Hello, my friends, welcome to another episode of Mohanji Speaks. I hope you have enjoyed the previous episodes and hope you have discussed them with your friends. Probably some clarity would have happened inside. That was the intention.
Now, here we talk about a new thought. This is the thought that many of us have asked ourselves. What is this world? Who are we? What am I? All these things. The point that we would like to discuss here today is, we are the world. The world is us. I’ll explain.
There are numerous expressions on Earth. All the human beings, all the species, Nature, the plants, the trees, the animals, the birds, the water, the air, the sun, the moon, and all the things that we see around are expressions. All these put together is the variety of life. We are also an integral part of that, we as human beings, as a species, and we as individuals. We are all an integral part of this whole existence. This is what we are talking about today. Who is the world? What is the world? We are the world.

We all have a role to play. This role that we play must be with full awareness, or this role must be understood with full awareness. If we don’t understand this role clearly, we are almost operating in an unconscious mode. I think many of us agree with that. We wake up in the morning and we don’t know what to do. We do so many things mostly in an unconscious way, we do so many things just because we like to do it, or we are habitually doing it. It’s habitual, not that we really wanted to do that thing. We are habituated to have coffee in the morning or tea in the morning. We are habituated to have breakfast. These are all habits. If you take our whole life, we are mostly run by habits; that means subconscious. How much is the conscious mind at work? Very little. Because we are often not even aware of our activity, we are doing it in an unconscious mode, because we are used to it. Habits mean unconsciously, more or less, almost mechanically doing it. Multitasking is almost like unconscious because when you’re thorough with something you don’t have to really focus on it, you can multitask. But when you really have to focus on each action, you can’t, you can only do one thing. That’s the real work, that’s a real thing. A cluster of these activities put together is what we call life.
When we look at the whole world, when we understand the world, when we feel the world, we must also remember; we are the world, and our contribution is very important. Many people live and die; we don’t even know them. There are 7.5 billion people, many, many faces, many countries, many people, many types of people, but they’re all the same. We don’t even see them. We don’t recognize most of the people, we don’t see them. We recognize very few people in the world. And these people whom we recognize, whom we can call successful people or people who are known – they have invested themselves or invested in cleansing themselves or cleaning themselves to remove the clutter, and they have focused on an activity, which is close to their heart. And they’ve invested in an activity.

When you invest in an activity, you should believe in it, otherwise, it doesn’t work. When you’re sure about an activity, it can be a profession, it can be an idea, it can be a concept – whatever you believe in, invest yourself totally. In 2003 when the newspaper people asked me, what’s your investment in Ammucare, I said, “Myself.” There’s only one thing you can really invest, yourself. And if you invest yourself totally with conviction, there’s no way failure can happen because Nature helps you. Nature LOVES people who have conviction. Most of us do not have conviction in our actions. If we have no conviction in the action, actions become so weak that they do not get the required result. In order to be successful in life, in order to express yourself in the world, in order for you to become the world to people, you’ve got to invest yourself. There’s no other way. Investing yourself is the best investment. But then you should believe in what you do otherwise it will all be vague. You should believe in what you do and invest yourself totally, and then you can see that you are actually progressing. Otherwise, we are procrastinating. Most of us do not go forward or we have disappointments because we have not invested ourselves in it.
Have we put ourselves fully in our actions? Have we really put ourselves in our actions, in our thoughts, in our expressions? If yes, success is just around the corner, for sure. Don’t worry about planetary positions; don’t worry about the likes and dislikes of the people around you. People may call you crazy, people may call you mad. People may agree with you, disagree with you, it doesn’t matter if you are sure about the activity that you’re doing. If you have full conviction over your actions, then nobody can stop you, you become a powerhouse. So that’s the real expression that makes you the world for a lot of people.
I’m leaving this thought on your plate. What is the world? We are the world! We decide how the world should be. Let us decide that the world should be harmonious. The world should have one religion, humanity. The best religion for the whole world of human beings is humanity. Humanity also means all-encompassing kindness, compassion, unconditional love, and selflessness towards all the beings of the Earth. All beings are the same on Earth. For Nature, for Mother Earth, there are no differences between beings; they are all using certain faculties of Mother Earth for their own gratifications as we do. So, we have no right to control, capture, manipulate, and destroy, anybody or any species, period. We must understand that all the species on Earth are interdependent and not for humans’ sake. That’s a very, very wrong thought – that this entire world is for us, one species; absolutely not. It’s for every species; we are all the same in the eyes of Nature.

So, harmony, humanity, nonviolence, these are the qualities which we would like to deliver into this world, as perfect human beings, as quality human beings, as powerful human beings. And that’s why we talk about getting up early in the morning as the Ayurveda says. Between 9 pm and 12 midnight, the body repairs itself. That means we must sleep at that time. The body needs sleep to repair itself. Between 9 pm to 12 is the right time to sleep for the sake of the body, the body repairs itself. Between 3 am to 6 am is the time when the mind repairs itself. So this is the time when you should get up. And you should feed the mind with good thoughts. When we do that, in that manner, we will see that the Earth is also better because we are healthy, we are balanced, and we give that balance to the Earth, to Mother Nature.
I leave you with these thoughts. Think it over, discuss it, share it with your friends. And let’s come out with something beautiful. Let’s nurture it, let’s perfect it.
I’m always with you and I love you. This is Mohanji.

Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt
Proofread by Shyama Jeyaseelan
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