Question: To a certain percent, the Earth is feeling so congested these days. Why is that so?
Mohanji: Well, actually, at the gross level, we have almost 7 billion people in the world. Naturally, we have overgrown, we are occupying a lot of space, and there are various levels of sensitiveness, various levels of consciousness, various levels of conditioning. So, each person, when he or she expresses their constitution to the world, the world is becoming more and more polluted.
The thought is the first level of creation, the word is the second and action is the third. Before the thought, there is an inclination, a vasana. A person who’s performing cruelty on somebody has that inclination to perform; sadistic people, people who perform cruelty, people who cannot express kindness. Or the other side also, those who are compassionate by nature, they are expressing kindness all the time. So, different varieties – various combinations are walking the Earth at any point in time. Now, this is the gross aspect.

Now, look at the subtle aspect; the subtle aspect is that which the eyes cannot see. That’s something which we cannot ‘see’ with the senses, (means eyes basically), or we cannot feel, or sometimes we can feel when we are in a subtle state, we can feel that there are various entities around us. Of course psychic people, the subtle people you’re talking about, they feel there are a lot more people than we see. So, if you categorize them, there are two major types of souls when they leave the body, they are not leaving the Earth.
One is the confused souls who are Earthbound completely while living. They are only focused on material aspects; they had no inclination for anything higher. I am not talking about people going to the temple and coming back or church and coming back. They just do it ritualistically, that cannot deliver elevation. Any ritualistic activity is just like eating food. You go to the temple by default, or because it’s a practice; it’s a habit. That’s not useful enough. So, a person who has not tried to taste or to connect to the higher always feel earthbound; always will be Earthbound. This is also why, in the past, most of the names of the children were of Gods, Goddesses because you learn to chant the name; you’re calling them – Krishna, Rama. Automatically, you chant the name. Thus it automatically connects to a higher entity.
And there are various stories also accordingly. One man, he did all sorts of atrocities, and he was not at all good, but he gave his son the name Narayana. And at the time of his death, he saw the God of death coming towards him (and he became very frightened) with his team, coming to take his soul away. (This is a story) He was frightened. But even at that time, his mind is working differently. He wanted to know if Narayana would be afraid. He knew his son was subtle, he could see. So, he called, “Narayana, Narayana”, loudly. So, when his son came running, because the name he chanted was of the Lord, this God of Death went away and he survived. That was transformative for him.

So, what is said is that at the time of death, what you are connected to, there you will go. It’s important that while living we have to stay liberated. And we have to connect to the higher so that while leaving, while exiting the body, automatically you merge with the higher. By a confused soul, (the soul can never be confused) I’m talking only about the garb, the coat the soul wears, which is of conditioning. A person who’s only operating in the material plane is greedy, trying to accumulate, trying to gather more and more, and do not know why, but they feel that these material things will give them pleasure, but eventually what they do is they become watchmen of their own material, their wealth. They fail to enjoy. They are more concerned about hoarding, rather than enjoying.

So, the sukha prapti, the achievement of happiness doesn’t happen. Accumulation happens. But it doesn’t get converted into actual pleasure. Such people, when they leave, they do not want to go. They are afraid that their wealth is here; the things are here. This we call the confused souls. As I said again, souls are not confused, souls are always pure, but what they are covering themselves with, this is the confusion, so these set of souls roam around. They do not leave. That is why we have the rituals related to the soul’s elevation after death. We perform the rituals saying, “Everything is okay. Now you can go. You had your life; you enjoyed the Earth, you expressed yourself. Now you may go.” And that is why if you cry too much over a dead person that soul also feels it.
See, what happens at the time of death, except the physical, everything is intact, right? The more you cry and the more you try to bring them back, it suffocates them. It pulls them down. This is one set of souls; the confused kind of souls. They are not bad. I mean none of them are bad, they’re just like us; good and bad – all mixture, but they cannot leave the Earth because they do not know what to do when they leave. But some of them go into the white light and they go to the astral plane. But some of them cannot leave and they stay on. So this is one set of entities that live with us.

The second set of entities are the victimized souls; again, as I said, souls are not victimized, the garb, they wear is. What are the victimized souls? Those who are tortured and killed, those who are held captive or those who are imprisoned; those who feel helpless at the time of death or murdered or suicide; because normally when the soul exits the body at the time of death, in 80 out of 100 times, you can see people opening their mouth. So, the mouth is the opening through which the soul goes. That is a 100% sure sign that they will take another birth.

