Mohanji receives many mails with many questions and problems from various parts of the world each day. Usually, he makes it a point to reply to each one of them, even though it is not easy. What we have here, is the essence of his replies for about 150 such mails.
Straight from the heart, with deep concern for our evolution, to make us understand our purpose on the earth, Mohanji is showing the eternal mirror on our face, with a request, to ask a few questions to ourselves, think, contemplate, shed baggage and evolve.
Have we forgotten something – some basics – on the way of our materialistic walk? We are proud to present Mohanji’s words as he expressed… each word is a pearl, makes one re-think…..
Love and regards, BTW Team
Dear All,
Look at yourself. Are you taking your life more seriously than you should? Are you becoming more and more rigid and inflexible as the time flows? Is it worth it? Have you missed some of the most important experiences of your life either because of your fears, phobias or because of your binding conditionings – or even because of others’ words based on their set of fears and phobias? Are you a slave of your own mind or habits?
Is constant postponement bothering you, destroying you from within and eroding your own self-esteem? Just remember, You have very limited time on earth and it is a matter of time before you exit from this scene on earth too, at least temporarily, irrespective of whether you believe in re-incarnation or not, death is for sure – sooner or later.
Even if you may re-enter this drama at some other point of time and space, you may not remember the previous role that you played at all, just like you are totally ignorant about the lives that you lived in the past.
So, once again, is this over-acted seriousness worth it? Is this anger, anxiety, fear, hatred, inflexibility and insecurity worth it? It is high time we contamplate on this. It is high time we looked at ourselves, considered ourselves, loved ourselves and cared too.
When is the last time we laughed whole heartedly, sincerely? It is time! Have we actually lost our childhood or the wonder-fuelled child in us? Have we lost our laughter? When is the last time we sincerely and guiltlessly appreciated a thing of beauty? When is the last time we complemented our spouse, our children, sincerely?
When was the last time you consciously decided to abandon your nagging guilts as useless emotions and get on with life honestly? When is the last time you chose to be yourself? Do you feel that you control or can control others’ lives? If yes, first try controlling yourself, your own mind, before you attempt to control others.
Is your guilt based on sexuality? Yes? Why? Isn’t sexuality an integral part of the life of every species? Sexuality is an instinct provided to sustain the species. Why should we be guilty about sex at all? Have you considered this thought ever? Guilt binds man as much as any other habits and conditionings do. Awareness and understanding truly liberates from all kinds of bindings.
Are fears of any kind necessary at all? Why? What is there to be afraid of? Are we afraid of ourselves? Are we afraid of society, name, fame, money, position? Are we rebelling? Against whom? Are our expressions constant acts of ignorance or helplessness? Can’t we choose to grow beyond it? Do we consider food and sex as recreation, get away or escape?
Are we bound by any addictions at all, how ever innocent they may seem to be? Are we slaves to anything? Does it help at all? I believe it is time we considered our lives differently, as time does not stand still for anyone.
Are we passively accepting or suffering the company of people of negative nature who instill fears, phobias and hatred in you? Do they influence your thought process and make you ridicule, criticize and condemn Gods, Gurus and even your parents? Are you afraid to leave the company of such people? Are you mechanically, almost helplessly acting on their command, suggestion or manipulations?
Why? It is time to think.
You have the full right to choose good friends, those who bring brightness, sunshine and love into your life. You have the right to choose Love and freedom, as much as you have the right to choose hatred and further bondage. Remember, you are creating your own realities, and the inevitable destiny.
Have we ever considered contributing something creatively for the lesser privileged children of Mother Earth? Have we consciously decided to make our existence on earth more meaningful than the clock-work life comparable to that of animals, or a life bound by compelling habits?
Have we ever considered that war and peace happens in our minds first, before it gets manifested in the world outside?
Have we ever considered with gratefulness that we have three square meals a day and numerous past-time snacks in-between and have we ever really thought about the hungry, dying and deprived children elsewhere before we wasted the precious food and water?
Have we ever considered that the grains that we wasted had the potential to become a plant and produce many more grains of its kind? If not, It is time to consider. Better late than never.
We are usually leading an unconscious existence. We live mechanically, clock-work. We repeat our inherited constitution quite mechanically and even become proud of it. We boast on others words, wealth or “borrowed feathers”! We boast about our inherited character or conditionings.
Is it worth it? What are we proud of? Is there anything to be proud of at all which are not temporary in our life? It is time we thought about ourselves, before we think negatively about others. Is it because of others that we are suffering or that something (negative trait or tragic flaw) in us, that repeatedly brings such people and situations into our lives – what we are tired about?
It is time to consider this carefully.
When is the last time, that you experienced and expressed sincere and whole hearted FAITH towards yourself, your Guru and ultimately GOD? What is the use of entertaining conditional FAITH at all? Are we not wasting the precious moments of our existence on earth by being unreal? Time to think!
When was the last time we broke our patterns consciously? When did we consider ourselves as infinite – at least potential-wise? When was the last time we explored ourselves and re-invented ourselves? When was the last time we stopped complaining about something and decided that we have the courage, power and strength to change that matter that was bothering us?
