Exclusive interview with Mohanji
Newsletter Team USA
September 26, 2023
“So here what you actually feel is stability“
Interviewer: Mohanji, thank you, thank you for coming to the Center and starting the process here. How are you feeling, how are you doing?
Mohanji: Very good, energy is good.
Interviewer: How is your personal health?
Mohanji: It’s only the Gout tissue, which makes me difficult to walk. But this is all seasonal stuff. When I touch itself it’s hurting. So, walking is difficult, but spirit is not less.
Interviewer: That we all know 🙂
Mohanji: One word I can explain about Center when I enter itself, I think many people felt it, is stability, you feel very stable. So, when people come here and they do program, even if they just sit here in this place, they will be very stable. What we don’t get in the outside world is stability. Because
it’s so restless, the energies are so restless, moving restless energy, it doesn’t give you stability. So here what you actually feel is stability.
Interviewer: I had a couple of questions and I started with the Center of course. How do you see the role of the Center of Benevolence (MCB) in the US in particular? And what kind of activities do you envision here?
Mohanji: As I said before, the fundamentals for every society are stable people. If there are stable people, society is stable, society means collection of people. So, if there are stable people, society is stable, and when society is stable, that means all the decisions are mature, not emotional. Not like you’re taking a decision just on the spur of the moment. Not that kind of thing, it will be very balanced, and those decisions will be beneficial. A good decision will be beneficial for all, not only for the decision maker, then everybody is happy.
You know, like I explained yesterday, when you serve, the other person should not feel they are less. So, we have to have that kind of fabric in a society where everybody is equal, everybody feels good, everybody’s protected, nurtured, loved, supported. So, the Center for us will behave like a source for it. You know, when people come here, and they are stable, and they go out, they bring stability to the world, to America. So, this is what I would like to put the intention.
The intent I put for the Center is that from here, people go out stable means they are not hungry, greedy for power, and they will go. If they get power, they will use that power with kindness, not power to conquer, capture, torture, instead when you have power, you should use that power with an attitude of humility and kindness, so that the world will be better, they will also be richer inside. So, this place will give that kind of strength to people. I don’t doubt it. I have no doubt.

Interviewer: So, do you see people coming here staying for a week or a day?
Mohanji: Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m looking at. I mean, people should stay here, the more and more people stay here, they will start experiencing differences. What is outside world and what is this world, this will be a universe of by itself. Our Center will be a universe by itself, it will have multiple, multiple faculties and facilities to enhance our lives. All my Centers are programmed like that. So, this is to enhance and stabilize you so that whatever the situations may be outside of you, but internally, you’re very stable. You’re very peaceful. You’re very loving, very kind.
And externally, we can’t control, we can’t control the world outside. But we are not influenced by the world outside so much that we become unstable. So, a person who stays here, lives here for some time. That’s why I’m creating this space like a person has one day they can spend one day, they have one week to spare, they can spend one week and there’ll be programs and there’ll be activities to deepen their stability factor. So, they can stay here as long as they like, one day, two day, three day, one week, one month, no problem and also we will create silent zones where they don’t have to interact with anybody. They don’t have to have eye contact even. They look within and they stay, and we will provide food there itself and there’ll be toilet and bath facilities in the neighborhood and there’ll be pods for them to meditate and take rest and so a few days of silence will give them a lot of strength.
We are the world of noises, and we become part of that noise, become one of the noises and we become lost in it. But here, when you go into deeper and deeper layers of silence, we have methods for it, and that will bring them back to the world of noises as silence, which is very powerful. Because when you’re unbound or un-hindered by noises, you’re super strong. We know that no noise affects you whether it is good, bad, or ugly. If it doesn’t affect you, then you’re super powerful, super strong. So those kinds of things and plus our activities like walking meditation, Kriya, we’ll roll out everything here. The Maitri method will be there, which will help people to speed up the healing process.
