Satsang with Mohanji in Belgrade, 16th May, 2015

Q: I’ve been to various meditations and tried a few methods. I always had a goal to achieve, something to solve with these, but none of them worked. I was told that I did not believe in these methods enough. Could you tell me whether I believe in them or not? (laughter)
A: The problem is neither with you, nor the meditation. The problem is with the time. This time is very fast. For many techniques there is not enough time for them to sink in and work on us. There has been frequency deterioration over a period of time.
The time is restless. Just imagine a person who is relatively restless, for example, somebody is sick, and in hospital, and you want to tell him about a new proposal. Do you think he will understand? His mind is occupied with the family member in hospital. Most people in today’s world are restless, irrespective of countries, or where they are from, even if it is a city or a village.
The restlessness is brought on by the time because the time is very, very fast. Before we realise it, it’s morning, it’s already evening. So we are constantly in movement mode. In that mode, no meditation can actually work in an effective way. In such a situation, organised meditation doesn’t work. The best method is to just decide that you will not say any word without your mind being present.
No action will be taken by you without your mind being present. If you make that particular decision, you will switch into the level of meditation where you are observing yourself, watching yourself, and going through your emotions, going through your daily life. Once you catch that thread, you are always in meditation.
It may not be an organised meditation, but you are always in the mood of meditation. This is very easy to say. Almost all of us use the front side of the brain, the frontal lobe. That is why we are prone to anxiety, fears, and have various types of phobias. It is all because we are frontal lobe oriented.
But if we start shifting to the middle and the back, there is no anxiety, there is no confusion. We will be balanced. Each meditation, each technique, each guru, master or each path, each religion, is supposed to bring this equanimity into us. When you say you cannot sit and meditate, it means the frontal lobe is very active, which is normal.
All our education systems are pushing us to be intellectually correct, or intellectually aware, but we never think about how we can remain balanced amongst all possible situations in a life time.
So first, you should not do any activity without your mind being present. Your mind is with the activity. When you have your food, let the mind be with the food, so that you experience the food 100%. When you play with your child, be in that activity. So that you have an experience as well as fulfillment all the time. This is one aspect.
Likewise, whatever you say, ensure that the mind is available so that there are no excess words, there is no unconscious talk, unconscious discussion, or even argument or fight. Nothing will happen, just concentrate on the words with mind available.
Third level is thoughts. You cannot control thoughts. They are happening. After thoughts happen, we realise we had that thought. This is the first level of perpetual meditation.

Two techniques to counter the speed of time
1. As I said, we are frontal lobe oriented. How do we connect to the back side? It’s not easy. For that you need to shift your level of awareness for at least some time every day. This can be a meditation. While you are sitting and watching a programme, feel the spine for a few minutes.
Just be aware that you have a spine. No need to do any meditation, feel the spine. When you sit in the car and the car is at the traffic light and you see the sign 50 seconds to 40 seconds etc. It counts down. At that time during these seconds, feel the spine.
Like that, feel the spine many times a day. Just realise you have a spine. After some time, you will tend to move to the spine faster, and in a few months, depending on how fast you can connect, you whole perception changes. From horizontal, it will become vertical.
Your awareness shifts. Your understanding level changes. It is like that. If I am sitting here, I can see this much. If I stand up, my view is different. I can see from above. My awareness changes to a different dimension, just by being aware of the spine.
2. Also, when you close your eyes and feel your spine, you can automatically see that your awareness has shifted to the third eye. So if you concentrate on the third eye directly, this is the junction where 72,000 meridians are connected. Energy goes to that and reaches the 72,000 locations of our system.
At the same time, there is always the possibility that when we concentrate and meditate on the third eye, it can overenergise and even lead to paralysis. This has happened even to saints in the Himalayas.
They concentrated on the third eye for too long, and then they couldn’t move because their whole system was paralysed. However if you try concentrating on your spine instead, there will be no overenergisation. What is needed in the third eye, will go there, the rest will be located in the spine.
So this is not your problem, this is a problem with time. I’ve given you two techniques to counter the speed of time. Because you have to go with time and be with yourself. That’s the only way we can survive this time.
Furthermore, we must never feel that there is some deficiency in us. This is actually mind’s projection. Deficiencies are always mind’s projection. Mind says you can’t do it. That’s not true. We can definitely do it, but the concepts which we’ve fed into our mind, create an impression that we can’t do it. So there is some problem with us.
