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These are answers to questions from listeners. Thank you for sending them. Keep sending them; I will try to answer them as best as I can.
Speaker: This question is from another listener. They have been thinking about people who have never experienced much beyond the body and mind throughout their entire life. And so, when they are close to death, they are gripped by fear. Is it possible to help them come out of this fear in the last days? And if it is, how can we do that?

Mohanji: Fear is connected to illusions. There’s no room for fear. There is a saying that when you can sleep in brightness, darkness cannot touch you. That means, when we are connected to our inner brightness, the real truth, there is no possibility of any fear to happen. The secret for a fearless existence is connection, deep connection to our inner brightness.

We are bright inside. The real bright aspect of our existence is our atma, the soul. And to reach that soul, the path is silence. Not activity, not doership. It’s silence. Whenever there is fear, there is ignorance. Whenever there is a fear, there is a mind. Whenever there is a fear, there is darkness. Once we know what the source of fears is, we can easily come out of it. People are trained to live in the gross world. People are trained to behave in a particular way or to manoeuvre in a particular way, in the gross world. And that prevents them from the opportunity of connecting to the brighter world inside us. In other words, people are used to the candlelight while the sun is existing in the horizons, or people are used to the candlelight indoors, and fighting their darkness using it, while just by opening the doors and windows the sunlight can come in and take the darkness away.
We are conditioned; conditioned by our education, conditioned by our notions, concepts, and prejudices. Conditioned by so many factors apply, where truth is missed. Truth is sitting inside us, and it can be found only by connecting deeply, purposefully, and consistently with ourselves. How much time are we spending with ourselves? This is the all-important question. How much time? Are we spending any time at all with ourselves? That makes the difference. We can’t find truth anywhere in the world except within ourselves. The world has all the varieties good for experiences of the senses and the mind. That’s not good enough to find the brightness inside. In fact, they are distractions from the pursuit to find the truth inside – the brightness inside.
Imagine a person living in the gross world, engaging in the world of noises consistently, thinking that’s the reality and suddenly realizes death is at hand. Death is the only companion that you are born with. As soon as you took birth, death also took birth. And death walks with you and finally engulfs you, takes you over. Death is a constant companion, but we ignore its presence, just like we ignore our shadow. That is an inevitability. So why do we fear death? Because we have an instinct to survive, the instinct is inbuilt in us and it tells us that survival is our birthright. It is so, it is indeed our birthright. But death is more powerful.

As I said before, death is inevitable. Death has to happen at some point in time, whether we fear it or not. So, what’s the best way to deal with this fear? Perfect awareness. All that is born will have to die. Death is our most loyal companion. All others will come and go; death will stay. Awareness is very important. And using this time of existence on earth to connect to the brightness within us will help us to stay with this companion without emotions, understanding fully well its inevitability, its necessity, and its relevance. Awareness is the key, awareness is essential for a good life and good death.
Thank you for listening to this podcast. Do contemplate on it. Do discuss with your friends. And let me know how you feel. If you have further questions, send them to me.
Thank you. This is Mohanji for you.

Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt
Proofread by Shyama Jeyaseelan
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