An excerpt from a satsang is South Africa, 2014

Q: Is it possible to connect to our higher self?
A: Your higher self is already with you. As I’ve said before, the blocking factor is the mind. We already have a higher and lower self. There is only a difference in frequency. Higher self means a frequency, or a level of operation, where you see things from above and you are not bound by emotions or activities. You can see the whole tapestry of the situation from a higher perspective. Once you are able to see that, then you are operating from the higher self. This is your choice. You can operate from your higher self anytime you like. It’s up to you. And how do you do this?
First of all, you need to start keeping a gap between your activity and yourself. There is you, your activity, and there is a gap in the middle. Don’t be the activity. Usually what happens is that we indulge and completely dissolve into action. Likewise with you and the world. You are observing yourself talking, observing yourself thinking, observing yourself acting and doing things. Whatever you do, you are a witness to it. Once you slowly, slowly enter into that mode, then the higher self is operating one hundred percent. This is because you are not bound by the results of your actions. You are acting on a purposeful basis. Whenever there is an action on a purposeful basis, it is only the higher self.

A prime example is how Jesus operated. If you read the Bible, it is clear that he never wasted a moment. Where was this energy coming from? It happens when one’s operating level shifts to the level of one hundred percent purpose. You have a clear purpose, a clear objective. You accomplish what you must within a particular period of time, and then you exit the body. In the case of Jesus, the particular time period in which he went about as a wandering preacher was probably only eight years. However those eight years were intense because he was operating one hundred percent in higher frequency. This is exactly where higher energy operates through you. Then you are not tired. You have no fear, no tiredness. These are the signs. You are also absolutely peaceful inside. Irrespective of what you may be experiencing outside, you are not ruffled inside. This is a clear sign of operating from the higher self, from a higher frequency. If you are consistently operating at the level of peace and if you are not afraid of anything at all, then these are clear signs of operating from higher frequency.

This can be achieved. In order to achieve it though, you need to maintain a separation between your thought, word, action, and you. Ultimately, this practice will evolve into a state where everything happens around you, or through you, but you are not bound by any of it. You are not controlled by any of it. You are fearless. Remember Jesus. He was playing with fire. He was encountering and fighting with the established priests of his time. Nobody wanted him to stay free. Even today, imagine if you go and fight with all the great priests of the temple, church, mosque or any such place. Do you think they will let you go like that? They will say “Who are you to talk like this? We know the scriptures.“ And this is exactly what happened with Jesus. Where was his conviction coming from? Conviction always comes from the truth. When you are operating at the level of truth, then conviction happens spontaneously. Fear will leave, because there is nothing to be afraid of. What is the maximum you can do to me? Kill me? Ok go ahead. You will kill the body, but never the spirit. Thus with clear understanding, and clarity, if you are operating in such a way, then it is definitely from the higher self. Yes, it is indeed possible to connect to your higher self.
Transcribed by Milica Bulatovic
4 thoughts on “Connecting to your Higher Self”
Thank you for posting this.
Mohanji Thank you once again.
Jai Baba
Thanks, excellent article…I totally understand this and most of the time I believe I am doing it. But can we still say we are operating at this frequency when we are say 90% in tune whereas 10% we act out of habits , like smoking, or sexual interaction etc. This maybe for 20mins in a day. In that case even though it is only say 10% selfish activity catering to your body and mind, it is still an activity which you involve in the action and do it. But yet the other 90% you are the messenger of peace, you are aware and in tune so not essentially all-bad-habits-man-talking-spirituality… how to treat this. Please sir do not tell leave the bad habit, dropping a habit is hugely difficult for anyone isnt it. Upon inquiry or even during performing the action we can be aware that I am not the body or mind, yet a certain level of involvement is present to enjoy the activity, so what is the redemption.
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