Mohanji Speaks
Zoom Satsang on 6th May 2018

Handling life
Q: If everything is happening through us, then all this confusion, good or bad, is meant to happen. So surrender, morning and night?
M: The will which created this effect has already happened. That is what we call the past. In the past we have done so many things and the effect of that past is happening now. If you look at our general life, you can see, the results of most of the things we do now, are coming later. Just take a normal life. Whatever we do know, the results happen later. Like that, the things we have done in the past, the emotions, the feelings, the effect of all those things of the past, is happening now. The cause is sitting there, its effect is sitting now. This stream of events is what we call life. Sometimes itâs good, sometimes itâs bad. Bad means it gives you pain. Good means it gives you pleasure, happiness. So life is going like a wave between the good and the bad, i.e. happiness and sorrow. Itâs like a continuous flow. This is how it works.
When we look at life with expectation, the intensity of pain is higher, but if you approach life with acceptance, the intensity of pains is lower. When you accept a situation, spontaneously, you will feel lighter. If instead of acceptance there is expectation, there is resistance, then the pain is sustained. But please understand that you canât stop the flow of life. It just happens, it keeps flowing. You need to remember that in that flow, the best thing for you to be as painless as possible, is accepting as it happens: ok, this is happening now, let me look at it peacefully and whatever caused it, i.e. whatever happened in the past which created this effect, I donât want to know. Because analysis makes the pain persist. The more you analyse, the more reminded you are of the pain. Instead, it is better to leave the pain. Let the thing of the past remain the thing of the past. This moment is exactly what you have to do or experience. When you experience the current time to its fullest, without expectation, automatically you will feel better. This is the time when you can really work on. This time is very important. Present is very important. That awareness is the only awareness to lead a peaceful, beautiful life and that waking state time â time when you are awake. In the time when you are awake, you should also be alert i.e. you should be aware that this is happening and at the same time not resistant â ok this is happening, let me go through it, experience and let it go.

Q: How to ensure protection for ourselves and our extended family?
M: The aspect of protection is inherent in every being. Every being, every species you take, has an instinct to survive. We also have the same. But because we operate through intellect much more than instincts, we have developed so many factors which can change the structure of our life and sometimes even put in a kind of dark spot. So itâs important that you keep chanting and connecting to your inside. Explore your full potential, by connecting to your inside. The whole power and the whole protection stays within you. What prevents it is the mind factor or the mind stuff which comes and overlaps it and makes you feel vulnerable. You just go beyond the mind stuff which is almost like clouds. Clouds obscure, fog obscures the road, then you cannot see. If you remove your mind stuff and look at life, immediately you can see that the whole power and the ability to protect yourself and the environment sits within you. It starts with intention. Second is connection. Intention means â may I with all my strength protect myself, may all my connections strengthen and protect the environment. In that mode, first is that you have to intend properly, then connect to something higher – to your master or to a particular deity. Third is surrender. Intention, connection, surrender. Surrender means you are accepting that unlimited power available for protecting yourself and the environment without conditions. No conditions. Unconditionally. That power is with you, within you and accessible to you. You must understand that and surrender to those powers.

So the right approach is that known path. When I say known path it can be the tradition, it can be your master, it can be a your process or it can also be your practice. There is no compromise or no substitute to practices. When you connect to yourself, when you connect to your practice, when you chant… you are surrendering. Nothing, nobody can touch you. Whenever you are mind subject, mind matter or mind stuff then you are as vulnerable as anybody can be. Because mind stuff is connected to something which is temporary. Mind is connected on a transactional or transitory level, mind is used or given or provided to experience the Earth, various matters of Earth. So mind has limitation. But we are talking about something which is unlimited, the whole force which created the creations. Thatâs always available to you and you are a part of it. Please have that remembrance, that you are ever unlimited and you will not be limited, ever. If you are clear and aware of that, guaranteed, you will automatically have instincts which are very sharp so that before something comes to you will know, or when you meet somebody, interact with somebody automatically your sixth sense will work better, so that will help you, prevention is always better than cure. It will help you.
Secondly, when you are deeply, deeply, connected with yourself, you will know everything before it happens. This is very, very important to understand. Connection with yourself is the feeling, acceptance is the way and then I said intention should be clear and pure, never intend anybodyâs destruction, never intend anything selfish and always intend something good to yourself and everybody, Lokha samastha sukhino bhavantu (May all the beings of the Earth be happy and peaceful). So if you consistently intend something positive, the positive comes to you.

