Satsang in Novi Sad, Serbia 24th May, 2012

Q: Who put the hand on my head during meditation? He or she approached me at the moment when I was in the deepest love with my spiritual teacher Sai Baba, when I felt the most intense gratitude, so I had an impression as if it was Him who did it.
A: Naturally Baba 🙂
Actually all identities dissolve at a certain point in time. Body has been taken only for a duration, for a communication purpose.
In Hinduism there are 330 million gods, 33 crores. Some people ask me, how do you worship all these gods. The idea is there is substratum which is the base fro every image. All images come out of something and dissolve back into something.
Lord Krishna says in Bhagawad Gita, “When you offer to any of the deities you can relate to, it reaches me.” So in that context when the Bhagawad Gita was delivered, Krishna is talking about a larger substratum called Para Brahma or the Father. Everything came out of Him and everything dissolves back into him.
If you see one man or one individual with the form called Krishna, this message will not come to you, you will not understand it. If you remove the frame, remove the body and understand the consciousness, then you understand the message. The form is taken for expressing something to the world. Every avatar is a happening.
It is an event. It is a happening because it is made or created for a definite reason of a larger purpose. We have had various avatars. All those great masters who changed the course of the destiny of the mankind are avatars. Why do we have a variety of gods and avatars, religions, masters? Because everybody cannot connect to every master.
Some people can connect to some religion, some ritual, some master, some path. Everybody cannot relate to the same one because individual character is different. Each person has a unique constitution. Everybody has a different fingerprint. Retina of the eye is different. This is a clear statement that each of us is unique.
God has not created two people in the same way. There could be similarity, but not the same. If we understand the uniqueness of ourselves, we will never be sad. Because the key reason for our sadness is often comparison. How can you compare an apple and an orange? If we stop comparing ourselves favourably or unfavouralby with another person, we will be much better off. We will have much more peace inside.
My point is you are connected to Sai Baba and you felt Sai Baba coming and blessing you. This is also a confirmation that you are in the right place at the right time. If you are not in the right place, at the right time, this happening would be more of a trauma to you.

Q: I was healing one shoulder for two months and now I have a problem in the other shoulder. I don’t know what is happening?
A: Wait till the shaktipat is over, we will see… But the main thing is all our cells have memory. Through times, we started as pure consciousness. In India we have a prayer of gratitude towards the masters. It says, “Sadashiva sambarambham…” (sada shiva means permanent state of happiness, you are always in the bliss state, so we began there, in a beautiful deep bliss state.
Then we came to earth and forgot our real identity of who you are, so we keep checking, “Who am I? What am I doing here? There should be something more meaningful in our life than what we seem to be doing. We do not just take birth and go through education, get an employment, find a boyfriend or girlfriend, get married, have children and die. So this is what we came here for?” Something is missing.
And most of our lives we prepare for being happy later on. And preparing, and preparing, and finally we die. Somehow happiness slips through, happiness goes away.” So we keep asking what is missing, what is wrong, and so masters come, gurus come. They say, “See, the problem that you have is you are searching for happiness outside of you.
Also, you love everybody so you give the remote control of your happiness in other people’s hands. They keep changing channels. So we become happy and unhappy at the same time. In the tradition, if you look at the history of the whole mankind, teachers have come at the right time, avatars have happened at the right time, to tell people, “Look here, you are fine.
You are happy. Go within and that is where you’ll find your happiness.” So we started as complete happiness, as sada shiva, as a bliss incarnation. Then we forgot and we became unhappy, so masters came and said, “You are that.” And that is why in that particular prayer of gratitude, ““Sadashiva sambarambham, Shankaracharya madhyamam” (The same Shiva as master, came to tell you. He lived in 780.
He came to tell you who you are.) Then follows “asmad acarya paryantam”(My guru in the end) vande Guru paramparam. (I respect the tradition of the masters) So we offer gratitude to the flow of masters who guide mankind through time. So “asmad acarya”, my guru, who is my guru? First and foremost your primary guru and primary master is your own soul.
When the soul leaves the body, we call that body dead body. Now people call me Mohan. When I die, this will be called Mohan’s body. So Who is Mohan? Mohan is the soul. So we call the soul with a body a name. And we operate in three dimensions each day, the waking state, dreaming state which is also real because you are active in the dream state, and deep sleep state.
So physically we have so many restrictions, your physical form and your areas of activity. In the dream state sometimes you have much different area to work on. You can fulfill your dreams in dream. Deep sleep state is equal to death state.
All your identities are dissolved in deep sleep state. You don’t know your gender, whether you are a man or a woman, your parents, your name, location, space or time. While you are in deep sleep state every night, you completely dissolve all your identities. Then when you wake up, you bring everything back. Like in the street vendours, have you seen vendours in the street who come in the morning?
They keep everything there for selling, and then in the evening, whatever they sold, they sold, the money is in the pocket, they pack and take everything home. We are all like that, we come to this earth, and what are we selling? Our destiny. What is money? Time. So we do that then we pack everything and go. Whatever we could not sell we will have to come back and sell again. Like this we have been repeating.
This is exactly what the masters are saying, use your life to improve your awareness to the highest point, where you can see everything from a higher perspective so that you do not need another life. Now you can only see at this level. When you go one floor up, you can see more. If you go twenty floors up, you can see the whole area. This is exactly like in increasing awareness.