There’ll be processes, meditation retreat, 24/7 365-day retreats, means people can check in anytime they can go through the process, or they can sleep here, and they can participate the next day. Everything will be comfortable, and the food will be vegan as you see the board outside, this is a vegan sanctuary. So, no animal products will be entertained here. Even if people bring animal products, we’ll give it back to them. Clothes, food, everything will be cruelty free.
Interviewer: So, the silence you mentioned, will be like an extension of the Empowered five?
Mohanji: Empowered five series will be rolled out plus deeper silence where you can isolate yourself and experience the silence. We will guide them, we will supervise, and will do that. And once they start digging deeper into their silence, then that will be reflected as their own stability. More than other people they will know that they are unaffected. Unaffected doesn’t mean they’re indifferent, they will be involving, but at the same time involving and coming out like water on the lotus leaf. The water cannot drench them, sound cannot drench them, society and emotion cannot drench them, drown them, that makes them stable.

Interviewer: Do you envision additional Centers around the country as well?
Mohanji: I don’t know about around the country, but I’m seeing expansion here. I think this place will expand further. I don’t think there should be many Centers, that may not probably help the point. But I think this Center will expand much more. More people will come, more demand will come, more expansion will come, spontaneously organically not that we plan it. So, I see natural progression. Maybe there would be other Centers, but then that’s not in our vision right now. America has this Center, that’s quite sufficient and this can expand to accommodate larger number of people. And one more thing is that people should come here for this place. Not like okay, I have nothing else to do. Not that I will spend some time here, that will not work because that will be very superficial. So, they should come here and for here. So, they will be involved in the activity, they will feel deeper, more realistic.
Interviewer: So, will you be having people here throughout the year?
Mohanji: Somebody will be staying here. There’ll be an administration team and there’ll be people who will be facility providers, facility maintainers and stuff. Eventually not immediately but as we go further. Probably I’ll be back here in April next year. I think before that so many things would have happened.
Interviewer: So the next question is regarding physical versus virtual presence of a master. So, we see more people coming here when you are physically present versus when you’re not present. How do we attract the same number of people?
Mohanji: We don’t have to attract; the energy will attract. See, energy is unmistakable. Anybody who’s got a reasonable feel of energy, they will know that this place is good. So, I physically coming of course brings people, but my metaphysical presence will always be here. They will feel it and they will know it. When they come here, they will know there is a Mohanji factor working here. It’s happening the same in Australia, in Canada, in South Africa. People feel me when they come, there is a touch of Mohanji here, this energy and they connect. But the thing is when they think, they remember, and when they connect, that activates in them further.
Interviewer: Do you anticipate also having animals?
Mohanji: We have no segregation between any life forms. So, beyond species, our love is beyond species, we respect every life. We don’t harm anybody, hurt anybody, kill anybody, any being anything, every being is respected. So, this place will have many more beings. I don’t know when it will all happen because it has to evolve, and we need to have the capacity to take care of them. Because inviting them here, without taking care of them is injustice. So, when we invite them, we should also take care of them. So that capacity when we have, we will have animals, birds. Even here we have food kept for birds, if they are hungry, they can come and eat. So, we provide for them even now, but in an organized way we can have them later.
“Our love is beyond species, we respect every life”
Interviewer: So, one question I had is that there’s some ownership towards the Guru that we see. What’s the root of that?
Mohanji: It’s habitual, but it’s illusional, nobody can own anybody, especially a Guru. Guru is a principle, you can hold on to the principle, but not the person, person is only a representation of the principle. So, if you hold on to a person, that simply means that you don’t understand Guru Tattva, Guru principle. But the principle called Guru also sits in you. So, this Guru activates that Guru, the external master activates that master in you, and you also start glowing the light of the Guru, or Guru ship. So, Guru is not a person, it’s a principle. And when you’re connected to a person and holding on to one person, that’s an illusion, a huge expression of insecurity. But initially, it’s okay. Because you need to focus on somebody or something strong enough, like Hanumanji focused on Ram long enough, where he became one with Him. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, focused on Krishna long enough, where Chaitanya Mahaprabhu merged with Krishna. So, this is all truth. But that connection is not with ownership.
