Hello friends.
Today, let’s talk about a personal bank account. What is a personal bank account? We all know bank accounts; we invest money in our accounts. And we are confident because we have that bank account. We have money in the bank; we can withdraw from it when we want. This bank account is like our confidence, our self-esteem, and our security. So, this is the bank account.
Think about another bank account; the bank account that is inside you. You have a personal bank account within you. What will you invest in it? Have you thought about it? There are so many things you can invest in it. And that’s the only thing you can withdraw as well; only what you invest, you can withdraw. If you invest goodness, if you invest righteousness, if you invest kindness, compassion, positivity; if you invest beautiful, large vision, great goals for the improvement of the society; if you invest the things which are regenerative and rejuvenating into it, what you can withdraw is the same. What you sow, you reap.

So, this bank account is very important, much more important than the physical, monetary bank account. If you do not have much bank balance in this bank account, what comes out are insecurities, addictions, self-hatred, lack of self-esteem; and so many things which make you feel pretty insignificant or low in your own eyes, just like a poor man. But if you have great things in your bank account, then you will behave like a rich man; very happy, you have your money, you can fulfill your wishes, like that. I hope this is very clear.

The bank account inside is your choice. What do you want to put in that? It’s almost like your own personal locker; you can keep anything you like in it. But what is put there determines you. I always recommend people to put your highest aspirations in your bank account locker and take away all the fears and anxieties and those kinds of stuff and discard them. You don’t need them. I always used to tell people the best investment in a lifetime is in awareness. When you invest in awareness, it grows. When you concentrate on your own awareness, it reflects in the society as brightness, as kindness, as compassion, as positivity, as reliability and so many other good factors, positive factors. When you invest in your own awareness, you will stop complaining, you will stop comparing, you will stop all those things which drain you. You can easily come out of your addictions, which are bound by inertia, tamas, and you can look at your own life, fresh and as a great opportunity.
If you invest in awareness consistently, you will be brighter, you will be lovable in this world and you will not have complexes. Usually, people have an inferiority complex or a superiority complex; both these things will be alien to you. You will be fine; you will be happy; you will be stable in yourself. So, investing in awareness is very important in a lifetime. And that’s the best investment you can ever do in a lifetime. This investment matures and gives rewards, just like a bank account; you get some interest for your investment, like that, the investment on awareness, gives you clarity in life. The clarity that you get in life is your interest. When you continuously invest in awareness, in your own awareness, in your bank account, your goals will be clearer, the purpose will be clear and there will be clarity in the activity, in planning, in the road map because you are consistently investing in awareness.

Awareness is vital in anybody’s life. Life is always an opportunity and awareness is its oxygen. When you consistently invest in awareness, you will always be optimistic, bright and energetic. You will start seeing life in everybody because you have life in yourself. You will see life, in life. It’s not a heavy, depressive, disappointing life; instead, it’s a bright, positive, rejuvenated lifestyle every day, every moment, self-inspired. When you wake up in the morning, there will be only one question; what else can I do for this world? And the answer would be instantaneous. It may differ each day but it will be fulfilling. When you continuously invest in awareness, your life will not only be fulfilling but will have immense contentment each moment. A successful life is a well-lived life filled with happiness and contentment. We will love everything, we will love everybody, we will not judge, criticize, talk bad about people, about situations. Instead, we will only see, what can we do now in this situation? What best we can do now? How can we improve this? You will not talk about people, instead, you will talk about situations!
Imagine, you are working with somebody, and the attempt failed. There are two ways you can respond to this situation. One is to blame the other guy and say, “Because of him, I couldn’t complete it, or it was not successful.” Or you can say, “I can do better homework, and I can improve on it, along with this person; or I can give him better awareness and put him on the same page as what I think, and we can do it together.” Which is better? It is always better that we upgrade ourselves with every situation. This needs awareness. Awareness each moment; awareness over each activity, so that when you face situations, you will see, okay, this is the situation. What can I do now? How best I can do now? Here I am not asking you to reinforce your ego aspect, here I’m asking you to consider, what is your best potential? Then there are other people also, you cannot expect them all to see what you see or come into the same frequency as you. So, what can you do?
Discussion. If something has not worked, discuss the options, the pros and cons and say, “Can we work it out together?” And then attempt again; if it fails, again you make an upgraded version of the same situation and try. A few times later, it will become successful. Sometimes our own consistency, our own determination and discipline, this brings success. Our own self-confidence and ability to rise beyond the usual or ability to rise above each situation brings success. That needs awareness.
So, investing in awareness will never go wrong. You will start looking at everything, you will understand its value, you will understand the merits. If there are certain things which you don’t have to do, you will discard them, and you will not feel much about it. Only when you don’t have awareness, you are afraid to discard the unwanted. If you are fully aware, you will discard what is unwanted; you will keep what is required so that there will be clarity and there’ll be a clear purpose, while you’re at it. Everything will be visible and then it’s easy to put this together and get on with life. Bringing people together is very, very important and that shows your open-heartedness, large-heartedness. We can’t insist that everybody sees what we see, but we can definitely guide people as per their capacities and expect less, give more. Expect less. So, this is a good combination, just like awareness and flexibility; maturity and flexibility – good marriage. This is all within us. Our world is within us, we see the world as we are.
So, these thoughts might help you to understand yourself, assimilate yourself, align yourself with awareness and you can have a great bank account, very rich inside. This is your choice. Nobody is born poor in this context. You all have your potential, you can have a great bank account; you have it with you already.
Wish you great success.
This is Mohanji for you.

Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt
Proofread by Padmini Ravikumar
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