Mohanji Foundation UK team had organised an event “Rejuvenate Yourself!” – A day in the consciousness of Mohanji that included some of the activities that MF UK offers, such as HSTY Yoga, Meditation, Conscious Walk, Spiritual discussion, Conscious Dance and Mai Tri Healing.
Even though Mohanji was physically not present for this event, He indicated His presence with us in the consciousness by sending an audio message, that was played in the start of the programme.
As always, His message was simple with absolute clarity and connecting to ordinary lives that will help every one improve their day-to-day life as well as help progress in spiritual life.
Below is the transcription of His message.
Hope you all enjoy this.
— Mohanji Foundation UK team
Mohanji’s address:
Hello everybody.
Welcome to ‘Rejuvenate yourself!’ programme in London. This is Mohanji.
I wish you a great time there. Lot of love, lot of affection and I wish you great transformation. The benchmark of spiritual growth is transformation. How do you know what is transformation or what is transforming in you? You will know by the things you do not need any more. There are so many things in life, which we consider as very important at various points in time, but they can keep changing. After a while, you realize that many of these things had no value in absolute sense and they drop off. What drops off goes away, they are gone. What doesn’t drop off means that you need it for some more time. Whether it’s a habit, or it could be a notion, a thought or a concept. It could be anything. But as long as it stays with you, within you, you need to do something about it.
So what drops off is a clear sign of deep transformation. A programme like ‘Rejuvenate yourself!’ is not just rejuvenation, it’s actually assimilation as well. That means you try to connect to yourself, you assimilate within yourself, you become yourself. And then you express that oneness, that togetherness, that unit factor, into the world outside. That is exactly your highest expression. When you are a total unit, when your mind, body, intellect, ego and spirit, all comes in one line, and you are aligned within, your expressions become powerful. And that exactly is your highest expression.
Getting together in programmes such as these, all activities of this nature, of what you’re doing now, is to become a full unit, something which is complete. We are walking towards completion, all the time, every day. But when you are fully occupied with yourself, your expressions become powerful. Your life becomes more complete. This is exactly the path. This is exactly what we are aspiring for.
We live in a world of frequencies. You are a frequency, a unique frequency. You are representing a kind of frequency which you came with and you are interacting with numerous other frequencies. How do you know about frequencies? It’s very simple. Some frequencies we like and some frequencies we do not like, it’s as simple as that. It means that with some frequencies we would like to connect – with some people we would like to connect, and with some people we do not want to connect. This shows that our frequency matches with some people and does not match with many. If your frequencies do not match, and you are still with those people, after a while, you will drop off. That’s because you can’t interact for more than a specified amount of time with something which does not suit your frequency.
You can see people coming into your life, dropping off at certain stages, or evolving their relationships with you. All those factors are connected to frequencies. So, how are you able to connect better to different frequencies? This is a skill and for that skill, you need to connect to yourself. You need to accept your frequency. You need to understand, recognize and experience your frequency, and from there you can connect to every frequency. So when you look out, you see your own frequency or you see unique frequencies reflecting their original qualities into this world.
That’s exactly what you’re doing as well. But when you are subdued, when you are not in acceptance with yourself and your frequency or frequencies or the dimensions that you have come with, then it will be difficult for you to interact with this world. That’s when we see introversion, depression and those kinds of things. That’s all due to lack of connection with oneself. If you are walking this path called spiritual evolution, or alignment in a much more practical way, you must connect to yourself, accept your frequencies and also help others to connect to themselves and accept their own frequencies. There are no failures in life and there are no successes in life in absolute sense. Whatever you call success is probably some material gain or some position or power or possession. But how long will it stay?
Ask this question to yourself. Is it worth spoiling a relationship, is it worth detaching from somebody who cared for you, or is it worth being in isolation and not wanting to do anything in the world outside? Ask these questions to yourself. Is it worth it? That’s the right way to start the journey. When you clearly know that it’s not worth to alienate, instead it’s good to love, good to share, good to accept people and accept ourselves, then life becomes more complete each moment. This moment is your existence. This moment is what you have. This moment collected together is what we call life.
I wish you great success. Be happy, experience happiness. Shine like a bright light into this world. Make your life shine like the sun and make your life meaningful to many, many beings around you, so that your life will become well lived.
Wish you success. Wish you happiness. I’m walking with you. And if you deeply connect to me, you will experience me all the time. Love you. Lots of love, hugs and wish you success once again. All the best!

Transcribed & Edited By – Mohanji Testimonials Team