Q: How to increase my awareness?
A: There are two ways for increasing your awareness. First is manana, contemplation. You are increasing your awareness through contemplation. Contemplate on who you are. Adi Shankara, at the age of eight, went to his master, so master asked, “Who are you?” He meant “What is your name?” What he said was,
1) “Mano Buddhi Ahankara Chitta Ninaham
Nacha Shrotra Jihve Na Cha Ghrana Netre
Nacha Vyoma Bhoomir Na Tejo Na Vayu
Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham”
I am not mind, nor intellect, nor ego,
nor the reflections of inner self (chitta).
I am not the five senses.
I am beyond that.
I am not the ether, nor the earth, nor the fire, nor the wind (the five elements). I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss,Shiva,love and pure consciousness.
2) “Na Cha Prana Samjno Na Vai Pancha Vayu
Na Va Saptadhatur Na Va Pancha Koshah
Na Vak Pani Padau Na Chopastha Payu
Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham”
Neither can I be termed as energy (prana),
nor five types of breath (vayus),
nor the seven material essences,
nor the five coverings (pancha-kosha).
Neither am I the five instruments of elimination,
procreation, motion, grasping, or speaking.
I am indeed,
That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva,
love and pure consciousness.
3) “Na Me Dvesha Ragau Na Me Lobha Mohau
Mado Naiva Me Naiva Matsarya Bhavah
Na Dharmo Na Chartho Na Kamo Na Mokshah
Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham”
I have no hatred or dislike,
nor affiliation or liking,
nor greed,
nor delusion,
nor pride or haughtiness,
nor feelings of envy or jealousy.
I have no duty (dharma),
nor any money,
nor any desire (kama),
nor even liberation (moksha).
I am indeed,
That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva,
love and pure consciousness.
4) “Na Punyam Na Papam Na Saukhyam Na Dukham
Na Mantro Na Teertham Na Vedo Na Yajnaha
Aham Bhojanam Naiva Bhojyam Na Bhokta
Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham”
I have neither merit (virtue),
nor demerit (vice).
I do not commit sins or good deeds,
nor have happiness or sorrow,
pain or pleasure.
I do not need mantras, holy places,
scriptures (Vedas), rituals or sacrifices (yagnas).
I am none of the triad of
the observer or one who experiences,
the process of observing or experiencing,
or any object being observed or experienced.
I am indeed,
That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva,
love and pure consciousness.
5) “Na Me Mrityu Shanka Na Me Jati Bhedah
Pita Naiva Me Naiva Mata Na Janma
Na Bandhur Na Mitram Gurur Naiva Shishyah
Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham”
I do not have fear of death,
as I do not have death.
I have no separation from my true self,
no doubt about my existence,
nor have I discrimination on the basis of birth.
I have no father or mother,
nor did I have a birth.
I am not the relative,
nor the friend,
nor the guru,
nor the disciple.
I am indeed,
That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva,
love and pure consciousness.
6) “Aham Nirvikalpo Nirakara Roopaha
Vibhur Vyapya Sarvatra Sarvendriyanam
Sada Me Samatvam Na Muktir Na Bandhah
Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham
I am all pervasive.
I am without any attributes,
and without any form.
I have neither attachment to the world,
nor to liberation (mukti).
I have no wishes for anything
because I am everything,
every time,
always in equilibrium.
I am indeed,
That eternal knowing and bliss, Shiva,
love and pure consciousness.
This is the same as Jesus tells about Father, “Me and my Father are One”, because Jesus is always in peaceful and bliss state.
This expression by Adi Shankaracharya was awareness a master was expressing at the age of eight, can you imagine? If you asked an eight-year-old child, “Who are you?” , what would the child say?
When I was evolving into higher dimensions, in the middle of 2000s, I used to experience complete blank states, everything was written off. It was a fearsome state. It would last from one day to a week. If somebody called me “Mohan” I would think who they were calling.
And I was the general manager of the company in Dubai at that time. The main problem was I forgot my signature. So when the secretary brought the papers, I would say, “What did I sign yesterday? Can I see?” Because I couldn’t tell anybody I forgot my signature. So this was a state.
At one point in time, I never used to open my messenger because people would come to chat and it would take my time in the office, so I normally kept it closed, when suddenly it opened up when I was in such a state thinking, “What should I do now?” Because I was completely blank.
All identities were gone, just like deep sleep and a very old friend who is actually a yoga teacher, I had known him ten years before this incident. He came on chat, “Mohan, are you there?” He never comes to chat and I never chatted with him. He is like a saint. I said, “Yes, it’s nice to meet you, I haven’t been talking for a long time.
He didn’t have interest in any general communication, he said, “While I was meditating in the early morning, my guru came and told me to give you a message.” It was a complete reassurance, first of all that I was on a formation, I never had a guru that way.
He told me about the golden path, the path which we are following, about the masters who are completely selfless, and they are more or less like avadhootas, people who have no interest in anything in life. Avadhoota awareness is the awareness descrivbed in the sanskrit chants I have just described, an awareness where you know that you are shiva.
When I say “shiva” please do not think it’s an image, it’s a state. Shiva is a state, a state of perpetual bliss. So after he gave me the message, I asked him a few questions, he said, “I don’t know.”
This was good for me at that time because it reconfirmed that things are fine or that I am fine. Just imagine if you are in your thirties and you have an Alzheimer’s disease, this is very dangerous, you see? This was reconfirmation that I was not sick, but fine.