Q: You said siddhis bind us, but donât people who heal use siddhis? Can their whole journey be delayed?
M: Not necessarily. Everything is connected to maturity. When you have money, power, position, siddhis, and you do not have an equal amount of maturity, it can all be harmful. But if you have maturity, then money, power, position, siddhis… all these things come handy. Whatever you do with your mature outlook becomes beautiful. However, when you handle anything with an immature attitude, it will become a burden. It is important to understand that you are definitely mature in your outlook. When you have siddhi, money, power, when you are in position to do something nice, good, always do that with utmost kindness, compassionate attitude, attitude of service, gratitude. If you do that, automatically your lifestyle will change in a very large way. Inner richness will happen. When inner richness happens, then your life will be good.
Q: How can I deepen and strengthen my connection with You? Do all healers use positive energy to heal? Sometimes I feel I was healed with negative energy and felt subtly disturbed. Is it possible? How will I get to know from whom to take a healing, especially to get rid of enemies?
M: Enemies are sustained because of our own patterns structure or how we are constituted. Nothing is permanent and do not classify anything as enemies. People we do not agree with we call enemies. Those are not permanent at all. Nothing is permanent. Do not classify anybody as an enemy. There is a disagreement, that is ok. In life there will be disagreements of various nature, even with our family members, with the society. We agree with so many political decisions, sometimes we donât agree … this is all part of existence, as we are all karmic beings essentially. We do not have to agree with everybody, we do not have to agree with everything, but at the same time be tolerant of the whole world. Better not to classify anybody as enemies. Somebody who does not like you or somebody whom you do not like, or behaves in a particular way, my suggestion is to avoid them. If you cannot handle something, better to stay away. Choose peace. Choose peace all the time. Choosing peace is very important. You need not interact with something which is negative by nature because that is a parameter that we would always be fighting . Many people in India are only thinking about their enemies but they do not think, âWhat else can we do for the world?â So please remember one thing, when you are connected to a good source it needs nothing from you. A source which needs something from you may not be a good source. A source which needs nothing from you and only needs your well-being, is a good source because the benchmark is, âWhat do they want from us?â Surrender or supplication, whatever you call that attitude. If nothing is needed, then the source has to be good. Because the source itself is self-sufficient. Source itself needs nothing. You need to understand, if the source is self-sufficient and needs nothing from you, you can definitely rely on that source. You can source energy from that source and you have nothing to worry about.

Secondly, always be socially committed, which means all the beings of this Earth are good and they need support. We need to be connecting with every being irrespective of species. When our aim and our ability are used to integrate the inter-species relationship of every being we come across, we can spontaneously, say by even giving a blessing like , âMay you remain good, may you remain healthyâ, the chain of reaction, emotion will increase the energy and the flow of energy spontaneously within yourself and within the society.
The aim is to create a society based on STABILITY. When I say stability, it also means internal maturity, richness, and ability to give what you have in abundance. You canât give anything which you donât have. What you can give is only what you can, what you have. This is something which you should always remember. So, there is nothing called bad energy that way. Because if you are adding to selfish or self-centered source, then it has to be bad because there is an expectation. Expecting is bad, not that it is bad by nature. When there is expectation, when it is not unconditional, when it is conditional, then the source is limited. Anything unlimited is never conditional. It cannot be.
Stillness is our original state. What is the meaning of sound? Sound is a state which we choose to make happen and itâs coming out of silence. Sound happens from silence and goes back to silence. Like that, stillness is a state where the mind is absolutely still, without thoughts. No thought state. In Sanskrit itâs called Nirvichara Samadhi â the state of no thoughts. When there is no thought, spontaneously the mind is quiet, it is still and when there are no thoughts the mind factor itself will become minimal. It will not be an exaggerated mind dwelling on anxieties, fears, guilt, all those things which the mind projects from things of the past will all die, and it will be just happiness and bliss because your mind will be steady or still in whatever is there to be present. In the present state, the mind is actually close to still mind. But if the mind is wondering and is anxious about the future or feels guilty of the past, then the mind will be very turbulent. Especially when we analyse the behaviours and various things of life: we keep on analysing and then it increases anxiety. It makes us very, very anxious. That is the other side of stillness.
Stillness is no movement, less thoughts, more stillness. This is how it works.