When was the last time we consciously realized that we are eternal creation machines and we create our own destiny? When was the last time we paid attention to who or what is running this body, fuelling our thoughts, and making us experience various thoughts, words, situations and events? It is time. I strongly feel that it is time you started looking at yourself.
Look at others, judge others only after you have understood yourself fully. If you have not understood yourself fully, how can you understand another at all? How can we ever decide the walking space of others at all? We have no right to put others in frames, nor do we have any right to treat another being – not only human – with contempt.
I am sure we have always been discontented with life in general or at least many things in life. We have not been happy about others either. We constantly complain. This is usually because we compare our situation with others.
When was the last time we counted our merits rather than our defects? When was the last time when we considered, with gratefulness, that most of our vital functions such as heartbeat, circulation, digestion and secretions are not controlled by our conscious mind?
When is the last time you considered, with gratefulness, that the most important functions of your own body are, thankfully, not controlled by your conscious mind at all? Did you ever consider not to abuse your own body? It is time to think.
When was the last time your recognized with gratitude that this was the precious body of a live animal/bird, which sacrificed itself to give you sensory satisfaction, before you devoured its flesh?
When was the last time you decided not to postpone a vital action, breaking the cage of your own conditioned mind? When was the last time you kept your promises? Primarily, you are not answerable to anyone except your own conscience.
When was the last time you broke your own pattern of delaying actions? When was the last time you ever considered that your own mind is blocking your own progress and nobody else can be blamed for it?
When was the last time you dared to act and you believed in what you did, irrespective of the fear of possible consequences, others’ words and further actions? When was the last time you trusted your own experience rather than others words and felt proud about it? Why are we afraid to leave our comfort zones?
Isn’t the whole world your arena? Why are we locking, confining ourselves to one space at all? Why are we so afraid to confront our own fears? What exactly is there to lose, as death is inevitable in everyone’s existence?
Have you ever considered that none else but you – are blocking your own path towards a successful existence? Isn’t our own ego getting on our way?
Why are we disappointed? Why are we depressed? Why are we angry? Why do we hate and abuse ourselves and others? Why do we lie, cheat and contaminate our own inner space?
Why do we make ourselves helpless?
Do you believe or feel that your own inner space is the temple of your own GOD? It is time to contemplate on that. Can we contaminate our own inner space, the temple where our GOD resides?
When is the last time we have not asked, requested or begged something from the God or Guru and instead just uttered from deep within, “THANK YOU for EVERYTHING“? When is the last time you asked the God or Guru, “What can I do for you?” instead of “What are you going to give me?” (True Guru or God will need nothing from you.)
When was the last time you honestly said “I AM HAPPY“? When was the last time you decided to be real and not to pretend what you are NOT? When was the last time that you discarded ownership of your own actions, but acted sincerely and said with conviction, “Lord, Let YOUR WILL – not mine, BE DONE?” and whole heartedly embraced the fruits of action, whether it was good or bad?.
When was the last time you whole heartedly accepted realities of life without resistance? When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror and uttered with absolute sincerity “I LOVE YOU.” and “You are truly WONDERFUL“? When was the last time you felt grateful to be alive? When was the last time you touched the “skin” of mother earth and gratefully uttered “THANK YOU“?
When was the last time you touched the leaves of the plants in your house and uttered with deep love, “I love you. We are closely related?” When was the last time you consciously discarded negative thoughts and swapped them with overwhelming optimism and love?
When was the last time you truly loved someone without expecting love in return?
When was the last time you could bring smile and hope on a stranger’s face? When was the last time you looked into the eyes of your teacher, Guru and said “I am not separate from you. You and I are one?” When was the last time you embraced HONESTY and SELF-LESSNESS whole heartedly?
When was the last time you considered – “How many more years will this body walk on the earth?” Did you consider “These people around me will also disappear sooner or later forever“?
Did you also consider “Now is the only time to express unconditional love, wholeheartedly, sincerely and gratefully?”. Did you ever consider that “You came empty handed and will leave empty handed”? Did you consider that “All that you actually need is a bit of shelter, clothes and food?”
What else can you actually use? What is permenant? We actually own nothing on earth!. Everything will pass away….
Have you considered…………………………. It is time. It is time!
Even this one will pass away. I own nothing. All I have – I give you. I keep nothing for myself. I am fluid. I represent the consciousness that you came from. My love for you is complete. I embrace you as myself. I am indivisible. I am Yourself. I LOVE MYSELF and MYSELF is YOU.
Love Infinite
5 thoughts on “BACK to BASICS”
Relevant questions beloved Mohanji. What I would call loving punches! THANKYOU.
Amazing, beautiful…..only tears…..<3 love you and just want to say….i am happy….
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Wow. Thank you Baba for your profound words. …. its like you have read my thoughts& answered me in so many ways.Ilove you & grateful for you ❤
Reading all your thoughts provoking words only now..Ever grateful..Thankyou Baba..will endeavour to be so..Only Your Will be done.