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This podcast is slightly longer than the other episodes. And it’s recommended that you listen to it in its entirety, with enough time to listen to it from start to finish. And listen again. It’s a good one to keep listening to as a reminder. We hope you enjoy it.
Hello friends. Let’s talk about positioning today. We all have certain complexes in us, which we might have experienced, especially in our teenage years. Some of these complexes make it difficult for us to position ourselves in this world. Along with that point, we can also think about our connection with various types of people. Let’s take one category, Spiritual Masters. What is a Spiritual Master – person who has settled within himself, inside himself. That is a Spiritual Master. Somebody who has taken himself off his senses, mind-matter, and has established himself in his consciousness is a Master. That means he is detached from the external world. His dependencies are less, and he is very stable, because of that. Once we recognize somebody in that way we tend to connect to that person, just because the aspiration of every person who is swayed by the mind is to reach that state. And what is the sign of that state? The sign of inner stillness is silence. No judgment. No criticism. No anger, hatred, or revenge. Peace, total peace. That’s a state that you arrive at when you are deeply connected to the consciousness of a Spiritual Master.
How do people connect to a Spiritual Master? Usually as per what they are. You cannot connect to the world as per the world is, because we have our orientations. We have our inclinations. We have our disposition. Having all these orientations, inclinations, and dispositions, we will connect to the world only as per what we are. Each person connects to another and connects to the world as per what they are. They cannot connect in any other way.
People who are of emotional by nature connect to the Master with devotion – bhakti yogis, the devotional kind. People who are intellectual by nature may connect to the Master’s philosophy, what he says, the intellectual stuff – jnana yogis, the intellectual kind. People who are of ego-oriented nature connect to the Master’s personality because the ego is the skeleton of a personality. The ego gives structure to the personality. So he is more connected to the Master’s personality. Then there are people who love to serve. They are kind by nature, they want to give to the world, share with the world – karma yogis. They connect to the Master’s philanthropic aspect. There are the very rare species, the Raja Yogis, who connect to the consciousness of the Master, the stillness aspect.

So as per the orientation, people connect to the Master accordingly. A bhakti yogi, a person who is inclined devotionally will find it absurd why the other categories are not worshiping the Master. While a person who’s oriented to knowledge will find it absurd that these devotional people are worshipping the Master, a perishable body. What is there to worship? Each category will find the other absurd. This is a very important point to understand. Nothing is absurd to the person who’s oriented in that format, that pattern. We must remember that. Hence, we must not judge, because a devotional person, an emotional person, cannot understand the knowledge path at all, because that’s not his orientation. A karma yogi will find it uneasy to just connect to a Master based on the knowledge or devotion. It’s absurd for him. If you look at each category you will find that they have a distinction, they are distinct in their own thought process, inclinations, and tendencies, and we must respect them.
The rare breeds of people who connect directly to the consciousness of the Master see themselves in the Master or see the Master in themselves. There’s no need to worship. There’s no need to act in any way, there’s nothing to understand. That’s very rare, very difficult. It is not a mind thing. It’s actually a state. Very rarely people arrive at that state after going through all the other states. Those people need nothing from the Master. His presence, his state is the most important thing, they directly connect to the state of the Master, stabilize themselves, just like a spark is enough to catch fire if the wood is dry. Just a spark. And the spark is always sitting in the Master who has stabilized himself. He’s burning fire. He is a fire, which is alive. If we really, really understand all these aspects, we will never judge, we will never criticize, we will never try to discriminate based on the orientations which we cannot understand. People connect to people, based on what they are. Some people look at the Master as freedom, total freedom, because he’s independent of the world outside. He’s detached from the world outside.

