humanitarian crisis, I know what I will be doing. I will be serving and I’ll be offering myself to be of help in any possible way. And to my last breath, this is what I intend to do. So it’s a beautiful feeling. When you get in your course, you set yourself on a trajectory. But at the same time, you don’t get comfortable. This is the thing, you’ll probably notice that I never get praised by Mohanji much. At least I have not heard it. I don’t get comfortable, like, ok, now you achieved something, and I can just sit and relax. There’s no such thing. Because it’s very easy to get into the dullness. You just get dulled. We see this with kids of rich parents. It’s a perfect example. The kids just inherit this money, and they just become dull. And then they shift towards drugs and similar because they’re so unhappy. And Tamas takes over. It’s very, very sad. But somebody who is loved and nurtured, gets just enough support from the parents who tell them, I believe in you, I trust you, go for it, I got your back, then the child really flourishes. This is all we need to do in terms of children, I know I shifted to a different topic.
But on the spiritual path also, you should never feel that you are super satisfied with your achievement. And now you can sit back and relax. Because it’s an illusion. You’re here to give your maximum every day, because it’s an illusion, and we don’t know how long we’re going to live, and maintaining that balance between your spiritual practice and between your seva and dharmic duties and within one day, and your body and your health and so one needs to balance, balance. Balance, that’s the key word. I also don’t like to see when people just completely neglect their body and don’t eat properly, don’t eat healthy, don’t exercise, don’t meditate. Then, you know, that’s not right. Nobody said that you should not appreciate the vehicle of your soul. So we have to find that balance between nurturing ourselves and being of service, being selfless and continuously learning growing and expanding our horizons.

“I don’t see any other energy work method, any other therapeutic method that has that kind of depth and at the same time, respects the non interference into karmic agenda.”
Interviewer: I had a question about children. How does it feel for Mila to grow up in this environment? And are you thinking of any programs or processes geared towards children?
Devi Mohan: Well, as a mother, I have made this decision that I would not push Mila to do what we do or to do what I do, like, I never forced her to do yoga. I never forced her to chant. I really feel that children should be inspired by their parents rather than pushed. So she did have a bit of a tough phase when we started, when we left the corporate world, and she was too young for all these travels. It’s a very hectic schedule one program after another, and she would wake up and she wouldn’t know where she is. And she started biting her nails. I realized that she was only three and a half years old. And then I decided to move to Serbia. Mohanji and I agreed, that this is the best thing. My mom was a great help. Nobody can help you like your family. And the grandparents get fulfilment by seeing her as she’s the only grandchild. And they just love her to pieces. She finished her kindergarten there, and then for primary school, we went to Slovenia, and now we are back in Serbia. Overall, I feel if she’s not over travelled, she’s fine. But at the same time, she knows she’s not the usual child. And she’s already been to like, pretty much all continents of the world. She’s travelled a lot with us. She speaks three languages every day, you know.
In essence, she lives a bit of a different life. And for her to find her niche, her expression, she’s still looking. I can see that she’s still looking for it. Mohanji just the other day spoke to her really beautifully. And he told her, you don’t have to decide right now what you want to be in life, who you want to be. Just live in the present, go one day at a time, but just listen to your heart. See what really inspires you. I do feel Mila connects with the values that we live in this path. When she was really small, once she told me about her past lives. She told me many things and then she said, my mission starts at the age of 16. I remember that clearly. We do plan a date, when she will be 16 in 2026, to go to Kailash. I feel, it’s my intuition, that once she goes to Kailash, something will shift in her. Until then I also allow her to be a child, to play, and she really loves to have friends.
Interviewer: I know you have been giving Mai-Tri and Mohanji Transformation Method (MTM) for quite some time. Any outwardly bizarre experience that can be shared if possible?
Devi Mohan: Yeah, there are just many many stories from both Mai-Tri and MTM. It’s a great way to, to reach deeper insights about karma and how it manifests and how it works and how we are all interconnected. Well, I can give an example. There was a lady who came for Mai-Tri and she was just going through a bit of a tough phase in life and was not happy. When I did the session for her, sometimes the higher self of the person just shows, like a brief image or vision or feeling of their higher potential. I see the blockages, I see the higher potential and then I share that with them. It really means a lot to them.
In her case, I saw a really high blockage in the throat chakra, and I saw great artistic potential. But she’s an accountant, nothing to do with it. I told her, there is just one thing I want to share, that you blocked your artistic expression for some reason. But if this is your forte, like I see you really shining in that area. I don’t know why this happened. And then she started crying. And she said that when she was in her kind of late teens, she used to like, play really loud music and just kind of splash colors on a big canvas. And she really enjoyed this kind of innovative artistic approach. But then the final results would be something really well. And then her parents were like, you are not responsible. She had a very strict father. And he’s like, this is not the life, rather, you need to earn money, you need to be responsible. And he just completely ruined it, that side of her. And she kind of saw the art as something irresponsible, stupid, irrelevant. He put that into her brain, programmed her. And then she stopped it. And when I said this, she was like, shocked that this came up, you know, in the session. And then she started crying even further. And I was waiting for her to gather herself. She had an emotional outburst. And she said, actually, the main reason why I came for the session is because I just don’t get along with my daughter. And she also has this rebellious phase and all that. But she totally forgot that she was the same. And her daughter is also artistic. And the mother is repeating the program of the Father that you have to study to be responsible. This is not the way forward. And that’s why the relationship just broke. The daughter just hates her. So what she did, after the Mai-Tri session, she went and bought this big canvas. She switched on the music, invited her daughter in a room, and they all both did what she used to do when she was young, like play the music, turnaround, splash, play, paint – they made a painting together and bonded. Their life completely changed. So it was like, it (the Mai-Tri) went further than the one person. And it was really amazing. And she’s like, super happy about it. So everything got resolved. And she just reignited her passion. And, yes, it doesn’t mean that she’s irresponsible. Not at all. She’s just being herself.
That’s just one example of how in one session, people’s lives can change. And I just love Mai-Tri, I love the depth it goes into and only Masters have access to the Karana Sharira, the causal layer, the most subtle layer of the aura. And here we are entering the depths because of the connection with Mohanji’s consciousness. I don’t see any other energy work method, any other therapeutic method that has that kind of depth and at the same time, respects the non interference into karmic agenda, like the destiny aspect. Once these two things were given to us, I knew right away that this is what I’ve been waiting for, because I always felt a head energy in my palms, but I never dared to just improvise and, blindly do it, because it can be a really big trap.
Interviewer: I think we had a beautiful discussion. Thank you so much.
Devi Mohan: Thank you.