Hello friends. This is Mohanji.
Hope you are enjoying the podcasts and hope you are commenting, or you’re giving suggestions continuously.
Today, I would like to discuss with you about a very, very important aspect of our life, which most of the people are chasing their whole life. That thing is wealth. What exactly is wealth? This question, it needs a lot of contemplation. What is wealth? What is real wealth?
I would like to tell you a story. A child went to his father and told his father, “What is the most important thing that I must do in my life?” Father said, “You should remain wealthy. If you’re not born wealthy, that’s not your fault. That’s your destiny. But if you die poor that means you did not do well in life.”
Then the child started wondering how to earn wealth? He went to a Master. The Master said, “Whatever you earn from outside, it is not permanent. What you earn inside, it’s permanent. That means, what you can take with you everywhere, without effort, and what you can take when you leave from here, naturally, that’s your real wealth.”
The child started pondering and then the contemplation, like we are doing now, the food for thought happened. He started investigating.
He worked hard, and he earned some money. He saw many people around him; they were working hard, the rich people and the people who were striving for more and more. And then he found that many people do not get satisfaction, contentment. They’re always busy, they’re always stressed, they’re always anxious.
Then he saw another set of people who are lazy, they don’t do anything. They complain, they don’t have the energy or they have tremendous inertia, and they don’t do anything in life. So, that’s the other side. Then he also saw a lot of people exploiting others and living; many political people and those kinds of people who live their life exploiting others; so he did not like that. Then, he got a real view of the whole world, various types of people from beggars to millionaires; nobody’s happy, nobody is satisfied. Then he understood what the Master told him. What you can carry inside is real wealth.

So what is the real wealth? He understood; every moment, I must be happy. So he started working sufficiently, and he decided that this is only to make a survival. Then, he found a lot of happiness when he gave or shared what he had with others. When he took care of his parents, he became very happy; he was feeling good. And when he was taking care of the stray animals, feeding the stray animals, he was happy; he was feeling good. He found that happiness is in these small things of life; being available, being aware and being able to share. Not that waiting for some happiness at some point in time, which is elusive happiness; it’s not coming. It may happen or it may not happen. So, he started focusing on what he could do in this world, and he started giving more and more, whatever he has, started sharing, so he maintained his happiness. And then he understood. This is real wealth.
What is real wealth? That every moment happiness is the real wealth. It’s not the money you have in your bank account or what you do not have, and we naturally tend to compare. This is human nature. Who do we compare with? Always somebody who’s above us, or more successful than us. That’s natural for us. That’s human nature, we can’t help it. That’s fine. That’s okay. But at the same time, comparisons and competitions, they are all distractions. Instead, he focused on his work. Then he understood; the real effort is in applying what has been given, or what you are doing at that time. So, he started applying himself. He started becoming successful. He also became wealthy that way and whenever he had wealth, whenever he got something, he did not think twice, but he started sharing. So, he maintained his wealth. The maintenance of wealth for him, he understood was his ability to share; not in hoarding, in keeping more and more for himself. And he knew that many people who are wealthy are extremely insecure because they tend to keep everything, and they don’t enjoy them – the fruits of success. And they do not do anything to keep the flow. So, he understood, sharing makes wealth more meaningful.

And finally, one day, he went back to the Master, and he told the Master, “Master, I have understood your message. You told me to go out and seek wealth, but spend more time to go in and seek wealth. I found the real wealth sits inside me. I’m happy now, I’m contented and peaceful, thank you for guiding me.” Then, the Master said, “But please remember, the real wealth is YOU. You are the real wealth. If you are not existing, none of these options and opportunities will be existing.”
Finally, real wealth is YOU. If you are there, then the world has you. If you are not there, the world does not have you. And if you are there, you have a world. If you are not there, you do not have the world. So this is a relative existence.
And be happy with yourself, then you have found wealth. I leave you with this thought. Ponder over it. Try to digest it. Talk about it, discuss it with others, share this thought, and do let us know whether you liked it or whether you did not like it or what else we can talk about. Let’s talk, let’s communicate. I wish you a great week ahead.
Be successful. Be yourself.
Lots of love.

Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt
Proofread by Rekha Murali
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