That connection is with awareness. We are connecting to something knowing fully well, this is walking consciousness, and established in consciousness. So, when you connect to something with a full awareness that this is consciousness walking, and if I focus myself, park my mind there, I will also become that, this is the right method of connection. Because you have big time clarity, otherwise, you’re looking at a man and thinking, this is a man I like and I spend time with him, hold on to him when he dies, what would you do, then you’re in the inner sphere of illusion. So, I always guide people to the principle, I represent a principle, if that suits you stay with me. If that doesn’t suit you go away, I have no problem. But if you’re staying with me, it is not for the physical form, because one will die will go away.
But it should be for the sake of connection to the consciousness because this is also a gateway. There are many gateways to heaven, heaven means consciousness. This MCB is also one portal, one gateway, more than gateway. So, this place and the person who’s behind this space will definitely provide, open the doors to all they will get the door open. So, people can come in, and they can experience, and they can evolve. But ownership is the highest illusion human beings keep in this life, we own nothing. Even this land here. Before us, there were people owning it. Many people lived here, owned here, walked here. And after our life, there’ll be many people coming, may be experiencing the things which we are starting now. Next generation and the coming generation and the coming generation, we don’t know who’s going to come, who will be living here. Who will be running here, we don’t know, but the trends we set that will survive time, people won’t survive time people will go.

Interviewer: So, another variation of the physical presence question we had was, we have heard you say that the physical presence of a Guru burns your karma in the causal layer. Does the virtual presence also do that when you connect to the virtual presence?
Mohanji: It will do that provided your connection is stable. Physical presence does that more because a Guru is not operating in tamas, which is inertia laziness, nor is he operating with rajas, action with expectation. He operates in satwa and beyond turiya. So, what happens when a person is connected to it? He has no option to move in tamas, he gets kicked. He has no option to move in rajas because with expectation he also get kicked out. Got it defeated, then he is asked to move in action without expectation, selfless action. Right? So selfless action. If you go further and further in selfless action, immense purification happens. Because if you’re operating without expectation of the result of action, you’re already a sanyasi means you are a renunciate, that’s what Krishna said.
So, same thing happens when you are with a Guru because you have no option to be lazy, you have no option to delay things. See delaying and laziness, all these are tamas. So, then rajas is action with expectation even that you may expect some kind of pat on the back and the Guru says nonsense, you can do better. So, that tilts you, shakes you, jerks you, and then you take the next step. So, if you are in the presence of a master, he will never permit you knowingly or unknowingly into these two levels and then you are to operate from the level of action without expectation, pure action. When you operate in pure action, purification happens to you. And when you are purified further and further, next Level is that you are a witness to the purification. Turiya state complete witness, then from that state, you are in realization and from realization to becoming one with universe and total dissolution. So, this process becomes fast when you are with a Guru.
But you can’t stay with a Guru long. Because you know, your natural patterns always pulls you back. Never underestimate natural, native patterns. Patterns are a mixture of desires, inclinations, tendencies, fears, phobias, various factors all mixed together, like a cocktail. And that holds you that runs your show. Along with the ownership, possessiveness, all these things come. And when you have that even 5% you will tend to move away from the master, or the master kicks you out. Are you staying with me so long and you’re not learned so bye bye, go away. It’s not a sadistic pleasure or anything, it’s that all activity has no value. Like for example, if you’re staying and you’re stagnating, then the relationship with master has no value. What has value? When you’re growing, evolving, dissolving, it has value. So, a master will not agree that you can be lazy in his presence. You know, sometimes Master may ignore, okay, you’ll be lazy, is this what you want? Okay, sleep. But it’s not always the case. So, either you will go away, or the master will throw you out because you have become complacent, you have become lazy, you’re not growing, then there’s no point.
So, that awakening has to happen, that look here this is the golden chance, this is my chance which I wanted since lifetimes to be with the master, to evolve to the highest, and that value is maintained that presence of the master will do wonders. You know that value the fire should be maintained. You should feel it. And that in most cases the fire dampens when familiarity increases. You don’t see the metaphysical side right? Until other people tell you, hey look here, Mohanji was here a moment and was with me there, when somebody tells you, you realize, oh! so that means he’s multi-dimensional.
