Hello, my friends. Welcome to Mohanji Speaks.
We have discussed about the unrest and the anger that spilled over into the streets of America. We’ve talked about racism, we talked about discrimination, and we talked about masters and slaves. This podcast is to discuss about who the real master is and who the real slaves are. We have always discussed about freedom at various levels, various dimensions. Time and again, various people have spoken about the need for freedom. We have fought for freedom. We have waged wars for freedom. And when freedom of movements is restricted, we have become violent.
But what exactly is freedom? Have we thought? We believe that freedom means freedom of senses, freedom of mind, and freedom of body. This is what we understand. That means, we do have the freedom to do what we like to do. But real freedom is freedom from the senses, freedom from the mind, and freedom from the body. This is your food for thought today. Real freedom is freedom from all the aspects that we consider as ourselves, such as the body, mind, intellect, ego, and the senses. When we are bound by them, we don’t have freedom. The freedom that we have fought for is that freedom where our movements are restricted. Body, mind, intellect, senses are all restricted and ego is affected. That’s the freedom that we fought for. That’s the freedom that we waged wars for. So, if we really, really have to experience freedom, we have to experience freedom from our senses, mind, and the body. That’s real freedom. The senses, the mind, and the body would like to roam on sensory objects in the outside world, fulfilling desires at every point in time. They seek fulfillment. The body seeks fulfillment, the mind seeks fulfillment, the intellect seeks fulfillment, and the ego seeks fulfillment. Senses help that. This is the freedom that we have been talking about. And we thought this is the freedom that we need. But is that so? Think!

When we are away from desires, when we are away from the need for sensory satisfaction all the time, when we are contented inside, when we are away from the compulsions of the body, mind, intellect, and the ego, when we are fully settled and satisfied – that is freedom, beauty and peace of our soul. We do not need any external objects; we do not need any external factors, such as relationships, time, space, conveniences. We don’t need any of those, because we are fully settled inside.
So, real freedom is freedom from the mind. When we do not have to chase sensory objects, we are free. The ability to do something or be somewhere is not exactly freedom. But because we are connected to the body, because we believe we are this personality, we believe that experience, but that’s not it. This is an important thought. So, who are the masters? There is only one master – yourself. Who are the slaves? We become slaves when we are slaves to the wrong masters, such as the mind, body, intellect, and ego. Spirit is always free. Spirit has nothing to do with our completions and fulfillments. The spirit is free. The soul is free. The soul has nothing to do with us. It’s always stable, peaceful, settled inside. And when we settle inside along with the soul, we become the soul. We are also peaceful. There is nothing outside of us. Or there are many things outside of us, but they do not interest us anymore. But if you are fully settled inside, just like the soul who does not interfere in your satisfactions and completions, you will also be disconnected and detached from all these things outside. But you will be there in everything, detached and unaffected. Just like your soul. You can do anything you like but the soul is detached and disconnected. We will be like that. That’s real freedom.

So, if you really want to be a master, you’ve got to be yourself. You cannot be your mind, intellect, ego, and body, and still say you are free because that’s not freedom. If you really understand this freedom, you have understood the truth of existence. This is the truth.
I leave you with this thought today. Ponder on it. Think it over. Discuss this matter. And as you discuss more, you will get more and more awareness.
I wish you happiness, fulfillment, and settlement inside yourself.
Lots of love, this is Mohanji.

Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt
Proofread by Shyama Jeyaseelan
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