Q: If everything happens with Godâs will, then what is my duty and my role? Canât I change that?
M: Your duty and your role is to experience the current moment, this moment. That is already happening. You are already experiencing this moment. You donât have a choice. You canât go back to the past and experience something. Itâs already finished. And the future has not yet come. Youâll reach there. So you can change patterns at this time. God is allowing you to experience life. This is Godâs will (laughs). God is not living the events of life. God is allowing you to have the expressions you like to experience. Like, youâve entered the house and the landlord is allowing you to stay in that house. The landlord is not influencing your life. He is not making the decisions of your existence. Like that God is allowing you to have all your expressions and all your experiences. Thatâs it. So, God is not involved: but why do we experience certain patterns? Itâs because in the flow of life, all these events which have come forward are all connected to things of the past. You see the effects now. The cause is in the past. You made some decisions or had some emotions, some drama of life which influenced you, and the memories of are causing the current effect. Every thing you do today will have its corresponding effect much later. So itâs not God who is making this happen. God is facilitating it. Just like electricity is facilitating the light . Because of the light we can see. Itâs not that electricity decides the light, but without electricity there is no light. You should understand this in a very clear way because this is about your life, all the events of life. Everything you do has a link to something from the past. Your decisions, emotions, interactions, everything was created by a cause. You are experiencing the effect now and God is not involved in it. God has only provided a platform for it. Please understand, donât blame God. Donât blame anybody for the experiences.

Q: My wife left me and I still love her. My heart is broken. Is it possible to make up with her and be together again?
M: This is a question about relationships. You know relationships. If you just look at your own life, you can see certain relationships happen. Any relationship, right from your childhood until now happened at a particular space in time. At a particular point. Some relationships have continued through time. They have survived time. Some relationships did not survive time, but everything has its corresponding value. Some have given pleasure, some have given pain, some have given lessons. Everything has something to do with you and your life ahead. In any relationship you enter, always understand, you will be with the particular person only as long as the karma of two individuals correspond. Not a day later, not a day earlier. Every relationship is connected to a certain frequency and certain duration. If you understood this, then you can understand the whole tapestry of life.
Basically what is happening is, we are living a life with EXPECTATION. Like, we meet somebody and we think, ok, this person will be with me forever. But then, expectation breeds more and more expectations, and eventually reaches the level where you cannot even handle the expectations, forget about the relationship. Then there is bound to be a separation. Now you back track: how much expectation did you have about a particular relationship and what did you do about it? That tells you how the relationship happened. How the relationship survived time.

What you need to do in order to maintain a successful relationship – you must LET GO. If you give freedom to the other person and allow that person to be 100% themselves, you know, without any expectation, you will always see that the relationship exists. Whenever somebody comes to you and builds up the expectation to a great extent, guaranteed disappointments will happen, at least to some degree es and that will lead to alienation, disturbance of mind, separation, anger, hatred, revenge, anything you call it. It can change its forms at any time.
All your connections and all relationships are based on HOW you see or feel with relationships. My suggestion has always been, whenever you meet somebody, MEET THEM WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Just connect to the person fully, with full understanding that thatâs an individual, a new karmic being, a person who has a perfect karmic agenda. It doesnât matter which nationality, gender, age: these things are not of value. But everybody is a perfect karmic being who is expressing their karma through time. And in this whole journey you are dumped somewhere. It doesnât mean that you canât change anything. In fact, you are probably adding a flavour or probably adding a lesson to it, or probably adding some expectations to it. The more expectations there are, the more chances are for disappointments.

So acceptance is definitely important, but also remember how deep your expectations are about other people. That tells you how deep your relationships are in the world. The world is almost like a mirror. The more expectations you have, the fewer friendships you have. It is almost as simple as that. Otherwise, people will just love you because you look at everybody as yourself and you DONâT BIND people. You love them, you donât mind them and you do not talk negative things. You do not say, âI expect you to do this, I expect you to do that.â So many different expectations and you are bound by it. That is probably why many relationships are getting separated.
But how do you counter it?
- Be aware of your expectation.
- Live or consistently express this ânew youâ. The ânew youâ means a person with lesser expectation.
Consistently live that and the person will know that a change happened inside. Only we can change ourselves, we cannot change other people. Because they are all karmic beings and they only live within their boundaries. We canât change it, nor can we change ourselves that way, but we can change our ATTITUDE to life. We can definitely look at life from a larger perspective and that will help you in all your relationships.

Read the part 2
Transcribed by Biljana Vozarevic
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