Some people feel the Master as love because he gives love, without expectations; free love, unconditional love, which is very rare in the world. We all experience unconditional love from our mothers. Mothers always give unconditional love to their children. But apart from that, the world is full of conditional love. But a Master who has found himself is established in unconditional love. Some people may look at the Master as a great romantic. When you become everything, eternal romance sprouts within you. You are a romantic, you are eternally romantic. What restricts you is your mind, eager to create frames with expectations. If there are no expectations, there are no frames, then you love the world because you are everything. You see yourself in everything. There is nothing apart from you. It’s an eternal romance. Your heart is so expanded that there is nothing else possible, just romance.
Some people look at the Master and they see rigidity, strictness. This is because discipline and determination are essential to dissolve. The mind is captured always by patterns, which we have cultivated and nurtured over time. Masters become strict to certain people because he understands that discipline is essential to cross the barriers of the mind, such as prejudices, patterns, and fears. As you are, as what’s inside you, so you see the Master. But the Master is everything because he is established in himself. He has become the universe, and he’s everything. He is not just one thing. So, he caters to each person as per what they are, as per their orientation, as per their need to take the next step. What is essential is that aspect, or that guidance, or that help that which makes them or helps them to take a stride further. In conclusion, I always recommend that you need to connect to the Master, sufficiently giving yourself time to ask all the questions to yourself, and if it is too much for you, to ask the Master. Take time to understand. Take time to assimilate. Take time to know the Master before you take the plunge, but once you take the plunge stay put.

Ask yourself what your orientation is. How do you know, it’s very simple – it’s what suits you. What’s effortless for you, that is your orientation. What doesn’t suit you, you should not do. For example, a person who’s attracted to the philosophy, the knowledge of the Master, and is not attracted to the devotional side of the Master, or devotional aspect towards the Master should refrain from doing the devotional side. Because somebody else who’s devotional by nature, bhakti yogi by nature is doing it, you don’t have to do it. You connect to the master as you are which is more stable and more real. Every connection should be realistic. Otherwise, it has no longevity. It will not survive time. Your connection should be with full awareness of what you are, not what the Master is. You can only connect to another being as you are.
Understanding your orientation is extremely essential for fruitful connections, for maintaining good connections. Don’t look any further; you realize what is your orientation, what is your constitution, and if you connect accordingly, you will have a stable, real, and peaceful connection. A stable connection is extremely essential for the sake of longevity. Birds of the same feather flock together. You need to have the same frequency, or you need to identify your frequency and connect in that way, to a universal frequency so you can derive what you require out of it. No Master needs any worship. No Master ever tells anybody you should worship me. Only insecure people will tell all these things. Only insecure people will want people to worship them.
This is a perishable body. This is what you are. You have taken this body for the sake of experiences and expressions. That’s about it. All that you are doing or all that is happening in your life are experiences of various nature and expressions of what you are in this world, nothing else is happening. So, nobody who’s balanced will say, somebody should worship them. It doesn’t matter. But if somebody’s orientation needs that fulfillment, let it be. We cannot deny anybody’s experience of any kind. A true Master allows that experience to happen. A true Master just lets it flow, how they are, let them connect as they are so that there is fulfillment individually. Individual fulfillment is essential for the transition to happen in life. If fulfillments are denied, if they are suppressed, they come back with more force, which binds them further to the Earth. For liberation to happen, fulfillment is essential. A true Master allows that to happen. There will be no restriction. What is inside you, what is burning inside you, that is what has to be addressed.

A burning desire is an important thing for that person. If awareness can take care of it, fulfill it, or through higher awareness if you can diminish that fire, it’s fine. If through higher awareness also, this fire is not diminished, fulfillment is the only solution. And fulfillment must happen, it will happen at its time. A true Master allows it to happen and releases the person from that binding desire. In a nutshell, if you really understand yourself, you can connect to a Master who is stability incarnate, effectively. If you have not settled inside, if you have not understood yourself, or if you have not understood your orientation, all your connections will be temporary, faulty, and with expectations. Any connection with expectations has a duration. A connection without expectations, selfless connections, unconditional connections, will live forever.
This is food for thought for you today. Think about it. Ponder it and communicate about it.
Lots of love, this is Mohanji for you.
Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt
Proofread by Shyama Jeyaseelan
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