How do you know this because you want to hear from people. So, you understand through testimonials living with the Master is dangerous, because you see the obvious, you see only the physical part, eating, drinking, sleeping, going to toilet, taking bath, this part that is nothing compared to what his operating level is. So, for that, other people’s testimonials you should constantly read. So that you realize okay, this is valuable, this time is valuable, presence is valuable. Operating level is not what I think or what I can perceive, then the connection becomes more, more, and more valuable, then they will not leave. Otherwise, they will leave because if they become very familiar, all familiarity breeds separation. Familiarity always pushes people away or becomes indifferent. So, this is the case. It’s not every Master has experiences, so many people came to see Jesus 12 people stayed with him, 13th one betrayed. So many people came to see Buddha, attended sermons, 5 people stayed. So not everybody can see the Master. Not everybody can maintain the value of the master in their life. Not everybody can do that. That’s a million-dollar thing. You know that you have to have that kind of determination, that kind of stability, and you need to constantly refresh yourself with the idea that this is very important for me. That lifetimes I have taken to reach here and lifetimes it will take, if I leave him to reach here. So that awareness is very important.
“When you operate in pure action, purification happens to you”
Interviewer: So, in addition to internal patterns there are external environments, which also pull one away from a master?
Mohanji: External environment does not touch you if you’re not entertaining your patterns. If your purpose is very high. What is Mohanji, a particular state, state in consciousness, right? Right, let’s say a state of stillness or whatever state in consciousness. I want to achieve that, that’s why I’m connected to Mohanji. So, if you constantly connect to that you will at least achieve which state I’m in. That means you will merge with me or my consciousness, at least you will get that. Now, if you don’t understand that, then the rest is pattern, external internal everything is pattern. So, if you’re not clear why you’re with Mohanji, then you will be vulnerable for all kinds of patterns. Even drinking coffee is a pattern, may be very mild from an external angle, but it is also a pattern, any desire is a pattern. Inclination and fear are a pattern. But all those patterns have no value when you know, okay, this is Mohanji. This is my purpose. My connection with him is to be him, to be there.
Like what is the best prayer you can ask Baba or any master? Let me be like you or let me be in your frequency. Let me be or bless me to be in your frequency. That’s the best prayer because that’s the best thing they can give you. Not like a car or a bicycle, or, you know, those kinds of things. People ask for very small things, solutions for daily life. That’s not a masters’ job. I mean, they may give it but that’s not what they’re here for, you know, get me a parking. Those kinds of things that may happen because they are free energy, free energy opens the doors. But the ultimate is that what stature they are in, you have the right to be in that stature, provided you’re connected, consciously focused with awareness. And Hanuman did that, you know he came to Ram not knowing who he was, but later when he came to know who is Ram, he stayed put, he didn’t shake, he didn’t go anywhere. Even when Sita Mata gave him a diamond necklace, he broke open each diamond to see if there is Ram in it. When he couldn’t see Ram, he threw away diamonds. So, nothing else matters except my Guru, then you will definitely rise in stature, to that level in this life. One life is enough. You don’t need many lives. Because your purpose is very clear. Focus is clear, then why not? You have to reach there.
Interviewer: In the USA, let’s say we have 1000 followers of Mohanji, how to maintain unity, and purpose because there’ll be differences?
Mohanji: That’s not your job, your job is to maintain consistency here. You know what you need, don’t look outside, look inside, how best we can do when people come here. Take care of them with humility, with love, and no pretension. Don’t pretend anything anytime. Don’t pretend at all. Because ours is a path of purity. When you talk about purity, we should be natural. If you’re not natural, you are pretending and that will reflect in your behavior. So always be pure, always be natural, and always be kind. If a word or an expression is unkind, don’t use it. Don’t use it. And don’t argue ever, no shouting in this place. You know, no shouting, no screaming, no argument in this place, because the vibration is subtle, keep it subtle. Hundreds and thousands of people will come. You know thousands of people out there who like Mohanji and hundreds and thousands of people getting transformed by Mohanji Center. The difference will be huge, much more than you can envisage. We are not chasing people; we are not asking people to come. We are not asking people for any favor. We don’t have to do that because we are powerful. This is abundance. Datta tradition is abundance. Money will come, support will come, people will come, transformation will happen. Changes will happen and then people will come, more people will come.
