Mohanji: Welcome to Mohanji Speaks. These are answers to questions from listeners. Thank you for sending them, keep sending them. I will try to answer them as best as I can.
Speaker: Mohanji. This is about love. So, it’s asking the question Q: When is true unconditional love possible?

Mohanji: Unconditional Love is the only possibility. All the other things are relative love, which is loving for a particular reason. For a cause, means loving with expectation. They are all unnatural. They’re all mind oriented. Unconditional Love is the substratum. That means it is permanent, it’s permanent always. Means something which is permanent is unconditional love. And why we do not experience it? Because we are connecting love with something external an external object or an external being, and we decide that we have a choice to love or not to love. But if you remove all these choices you have a state where you are sleeping, you have a state where you awaken and you’re a state where you’re dreaming. All of these states are real. And that which transcends all these states is unconditional love. But how do you know about this? That means, how do you know that there is a state where you need nothing, but you still love?
You have to connect to yourself. You have to look at yourself.
Look at the harmony, which is called you. All the organs of the body, which are different functions are working in perfect synchronicity in harmony. And you understand there is a deep love or deep connection. The connection between all these activities which are happening, which makes you stay alive. That cementing material, or that which unites everything is deep love.

If you really connect yourself, you will be overwhelmed with love. It’ll be like a treasury, treasure house of love within. You do not see that outside. When you’re interacting with the outside world, you’re looking at people, you’re looking at differences, you’re looking at materials. You have expectations, you have desires inclinations tendencies. When all these things are happening It’s not easy to feel love, because we are occupied with all these things. In that mode, very, very difficult to find unconditional love. But if you take a close watch at nature, you’ll see a tree gives fruits with zero expectation. It’s only desire, by giving forth the fruit is that its seeds get distributed and new trees will come. But it produces much more fruits than it actually needs to have another tree. Why so? So, it’s doing its Dharma, its duty to serve the world unconditionally. It gives shade. even to a woodcutter somebody who’s come with an axe to cut its branches. It gives shade. It gives shade to birds, shelter to birds. And it gives nourishment to the beings, without any expectation. You can see this harmony this truth everywhere. This is unconditional love.
Love without conditions. And you are able to observe yourself the true yourself. There’s a physical aspect of the gross aspect. We a subtle aspect, the experience, aspect, which consists of the intellect ego-mind, all these things. Then we have further a causal aspect which causes everything to function within us. Look at all these aspects. On the gross aspect, you have an identity, you have a personality. You have a certain existence, and you are identified as a certain person all these things. Then the second level, subtle level, where you are nurturing and maintaining these things. In both these places sometimes, sometimes you can’t find unconditional love, because desires surpass our feeling of unity. Desires overwhelm. Sometimes we don’t even see the possibility of unconditional love. But when you go still further deep within, causal layer, it has no interest in any of the activities. It has no interest in any experiences. It is completely neutral, but it is love, its expression is love. It continuously assists all the other faculties to experience life, with totally free and unconditional existence. So, inside us, we have deep unconditionality. But why do we not experience it? Why are we not experiencing it is because we have so many emotions, connected to expectations connected to our existence when all these emotions are happening one by one like waves on the ocean. We fail to see what’s behind all this. When all these emotions are gone, you never see a calm sea always, calm in the sense, waveless sea. There are waves all the time. Such emotions keep on happening, we fail to see there is a sea underneath. So, you got to take some time, connect deep within. Go within. I say contemplate, contemplate, contemplate.
Contemplate going within. Deep analysis about what you are not. Anger comes – I’m not anger. Hatred comes – Why should I be hatred. Hatred kills me. It disturbs me. I’m not hatred. Jealousy comes -Why should I be jealous about somebody, I’m unique internal focusing on my uniqueness why should I look at somebody else? Like that with the contemplation, you can remove the intensity of each emotion. Then what remains is unconditional love. One by one layer by layer, you remove the grip of emotions. Then emotions don’t grip you anymore. When you’re fully yourself when your inner journey is strong, you’re more inclined to go inside than outside emotions can’t catch you. Emotions exist with outside objects outside entities, beings, people, places, all these things. But when you go within there’s nothing to hold on, except some memories, something which is stored, such as fears memories inclinations, likes and dislikes tendencies experiences impressions. Apart from that, there’s nothing inside. You are constantly seeing the existence of these materials inside. You start feeding, ‘That’s not me at all fleeting things, something which comes and goes. So, I’m not all this! Then what am I? That’s when you really start connecting to the deeper core, where there is somebody something in you, which needs nothing. Totally free. Unattached with all your activities, all your likes and dislikes, all your emotions, all your desires, everything, and still happy.
So that’s when you realize, oh, there is something much deeper, much happier than this fleeting happiness or pleasures of life. And that gives you that awareness. There is something very deep and unconditional within. You got to find it. It’s like finding a treasure, you’ll dig and dig and dig and beneath all the mud and rubbles there is a treasure box within us. When you find that you’ve found everything. There’s nothing more to find. Meanwhile, we are deceived trying to find something outside of us like a relationship, some possessions, some positions. We are on a mad rush all the time. But are we happy? We are not happy. We need more. We need different things, we need variety, plus we engage in emotions such as criticism judgment comparison and that hooks you to the outside world. If you just leave it. Don’t judge anybody. Don’t criticize anybody. Don’t compare with anybody, you are unique.

If you’re less hooked to the world outside your inner journey becomes easier. If you are more hooked to the world outside first of all you have to unhook; that’s why we have The Power of Purity meditation, unhooking. Unhook yourself from the world outside. And then come inside slowly, slowly. Take one step at a time. It may take time; I don’t even know how much time it depends on individuals. How deep you’re connected to the world outside. If you’re lesser connected to the world outside easier to come inside. So, this is approximate, I mean I’m just giving you a broad picture because unconditional love is something which you got to feel where you are able to love everybody, everything like a mother to the child, mother of any species to its children. How deep is the bonding, how much love? With no expectations. And if you look at the animal kingdom, their love is far more unconditional than the human kingdom.
Speaker: This is the first podcast of three on the topic of unconditional love. It was quite extensively covered by Mohanji. So, there’ll be two more to come. We hope you enjoyed it. And the next instalment will come very soon. Have a good day.

Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt
Proofread by Maja Otovich
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