That has to be completely wiped away. I’m fine just like anybody else. Then each step you take, see if you can remove the mental block. We may not have it, we collect it from the society, also people tell us that you may not be able to do it. Like in the programme in Dubai, somebody said, ’’Mohanji, you can do it, but I am not like you.“ I said that’s nonsense. ’’I have tried and I had conviction.“
That’s the only thing. In the early 2000s when I was practising on my own, I used to wake up at 3am every day, I couldn’t sleep beyond it. I used to be a corporate head of country, so we sometimes had late parties but again, I woke up at 3am and from 3-8am I completely detached myself from the world and meditated.
I sometimes chanted, then I meditated, connected to the spine and dissolved. So five hours was dedicated to myself whatever was happening in the world. This helped. After all these years it has given the awareness which I am sharing with people. It is always a discipline and conviction. Even if nothing happens, it’s ok. In everybody’s stage of evolution in spirituality, the first is the experience.
We experienced meditation, something is happening, we are very happy. After some time, stagnation. The same thing cannot give the same result. So you stagnate. Most people stop there. Then they go to another programme. There is a sensation for a few days. Then again stagnation. So people do not cross over to higher levels. This is why people do not achieve something.
Somebody asked Buddha,“How can we be like you?“ Buddha said,“That is very simple. Do the penance like I did. Do tapas. He said,“I cannot do that. Because you have done extreme penance to reach that stage.“ Then Buddha said,“Then serve the people, serve the poor, do something for the world.“ If that is also difficult, third is merge your consciousness to mine.
Look at me, connect to me, whenever your mind is with me, you are with me. If your body is with me, you may not necessarily be with me because if your mind is outside, you are outside. If you want to be with me, let your mind be with me. Wherever you are, no problem. So you will start moving into my consciousness and you will achieve what I achieved. “

Q: On our path of seeking, how to know whether some challenge is something which keeps us on our path, or if it is an old energy, something which distracts us? How to know that by our choice in the course of action we stay on the right path?
A: It is very simple, how do you know you are growing? It is by how much peace you have inside, whatever happens outside. This is the best yardstick you can use.
How do we shed energies which we don’t want? You have to actually stop talking about it, thinking about it. There are three levels where we attract. First is emotion, that we think about it. We keep emotion. Second is the intellect, we analyse it,“Oh, why did this happen? Why did this man come into my life? Why did this event happen? Why this situation?“
All these things are actually more or less hooking you to the situation. Third is we sometimes act on it. We become very aggressive, we do something which hurts us, then it hurts other people.
Sometimes similar people keep coming back to our life over time. Why does that happen? It is always because a set emotion is at play. It’s like a CD. It plays again and again. So we attract that kind of people, we attract that kind of situation. We attract that kind of emotion for which we need to observe and let go.
You can go through it but at the same time, do not connect to it. It’s practice. You need to practise it. There is no shortcut towards it. Of course, now we have regression therapy and all the different things where you can move into your subconscious and take something out. That’s different. For normal life, acceptance of your current reality is extremely important.
A very easy way to get out of this cycle is again through the spine. Spine helps a lot. We have no idea how changed we can be the moment we shift the operating level from the front to the back or the middle. Immediately so many things you consider as very important will go.
Many people whom you felt were very important, too. Some of them might be taking your energy away all the time, yet you still keep them because you are used to them. All those things will drop off and you’ll be free from inside. The moment you are free from inside, the whole world is yours. Mind is a very good servant, but a very bad master.
As a servant it is very good because when you eat food, the mind is with the tongue, you feel the taste to experience the food. When you listen to music, mind is with the ears, you actually enjoy the music.
Whatever you do, whatever you feel, whatever you experience, mind has a role to play. At the same time if mind is controlling you, then it’s a different story. It creates havoc. So mind is a good servant but a bad master.
Q: I feel that I have became too peaceful, that I have lost all emotion, if something happens, I am not bothered at all. I find it difficult to communicate with people. Is that normal or not?
A: This is what you have been looking for, what you have been asking Baba all the time. Now you want to go back to the restlessness!? (Laughter)
Q: I feel a big attachment to the suffering of others. I can deal with my own suffering very well. Ok, it is karma, no problem. But injustice and the suffering of others, especially animals disturbs me a lot emotionally and I don’t know what I can do. All seems to be insufficient. What should I do to transform that to be better?