How the masters interact, souls interact
When I started having the experiences of outside the Earth, how the masters interact, the souls interact, then it is all clear, because actually there are no formalities there. Because like on the earth plane, we have to have certain standards, etiquettes, approved way of talking, dressing up…
So masters assemble for a purpose, create a space at will and even you can multiply at will, like I can create thousand Mohans if I need to in that plane, because by will you create yourself or your prodigies. In this plane, for creation you need to have a man and a woman and sexual intercourse.
This is actually much lower than creation at will. That is why god says “I created man in my own image” which means you can multiply at will. But then on earth we almost follow the animals. The process of birth and death cycle is also non-existent in those planes. That is why it is called the state of deathlessness.
So while living, if you can achieve that state of deathlessness, …body will perish, body is made of elements and has duration from one point to one point, that’s the world of silence, complete silence. In absolute silence even a thought is loud. Because thoughts do not exist. It’s perpetual silence, it’s very lovely, I cannot explain it to you. Happiness without a reason.
Here if I give you an icecream you are happy, if i don’t you are unhappy. It’s all relationship based and condition based. That is number one. Even a thought is loud. And a thought is shared for a purpose. It is not a selfish purpose, it is based on a larger, dharmic or universal reason. So when I say, “I’m with you” I mean it. Because I don’t need the body to be with you.
A thought is a ripple inside my consciousness, that is how I know. Somebody asked me, “How do you know when I am thinking about you?” I said, “It’s very simple. There is so much of hair on my head. I do not know how many hairs are there, because it’s difficult to count.
But when somebody thinks about me it’s like somebody pulling my hair. There is a bubble coming up in the silent consciousness. Immediately I appear. And some of you have already felt my presence when I was not here, this is because I operate in perpetual consciousness mode and I say that you can achieve that. This is not my monopoly.
Because this body will go sooner or later. Consciousnesss will remain. That is why has Jesus left the earth? Never. He is available. He is here. Has Baba left the Earth? Never. Krishna, Buddha? Nobody has left. It’s we who think that when physical form dies, it’s gone. The consciousness hasn’t gone.
About dreams

