This question has come from a listener. It’s about explanations on how to stay at the being level. We simply understand what we consist of. We have the physical body, and we have the mind, intellect, and ego as processors. And we have the subtle factor, which energizes all these faculties. In this context, the ego factor maintains doership and ownership of action. It also keeps the personality traits such as possessions and positions.
When we become aware of this, we tend to understand that it’s just an illusion that we have created during our waking state. But we are experiencing life even when we are sleeping, dreaming. When we realize that we have other dimensions, we also have other dimensions, which are equally important, and they also give us experiences, then we can take a step away from ownership of actions to beingness.

Beingness – this simply means just being aware of your words, your actions, and your existence in all planes and in all levels. How to exist in beingness forever or always? Very simple, be aware. Just be aware. Always be aware of all your actions, all your emotions, all the thoughts, all the words, and all the expressions. Everything is spontaneously happening at a particular time, or at different times, in different places, with different sets of people, and we are only gaining experiences out of them. Plus, we are also expressing ourselves in that context. So, through expressions and through experiences, we are having a thing called life. This is what we are… Numerous activities, numerous times, numerous places, different things, but at the same time, we are just experiencing and expressing, so that’s a static thing.
The static thing about life is expressions and experiences. When we become a witness to both of these, we are already at the being level. ‘Being’ is being aware of every activity. Being aware of the consciousness which stays the same in the waking state, dream state, and deep sleep state. We are aware of the consciousness, which is beyond all these states. Even beyond the consciousness, we are being aware of the soul element, which, when it leaves the body, we call it a dead body. We have time here from birth until death. We have experiences out of this space, and we have expressions in this space. This is our life. When we are fully aware of our life in this context, and we are only witnessing it without judging, without criticizing, without comparing, without doing anything, or without having any doership or ownership, then you are free.

I will give you a story to prove this beingness. Saint Vyasa was meditating under a tree near the River Yamuna. And Lord Krishna and his people were on the other side. A group of people came to see Lord Krishna from the village, and they had carried a lot of sweetmeats to be given to Krishna, which Krishna loved. When they came close to the river, they realized the river was flooding, it was overflowing, swollen. And no boatman will take them to the other side, because it was dangerous. So, they decided to sit in front of Vyasa until he opened his eyes after the meditation to ask him what they could do now?
They waited a few hours; Vyasa opened his eyes and saw that a lot of people were sitting in front of him. He asked, “Where are you coming from? Why are you here? What do you want from me?” They explained their story. They came to see Krishna, Krishna was on the other side of the river, and they can’t cross because there was no boatman or boat, there was no boatman willing to take them there. So, they asked him, “What should we do now?” Vyasa asked, “Have you brought something for Krishna?” and they said, “Yes, we have a basket full of sweetmeats which Krishna loves, made out of ghee, made out milk and ghee which Krishna usually used to love. He said, “Show me.” They opened the basket and they showed him, and he started eating. They couldn’t say anything because this was Vyasa. He started eating. He ate almost half the basket, he was pretty hungry. And they couldn’t do anything; they were just looking in awe, and in embarrassment, because they couldn’t tell him please stop because we have to take it to Krishna. Once he finished almost half the basket, he closed it. He said okay now you take it, and come with me. He took them to the river banks of Yamuna. And he said, “If I have not eaten anything, let the river part.” And the river parted. The villagers were surprised. How come? He has been eating in front of our eyes and he’s eaten almost half the stuff from the basket. And he says I have not eaten anything let the river part, and it parted. How come? Anyway, Vyasa said, “Don’t wait – cross.” They crossed the river; they went to the other side and the river came back to its original form. Vyasa stayed on this side. And they were really reluctant to tell Krishna about this or tell Krishna that they haven’t brought anything, because they didn’t want to give Krishna half a basket. While they were walking towards Krishna’s Palace, they saw Krishna resting on a bench in a garden. He was sleeping. They waited. He woke up. Krishna saw them sitting in front of him. And he was excited to see them, his old friends. He asked, “Oh, when did you come? Welcome! I’m happy to see you. By the way, what have you brought?” They were trying to hide the basket and then they said, “Oh we brought some sweetmeats.” ‘Oh no, no, no, don’t give it to me now, I am full of the same thing.”

That means when Vyasa was eating, Krishna’s belly was getting full. That means, in perfect beingness you are everything. So, Vyasa was consuming this in the consciousness of Krishna and Krishna’s belly was getting full. He said’ I’ve eaten the same thing; my belly is full of the same thing. I can’t eat that now but thank you for bringing me.” So that is what Vyasa said, “If I have not eaten. Let the river part,” and it parted because he had not eaten. Even though his body was consuming, his consciousness was merged in Krishna.
If your consciousness is completely merged in the Supreme Consciousness, or if your individual consciousness is completely merged with the Supreme Consciousness, you have no doership, you have no ownership, you have no karma. This is as simple as that.
I hope you have understood this point. Please think about it, ponder on it and try to imbibe it, try to feel it, or try to understand it in a deeper sense.
I wish you great success. See you again soon.
Lots of love.
This is Mohanji for you.

Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt
Proofread by Shyama Jeyaseelan
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