A: This is again degeneracy of time. In the Indian system, we have 1.7 billion years of the Golden age, Sathya yuga. There is no ritual, no chanting, nothing, all people existing at that time are of master’s stature like Sai Baba. Everybody is like that, godly. There is no evil, injustice, negativity.
Then comes Treta yuga, Lord Rama’s time. This is approximately 1.4 million years. That is the time when the good and the evil started working on this planet. This is according to the scriptures.
During the Treta time, good and evil are at different places, not in the same location. But they have a conflict.
Then comes Lord Krishna’s time, 800,000 years of Dwapara yuga. Good and evil were in the same family.
Now, 4000 years of Kali yuga, the time we are in, good and evil are in the same person. Sometimes one is good, sometimes one is bad. There is a huge conflict inside an individual.
So when you look at the whole life, the environment creates a lot of effect. Sometimes the environment makes people violent. Most criminals are not born criminals. They are situational criminals. They did something because of the pressure of time, then they went to jail. It’s happening like that.
In this time the whole machine is run by emotions. Look at the world outside. People are extremely emotional, full of anger, hatred, all sorts of things. We don’t talk about love much and even if we do, people are suspicious,“Why does this man love me?“ If you say,“unconditional love“ this is absolute nonsense.
We only love for a reason. If there is money in your pocket, then love is ok. This kind of situation is the lowest frequency. In such low frequency, destruction, death, pain, trauma, all these things are possible. And the collective consciousness of the people is low. Look at the general consciousness of the generation from a world perspective.
What are 7 billion people thinking about? Not many people are thinking about helping other people, maybe 10%. And they help other people only as a ritual. Most of the other people are in chaos, struggling, running, they want to make money. For example, I was talking to a group of students in New York . They all study various courses.
I asked them,“Why have you taken this subject?“ 80% of the students said,“This gives us a lot of money.“ That’s the wrong reason for taking up the subject. But today the world is operating on greed i.e. making money, competition. So what you see outside as injustice is because of this. Look at our modern medicines. Most of the medicines that we use today are tried on animals.
A lot of animals have died so that we survive today. We have always had a beautiful natural system called Ayurveda. My mother’s family has always been traditionally ayurvedic. My mother’s uncle was one of the most respected ayurvedic practitioners of his time. Before he passed away I asked him about violence in the treatment.
He answered,“Ayurveda never believes that this is for humans. All beings are the same before Ayurveda. The whole world belongs to everybody, every species. Ayurveda has never believed that this was created for human beings. For example, we had a science for elephants.
I have seen people who could communicate with elephants, wild elephants who have killed people. I have seen one man talking to them and the elephants went to one side.
We have always had all these sciences, but because of greed we destroyed most of it. And this was created by saints over years, not by injecting it into animals, not by killing species. It has been derived from nature. Nature gave it to them.
If you look at the whole of nature, god has given us three energy sources with which we can live peacefully and which will not pollute the world: sun energy (solar energy), wind energy, water energy. All these things cannot pollute the world, but what do we mostly use today?
Fuel from the underground which pollutes the environment. It’s like guts are being spilled out. All the toxins, all the organs inside are outside. The world has become like that. Why has it happened? It’s the time. It’s the frequency of the time. When we are in the lowest frequency, greed is the operating level. That is creating injustice.
So how do we relate in this world? This is a million dollar question. Through peace. Be peaceful inside. Ok, the environment is like this, people are like this, systems are creating people like this, so how should we make a difference? By being peaceful. By being calm. So people come to you and ask,“How can you be peaceful in this situation?“
That’s the only way and that’s the best way. Lead by example. Do not be angry with yourself. This is not good because it gives you illness. Do not be angry with the world outside. That is also not good enough. But sometimes you can express anger just to convey a message. Just for intensity. It means, like a snake you can hiss, but you should not bite.
So the other person knows you can be dangerous and will go away. If you are angry with yourself, you will surely have an illness later. So it’s not good to be angry with yourself, accept yourself.“I’m not happy with the situation, but let me be.“ Second is don’t be angry with society. Instead, replace the anger with love.
Your expression should be love instead of fighting and shouting. Say,“Come here, I love you. I’m with you.“ If you convey this message, it will be very soothing for the other person.“You are not alone. I love you.“ These are very strong messages. And you should mean it, it is not just the words. If that is the level of operating, a lot of peace will happen outside of you and inside of you.