Interviewer: So, would we expect you to also visit other cities let’s say Baltimore in Maryland?
Mohanji: I don’t have to. One place is enough. By going to many places, it will not. If I’m in one place people will come, and the energy I invest in this place will be usable for generations to come. If I scatter my energy, which I’ve done all my life, all these years, now I can invest that energy in one place. We saw the Homa here, very, very powerful, you know, extraordinary. It’s like hundred priests doing the Homa here with just two people, you know, that kind of power be created, right. So, if you have focus, it’s like a lens against the sun, you focus the lens strong enough, it burns the grass.
You see that same effect we created here in this Homa. The activity that we do, if the intention is clear, intention is pure, intention is consistent, it will burn grass, and it burned tons of stuff. Not material but metaphysically, like a lot of people became lighter, some others felt dizzy. That is because things are leaving them, some of them came and told that it’s like a huge transformation, like a weight is lifted from their chest, or this is because of the power of intention, our activity. So, if hundred priests will sit and do it, it will not have that effect.
So, I would rather invest my energy in one place, here, and then it will grow. And that will be more beneficial for the future. This will expand, this base will increase, and more and more people will come around. There’ll be more people, our people buying land around, they’ll be coming, and they’ll be contributing and supporting, they will be supported, they will be nurtured, they will be benefited. So that this area will develop, Mohanji world will become here, there will be Mohanji universe here.
So why should we go to different places. But there are like, for example, I would like to go to Texas, because they have given me a day, I have to honor it. When people respect me, I respect them much more. When people honor me, I honor them, this is part of our tradition, you cannot avoid it. You know, when people love you, you should give them more. Like if you observe, when people ask me like, some job they do, they ask me $10, I always give them $50. I don’t pay just that amount, I give them a little bit more like a tip, you know, so that they are happy, they are contented, and I am contented. And when you share what you have, not that I’m very rich, I don’t keep much money in my pocket, but when you are constantly looking at how to make other people happy, automatically, you’re happy. When you’re only looking at what is my happiness and it doesn’t matter what others feel, then we will never be happy. So, the secret of happiness is in keeping everybody happy so that you will feel rich, happy, stable.
“When people honor me, I honor them, this is part of our tradition, you cannot avoid it.”
Interviewer: I have a couple of issues around in the US society and also around the world. If you have one sentence answer for like drug addictions.
Mohanji: For the drug addiction, the cause is normally abandonment. When people feel abandoned, they feel unwanted, they will look for some kind of solace. And one of the solace they look for is the destruction of that mind state like awareness. So, they use tricks, which are dangerous, very dangerous, because you can’t come out of it. What we are looking at is full consciousness, where we don’t need the help of anybody, because we are complete by ourselves. So, what I am trying to tell people is that no external factor is important. We are self-sufficient, we are confident, we have a complete life and more and more you connect to yourself you have a higher level of awareness.
So, by fighting drugs it will not go because you will only lose the battle, but by giving love, companionship, and connection to children from small classes, small ages. When we have a deeper connection with the children like counselling, getting to know the children like what their interests are, when we nurture them and channel them in the path, they will have no interest in drugs. 80 out of 100 times they will say they will deny drugs.
They don’t have any communication with their parents or teachers or anybody. So, loneliness takes over. Then they associate with such lonely people, and they will all gravitate to somebody who will put that idea in them. Okay, now you can forget about all and enjoy, here’s the drag. And then it’s like a group. That is how it’s becoming complicated, getting together, and going on that path.
