Mohanji’s Message on Corona Virus Pandemic – 20th March 2020
Hello friends, this is Mohanji again.
Yesterday, I was talking about introspection; the reason for our current state, the state where everything is on standstill. Spaces are closed, malls are closed, airports are closed; every space which we would like to be in are closed. So, we are in a forced confinement – one species, the human species. We had discussed yesterday the reason for this. The reason is for us to be aware, to understand, to introspect, and to make changes in our own life.
Sometimes we may think what we have got to do with all these results that we talked about – the pollutions, the emissions and the conditions. We have. We as one species is responsible for all the destructions and devastations of Earth today, apart from natural calamities, which was not many or not too many.
Even if you look at individual countries, the activity of a citizen is the responsibility of the country. Country should have certain laws, certain structures, to make sure that the activities are in line with the right ethics, dharma – righteousness.
Likewise, it is the responsibility of every religion to take care, to make sure that every person who is following that religion follows ethics. They should not harm any other religion, any society, any country or the species as a whole. It is our responsibility. It is each family’s responsibility to ensure that its own people are doing well.

There should be laws, which makes sure that synchronicity, continuity and compassion is always maintained. So, there is a collective responsibility for the species to make sure that there is no harm happening in this world, on this earth because of the existence of this species. Animal kingdom follows it. They do not harm without a reason. A tiger does not hunt if it’s not hungry, a deer or any other beings; they all follow certain ethics and rule. They do not exceed it, we do, and we as a species do. We have an active mind, active imagination, active intelligence, intellect and we do everything to just feel a certain level of false contentment. We need more and more and more each day. We are not satisfied. Our levels of satisfaction keep changing. Contentment factor never happens. And we think that the more is merrier. Absolutely not. The more means more responsibility. What is merrier is a state where you want nothing from Earth. That’s a very happy state, state of great masters. They wanted nothing from Earth. They wanted nobody to follow them. They wanted no materials, no spaces, no time. They were happy and contented the way they were. We have that history. We have that rich history where people wanted nothing. They were happy. Even now, there are such people, great masters, who want nothing from the world, but give everything they have to the world unconditionally, without expectations.
So, we have a collective responsibility. The entire race, the entire species have a collective responsibility. We are just one species. Beyond caste, creed, country, culture, religion, colour, beyond everything, we are one species. And there is a responsibility for this species, for the ethical life of this species; we can’t run away from it.
If you want to be successful in your pursuit, to ensure stability and contentment on Earth, you should first of all believe in it. And secondly, surrender to it. You cannot be partially accepting, partially rejecting something; it never works. You got to accept it, surrender to it, believe in it and act on it. There will be success. If you believe in something totally, there’ll be power of action. Belief, faith in yourself and your belief system is essential for your success. If you do not believe in something, whatever you do will be very weak. Success will not be there, success will be difficult. So, at this point of time when nature is actually playing a practical joke, where it confined all the people of the species to four walls; it’s time for us to contemplate, introspect and correct. We must take the responsibility. Every country is responsible for its citizens. Every religion is responsible for its followers. Every master, every society, every space, every unit is responsible for its people. And as a whole, the species is responsible for its people. This responsibility cannot be underestimated, cannot be denied, nor can be rejected. This is the truth. This is truth, and we must fulfil it. Please think about it. These are foods for thought.
I’m with you and I love you. We’ll talk again later.

Transcribed and proofread by
Rekha Murali
Watch other Mohanji’s messages on Corona virus here.
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