And the richness from inside is permanent. If you make a lot of money there is no guarantee it will stay with you, but if you are rich inside, you carry it always. So whenever you get angry, think about me (laughter).
Q: We are in a time which is speeding up and since 21st Dec 2012, when the Sun, Earth and planets were in alignment. Since then we have been exposed to huge electromagnetic waves from the cosmos, from the core of the Earth, aiming to change us into 3rd, 4th, 5th dimensions.
As these energies are strong, how to align ourselves with them? Probably through love and peace, but can you tell us more about it?
A: There is nothing for us to do with this because we cannot do anything other than what we are conditioned for now, but the energies have definitely shifted and are shifting. It is a process. It is happening. The main shift is from the fourth root to the fifth root.
The fourth is the emotional root, the fifth is the intellectual root. The fifth root is very close to the soul root, the consciousness. This shift itself can destroy one third of the total beings of this world because this has the potential to wipe away one third of the total beings of the Earth, not just the population.
The major shift is in the pattern of the breath. From horizontal to vertical. We will try a small technique:
Close your eyes, keep your spine erect, I’ll guide you.
No movement for a few minutes. Go to the root of your spine. Breathe consciously ujay. When it reaches the top of the head, hold it. Then release it all the way down. Breathe in, hold, breathe out, hold. Breathe in, hold 10 seconds, breathe out, hold 10 seconds. Repeat three more times.

Simple breath, but how it made the mind empty! This is just one of the techniques, where if you empty your mind, you are ready to receive higher energy. All you have to do is empty the mind. Trash, trash, trash.
So your question was how to adapt and be eligible for higher energy, the answer is emptiness. (laughter)
Q: I am here with my boyfriend and you came into our lives last year and really, look, my tears have started flowing, really, my boyfriend has changed sooo much, he has found his peace and our life has moved into a completely different, more beautiful direction. Now, in our everyday conversation, his attitude is, “I don’t want to hear any negative news, don’t tell me those things“.
If I want to tell him about some film he doesn’t want to watch it, it affects his peace. If there is some news about someone’s tragedy, he doesn’t want to listen to it, in order not to disturb his peace. I think one has to hear about the tragedy of other people, to see what is happening. What do you think about it?
A: Should I agree or disagree? (Laughter)
The source of everything is an impression. When I say,“monkey“, suddenly you have a picture of a monkey, an image and characteristics of a monkey in your mind. Where does it come from?
This is already in the system. Impression is the root cause of all our concepts, all our expressions, all our imaginations, everything is based on impression. Impression is the data that we collect from the world outside using the body, the mind and the intellect.
Running away from the situation is not a good idea, because actually that is called escapism. At the same time, getting involved without equipment, without proper preparation cannot help you. Like if you are in a war without a weapon, it means you will be killed.
Collecting a lot of impressions from the news, television and people is not a good idea because it adds to contamination. The less impressions, the less concepts. The less concepts, the freer we are. We are having inner freedom. But let’s say income tax law changed in this place. Because I did not see the news I did not know, so I didn’t pay the tax.
What will happen? You cannot say I believe in Mohanji and God, so I will not pay a tax. There is a saying in Islam, in Muslim,“Believe in Alah, but tie your camel.“ (Laughter) So it is important to know what is going on around you so that you can be prepared. At the same time if you keep the impressions and keep creating concepts, it will bind you.
So you need to strike a balance between these two. Be aware but at the same time do not be involved.
Last week, a man told me,“Mohanji, you do not know how much I love you. I cannot control the love. I’ll be ready to kill somebody who is against you!“ (laughter in audience) This is very dangerous you know.
(laughter) I said to him,“Now if people are not very nice, it is not good to be passive, don’t just lie down and get the beating. But at the same time don’t kill. Both extremes are bad.“ Somewhere in the middle, be kind, yet at the same time don’t take nonsense.
So I think I’ve told you the answer. Be aware but don’t be emotional about it, so that emotions are not stored inside. That will not create concepts. The more concepts you have, the more bound you are. The more paralysed you are.
Q: We know we should let things go, shed the clutter, could you give me advice on how to do get rid of accumulated anger? I have a lot of it in me as a consequence of various suppressions. Besides hitting and kicking a pillow or a bag, how to cleanse this as even my children tell me I ’ve forgotten how to laugh.

A: This is the situation for everybody. It is not only your accumulated anger. It is inherited, too. We sometimes inherited it from the family. Let us not think of ourselves only as individuals. We are an individual for the outside world, but we have a baggage from the family as well.