The soul enters the body through the top of the head. That is why in small children you can see this part is very, very soft. And also, in great saints, you can see this part is very soft. That is because the soul entered through it. And as a saint, he’ll be breathing through that always. So, this is open. Otherwise, we have the Nava Dwars, the nine openings in our body – eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and the genitals. So, usually what happens in a normal, natural death is (that) the soul exits through the mouth. But in the case of a saint, that is what the whole spirituality is about; through which opening you came, the same opening you will exit. That means you have achieved salvation, you achieved Moksha.

In the case of people bound, tortured and killed during Auschwitz, or Pol Pot’s regime, (Hitler’s Nazis are supposed to have killed 6 million. Pol Pot is supposed to have killed 2 million. I don’t know how many other people killed, so many millions…) so, when these souls are leaving, as a victim, tortured, bound, helpless; they just get out of the body and they don’t know what to do. They have been living in a tortured existence, and they are leaving (in a kind of) flushed out from the body. When such a thing happens, usually what happens is that the soul doesn’t know what to do. It is just out of the body, but it is completely confused. But the other confusion is different, what I told earlier. This is more of a helpless kind of confusion because the soul doesn’t know what to do and it is kind of in a state of hanging. They enter into other bodies where possible. So this is one set, this is also applicable to animals.
This is not only human beings. For example, a cow in the developed country, a cow or a calf, as soon as it can produce children, it is artificially inseminated. It is raped in a way. And nine months it takes for the child to grow in the womb. As soon as the child is born, the mother doesn’t even see the child, because, in the womb, the mother develops a bonding with the child. It’s my child. It’s growing, and there’s a lot of feeling inside. But as soon as the child is born, the child is taken away by the farm owners or the people who run the farm. And the mother is in agony. It wants to touch and feel the child; the child wants to drink mother’s milk. Nothing is allowed. And if it is a girl child, if the calf is a female, it is kept to breed further. But if it’s a male calf, it is slaughtered for veal, v-e-a-l. Just imagine the agony of the mother. Then they are attached with this equipment to take the milk out. The milk that it is producing for its child is completely drained by commerce, profits. And then what happens, the cow is injected with something so that the milk doesn’t stop. So, it’s drained off. And as soon as the milk stops, the cow is impregnated again for the next child. The same thing is repeated. Just imagine, a cow going through this process, the whole life. And finally, when it cannot produce any more children, it’s slaughtered. What happens to such a soul? The soul is operating in a body which is suffering all the time; full 24 hours, 365 days, the whole life.
Then what happens, the soul exits. When a murder happens, the soul usually gets out of the body in a hurry. And it is normally through the lower region. Now the cows are killed with the throat slit etc., murdered. So, the soul is exiting through the lower parts, and then what happens, it’s confused. It enters into another body, not a womb to be another child but usually another body. Any murder or suicide is the same. It enters into another body and it again goes through the same suffering. It’s a repeated process. Some people have asked me, some people who are psychic in nature, they have asked me – when an animal is slaughtered, you can see a few souls leaving the body. How can a few souls exist in one animal?
The answer is the same. They just enter into another body because they don’t know what else to do. They do not know what the process of recycling is. You know, go to the astral plane and come back and take another body that they don’t know because their whole life they have been tortured, and then they are assassinated. And also beaten; all the things you can imagine, while they are standing. The pen or the cowshed will be sufficient just to stand. They can’t even move; the whole life. These are the kind of victimized souls, they cannot leave.

Thus, if you look at the whole structure of the Earth, the people, the animals and birds and the souls which are not able to leave this plane, when all put together, this area is congested. And they also have a vibratory level, except the body, they have everything. What happens is their vibration also affects the individuals. Sometimes you become restless because all around us there is restlessness from various bodies, from various beings. It affects people. And when saints or higher entities come, they redeem many of them. That is why they wait for redemption.
Each body is just like a 10-bedroom house. If the soul is not sufficiently strong to occupy the whole body, the whole house, other entities can enter and stay. But again, they are not harmful. They’re existing because they are helpless. They do not know how to go because, in their lifetime, they only caught hold of their inherent fears and phobias and characteristics. They are not able to leave when they leave the body. Like a person who’s jealous by nature and jealousy is the main expression; that person will definitely enter into a body and stay jealous. The soul will enter into a body and stay jealous because it doesn’t know how to come out of that state.

This is why it is important to be spiritual. Not ritualistic. Connect to the higher, feel the higher. Breathe through the spine and feel the top of the head. That is why most of the Kriyas, most of the spiritual practices that people do are for higher elevation. Use this life, so that you elevate to the highest so that when you leave, you leave in perfect order. Learning to die is very important. You know, just like learning to live. That is why many of the subtle people feel that the Earth is too congested. Only subtle people will feel it. The gross will not feel anything, isn’t it? Being subtle is important and doing something about it is even more important.
Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt
Proofread by Rekha Murali & Biljana Vozarevic