So, what we need to do is that we need to start loving children, nurturing children being available for children, and keeping them as themselves, individuals. Don’t disturb the natural at their uniqueness, because if you disturb the uniqueness, they have no other place to hold. A person who would like to be an artist, don’t tell him to be a doctor, because he won’t be successful there. And somebody who’s lazy, put them in sports, or something you guide them for getting out of laziness. So that encourage them, reward them, recognize them, accept them, take them further. Then the drug addiction problem will be reduced at least, I feel that that’s the only way to eradicate drugs issue. I don’t think the ban on drugs will have any value because it will happen underground.
Interviewer: So, the other topic, heavy guns and exposure to violence.
Mohanji: It should be banned by law. Because if you want peace in the country, you should ban weapons. Otherwise, you can talk about this all your all life but it’s an illusion. You are actually talking to the wall. There should be no weapons available for people of any category except law enforcement and law enforcement should not use weapons. They should use guidance, channeling, and counselling and prevent it before it starts. Prevention is always better than cure.
Interviewer: The exposure to violence in media is constantly consuming.
Mohanji: That should be given. See, if a person develops purpose, they will not be biased, they will not be affected by any other thing. Because they are happy with their job. See, for me what is motivating me, because I love my job. I love my work. I’m travelling and I’m not in one place. And it’s tedious. You know, I’m not enjoying all these moments. But I’m happy because I’m happy with my work. I like this thing. I’m transforming people. That’s exactly what I wanted to do. I’m doing it and that motivates me. So even if somebody gives me, hey a nice alcohol, 20 years old, etc. I will not be interested. I’m not interested in any of these things. That’s because my purpose is clear. I’m walking my path, whether people walk with me or not, I’m still walking.
People have changed, people have understood, not understood, misunderstood, still, I’m walking. All you can do in life is to keep walking, you know, don’t look at people, are they following me? Are they ahead of me? Are they on my side? This is all not in our control. What is in our control, we walk? You know, sometimes, I’m very, very categorical to people. That is because if you don’t break that tamasic lock, they can’t move forward. You know they put themselves into a lock saying that now there is no life, or this is impossible, I can’t grow further, I bang it. Break it. After that there is freedom. So, life is like that. This nobody did to me because I had to do it myself. So, I keep walking, and I keep moving. And like I told in the speech, I can guarantee none of my people will resort to violence. In the Parliament of various spiritual teachers, I said, all the spiritual heads, all the religious heads should take responsibility, make sure those who are following them should never resort to violence. If that happens, there’ll be no war in the world. I said I can guarantee those who are following me will not resort to violence. This is my responsibility, my guarantee. Those who are really following me, I can guarantee this, can you? I asked that question. You know, because I will never accept violence or violence in thoughts, words, and action in my campus. You know, so they can choose to leave me that is a different story. But while with me no way.
Interviewer: Mental health issues.
Mohanji: Mental health is also when you develop your purpose, you’re already mentally strong. When you know what you want to do, what you have to achieve, or which stature you’re looking at in this life. You will be mentally strong. Even if you fall, you will get up because falling is part of destiny. Getting this is part of willpower. So, falling you can’t control. You may fall in life many times I’m falling many times. But getting up is our determination, our willpower, which you have to cultivate because that will happen when you know where you’re going. See for me I had big time clarity, raising awareness was my only aim. Even now. And before also, raising awareness is what I’m doing now. And any platform which I have created, it’s all to raise awareness. So, my purpose is very clear, I have clarity, my mission has clarity. And the people who are with me, I take care of them when they are with me. If they leave me, I don’t really worry, because everybody cannot agree everything. So, if they leave, I respect them. They leave, and I continue my journey. So many people who left have come back, because that is all human nature. Sometimes they don’t agree, and they leave but then they later realize that that was a foolish decision or an emotional decision, and they decide to come back. We accept them. You know, no permanent enmity at anytime.
“We can have any collaboration provided we don’t dilute our mission.”
Interviewer: Pornography is a big addiction in the world.