We have our own baggage which we collected in this life, but we also have baggage from the ancestor. Understand one thing. The heavier the baggage, the more expensive is the travelling. Especially if it is other people’s.
The best way to counter it is to help people whom you do not know. Just help people whom you do not know without any reason. Many people think that to help other people you need a lot of money. This is absolutely not true. It’s not about the money. It’s your attitude that makes a difference in the world. I’ll give you one example. Somebody similar to the question you asked.
This is in the North of India. One person who is very rich (very rich in the sense she is fine with her money, she doesn’t need to work) was full of anger. She loves me a lot but she doesn’t love anybody else. I told her,“Take care of my children.“ We have a school center for the children of Islam, like the Gipsies, who are three to fifteen years old.
We have 130 children. Many of them are abused. If people knew they came to this place for education, they would beat them up.“ Sometimes a five-year-old girl will be looking after a three-year-old sister. That kind of situation. Very very bad. So I told this woman,“You should take care of this place.“
When she started going and experiencing the pain of small children, she changed completely. She can’t get angry. Because she sees so much of this and she is involved. Suddenly the whole thing changed. Then in 2013, we had a festival called Diwali, she asked the children,“What gift do you want for Diwali?“
They said,“We want Mohanji.“ (laughter) They called me and said,“They want to see you.“ So I went there. It was such a beautiful experience, the love they were sharing and they had only seen me in the picture. They hardly see me. I don’t go there all the time.
But with the picture they have developed so much love. Then I asked this person,“How do you feel now?“ She said,“Mohanji you changed my life.“ I said,“I did nothing. You changed it by changing your attitude.“
Q: How to overcome my fear of flying?
A: For fear of flying, I think you have to go for regression. You have to go to the root where it started, and take it out.
Q: How to know which is our true vocation in life?
A: What is good for you is what expands you, what makes you rich inside. Any job you do which is creative in nature, which makes your heart expand, is good for you. When you get up in the morning and you feel,“I am happy, it’s morning! I must go to work.“ That means you love the job.
That expands you. That is good for you. But if you feel,“Oh my god it’s morning I have to go to work.“ (laughter) This is not good for you. It’s very simple. What makes you happy, what makes you settled is good for you, whatever you are pushing yourself to do is not.
Remember just one thing. When you are natural, you are powerful. When you are unnatural, you are very weak. If you remember this, you will understand everything else in life.
Q: My parents are very ill, especially my mother, how to help them?
A: Every situation has a root, it’s not only this one day. So first of all, acceptance. This is the situation. Second, give courage, not tears. You have lived your life, because of you a lot of people are happy. Say the good things. Say the best things. Do you know a story of two people in one room?
A STORY about two hospitalised men
There were two sick people in one room in a hospital. One guy was on one side, the other one was next to the window. So the first one could not see what was outside. They were both bedridden. He asked what was outside. The guy next to the window was giving stories of beautiful things, he was telling all the good things.
Later on he died and the other guy went there and there was only a wall! All this time the guy who died had entertained the other guy. This way we can make somebody’s life better. But if we sit and cry, we pull ourselves and other people down. Sympathy and self-pity are two things which are like poison. Sympathy and self-pity, just like poison, paralyse you and other people.
Q: How did you know that a huge shift in consciousness happened to you and that you reached the ultimate?
A: Do you want to know the real truth? I still don’t know. I never asked. I never checked. I have never asked if I have arrived or if I have been evolving.
There are various states of the mind. At the beginning we have inquisitiveness to know why this is happening, where I am standing, all these questions keep coming in the mind.
Mind is overactive because we are between activity and result. Activity-result, activity-result. Mind asks all the questions,“Where have you reached? Are you enlightened?“ All these questions come. In Sanskrit this is called savitarka samadhi. When you need an answer for all your questions, it is savitarka samadhi.
Then it shifts into nirvitarka samadhi where whatever happens, you don’t have any questions. You are absolutely peaceful. You have no questions. Then it shifts even further to a level where whether a thing happens or not, whether a situation is there or not, whether people are coming to see you or not, nothing matters.
So at each level, we are in a different mode and we have stopped looking where we have reached. All this will go. Mind becomes absolutely empty.

5 thoughts on “Breathe Vertically”
Thank you for posting this satsang.
Jai Guru Dutta
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Beautiful Article. Thank you so much for posting it.
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