Mohanji: Pornography is a sign of the times, where, first of all, the idea that sexuality is taboo. It is not, it’s part of instinct: food, water, sleep, sex, this is all instinctual things. All beings have and then only the species will continue. Now, we called sex a sin, sexuality is something obscene. And then we try to keep them under the covers like a taboo. What happens then? The mind will be stuck with that thing. Whenever something is denied to people, that’s the only thing in their mind. Whenever you say oh, no, you can’t do this, this is prohibited, automatically, that’s the only thing they think about. This is one aspect.
Secondly, sex is not sin. It’s a necessity, it’s an inevitability, otherwise species will not continue.
Third point. When sex is in the mind of people, and when they cannot express in the real life, they go for something virtual. The net gave them that platform, nobody can stop it. And when more and more people are satisfied virtually, it affects relationships. Because you don’t need a woman or a man, you’re in a world of fantasy. You see, when you’re in a world of fantasy, then automatically you are being unreal. There’s no reality there. Plus, some faculty within you dies. For example, a good relationship dies, because you are in a fantasy world and you are enjoying there. So, what you would have normally connected or a good relationship, has no value, because you have a virtual relationship. The more you are in virtual world, the real world dies. Then the next generation, if at all, you need to make love to have another child, right? That itself will become kind of weak. Because you are in a dream world, you’re and mostly the next generation like this generation or the current generation have come into that world.
I was not born in that time. You know, all my childhood, I didn’t have a connection to this kind of world. So, I had more reality, I was more into the ground, I could feel the earth, feel the flowers, feel the gardens, and experience nature. No, today we don’t have that, nature is all on screen. And our communication is mostly with the screen. So, we have disconnected from ourselves. This is what is causing all the psychosomatic diseases. And more will happen that way.
Everything is a sign of times. Even if you want to stop pornography do not stop, because this is what it is. And they will find new ways to attract people. Like any business. If there is a demand, there is a supply. Now there is a demand because people don’t have time. They are all chasing all the time something, and they will always feel that they are incomplete. Because there’s no satisfaction or conclusion, no completion. So, they will feel less or incomplete and they will offer something to fill them up. So, this is what’s happening.
First of all, sex is not a sin. It’s part of our system. It’s part of our instinct, and it should be respected. See, I’m coming from a country, yourself as well. Rather, sexuality is respected. Kama Sutra is a culture of respect to a very important part of our existence, such as sexuality, which is to be respected. When you respect it, you will not misuse it. See why we respect all the rivers because when you respect you will nurture the rivers like the mother. We respect mountains, so we don’t disturb them or destroy the mountains. So, a culture of respect is very important. Towards us, we should have self-respect, we should respect our instincts. And two people wanting to have sex, it is only natural because this is how our system is created. Attraction, every animal, every bird has that, but only at a particular time. And they don’t keep sex in mind. They keep sex with the body, at a particular time they have the particular inclination to have sex and then the offsprings come.
Interviewer: One last question, how about collaboration with other spiritual teachers in the country?
Mohanji: We can have any collaboration provided we don’t dilute our mission. You know, we can have any association any collaboration, but our basic structure, our basic mission cannot be diluted because if it’s diluted, how much we don’t know, then it will become completely wasted. So, we have to keep our Raja Yoga path, our path of liberation intact, and with that thing we can work with anybody for the welfare of the country. I always believe that wherever and whatever I do, it will have benefit for that country. That is my intention. The people here, the system here, everybody should benefit, they should receive some benefit. So that our aim is to enhance the life of people, not physically but metaphysically mostly. Physically means money, I can’t give money to people, we don’t have that kind of money. But metaphysically for sure. And various methods, various systems we have made to stabilize the society and that’s my contribution to the country. So that you cannot change, then you can have association with other people.
See, there are various paths, ours is strictly Raja Yoga path: path of liberation, path of avadhootas. Now, there are bhakti yoga paths, there are Jnana yoga paths, there are karma Yoga paths, all these paths are good, people with orientation of that kind connect to that path. And they all have value, we can associate with everybody, but we can’t marry anybody. See, we can have companionship, but we cannot compromise our basic texture.
Interviewer: Thank you Mohanji.