Q: What if somebody does not remember dreams for years? I always wake up and feel I didn’t dream anything.
A: There are two ways, either you have dreams but you didn’t register them into your awareness, into your consciousness, or the better way, you cut your dream state off and go directly to the deep sleep. If that is the case, you need to sleep only two or three hours per night to wake up fresh.
Dream state also drains the energy away. Deep sleep state always replenishes. If you are directly going from waking to deep sleep state, then you are fine. It’s a sign of high evolution, because you have nothing to do in the dream state. But most common is having a dream state but not being aware of it.
Usually what is transformed into the waking state and our understanding is what you need to remember. Or what are your fears, your basic fears are portrayed as dreams and it’s transferred to the waking state, so you are reminded of your fears. We have to face our fears, that’s the only way to move ahead. The best way to face fears is hold on to faith in whichever guru or god you worship.
Tamas, rajas, sattwa – Follow the sun, sun is a guru
When you shake hands with your fears, they go away. Because fears are rising out of ignorance, not awareness. I do not have the word ‘fear’ in my dictionary. Fear is lack of awareness. There is nothing to fear because fear is a projection of some incapacity and it’s also a projection rooted in tamas. Tamas is inertia, it is a cancer which binds us to earth.
I’ll tell you how we are connected to a day. The day has three parts.
The first part is the best one from 3am to 6am. This is very subtle, very soft, and whatever we try to do at that time will have a double effect. Scriptures say that those who start working at that time of the day can never be defeated in the world. So those who get up between 3am and 6am and start work or praying, meditating, you can understand they are operating in a very subtle plane, their mind is very peaceful.
Then from 6am to 3pm is the action time, rajastic time. We are more or less in the office at that time, we will be working.
And from 3pm to 3am is tamasic time. This is the time of indulgences, inertia, and everything negative. This is why in old times our grandfathers used to say, “Do not be awake after 9pm”. It means go to bed at 9pm so that you can sleep during this dense time.
This is almost similar to our individual constitution, the individual constitution of a human being. We have inertia within us, we have action within us, and we have a spiritual mode also within us. So the more dense or tamasic your energy is, the more failures there will be in your life.
So how do you beat the tamasic energy? Tamas is like inertia, procrastination, laziness, ‘ok I can do it tomorrow let us sleep now…’ These are all signs of inertia. Other signs of inertia is jealousy, feeling that we are not really accepted, all sorts of phobias, all sorts of insecurities, these are all children of tamas.
Whenever you feel tamas is drowning you, if you have lost all the initiative for doing something, I always say, “Follow the sun.” How sun wakes up every day without taking a leave, and performs its duty perfectly well. If the sun took leave for even one day, we would have a lot of problems.
So sun is a guru, he is giving us an example, or leading us through example. If we have to beat inertia or tamas, you have to go into action mode, that is the only way. If you have tamasic tendency, “let me sleep one more hour, “ get up immediately. If you say, “ok, I’ll do it tomorrow, today is fine, relax,” then do it immediately.
So like a soldier or a watchman watching all your activities, always make sure that tamas does not bind you or capture you. If you are constantly in that mode of watching, being a witness of your own thoughts, words and action, your life will become complete and also powerful.
You will not be tired. If you witness yourself in thoughts, words, and action, and make sure that inertia does not creep in, you are already successful. And mind will be in your control. Mind will not go up and down.

After you beat tamas through immediate action, you cannot even settle down in action, because action will stop some day. Then it comes to a level of saturation. That saturation level is a bliss state, a peaceful state. You have done everything you have to do, but you are not forced into thoughts, words, action.
If you are not forced or pushed into thoughts, words, action, there is already peace within. Now what is happening is mind is completely occupied with thoughts, one thought after another, like a mad rush. When the mind is constantly on that, it will reduce. There will be gap between thoughts, and you will start loving that gap. I have given an example.
Like a loving mother, keep watching your thoughts like children playing. Just like a child, a thought is also your child, like a baby, because you never know what is going to come or who is going to be your child until the child happened. Just like that you never know what you are going to think the next moment. Some children are very naughty just like thoughts can be very naughty.
We can even deny, that is not my thought, because some can be very embarrassing. But accept that. When the child is yours, you have to accept it. So keep watching the thoughts without judging, censoring, controlling, just keep watching them playing in your mind.
And what happens when you keep watching somebody for some time? When somebody stares at you for about two minutes, what do we feel? You become restless, right? You become conscious. Like that, thoughts also become conscious.
They start reducing the push. Then it starts falling in line, one thought, then a gap, then another thought, and they will start behaving themselves in your mind. Start this technique with one minute a day. instead of switching on the TV right away when you reach home, just sit and start watching your thoughts. Let any thought come.
When the thoughts push through, they start falling in line, there will be a gap between thoughts. And that gap is silence and this is exactly that silence we were afraid of. That is what we have been trying to fill up through relationships, or through movies or alcohol, whatever, i.e. through action.
And the more gap is, the more silence settles in your mind, you become more and more subtle, more and more powerful. Once this is done, to watch action, and words is much easier because you can control your words and actions. There are many thoughts, fewer words and fewer actions.
This is how it goes, thought, word, action. This way if you can improve the silence within, guaranteed, you will be extremely powerful because nothing can touch you any more. And when you are existing in that silence within, you always hear the footsteps of god. Because god talks in silence.
So this is a very simple, very effective technique that you can practise at home, don’t tell anybody 🙂 And practise it at your pace. Don’t say, ok today I’ll practise one minute, the next day five minutes, don’t do that. Progress slowly, slowly, at your pace, take your time, three months, six months, one year, two years… nobody is judging you.

Q: How does one become spiritually powerful?
A: When you are gross and when situations are controlling you, you are very weak. If there is peace within whatever happens outside and if we are controlling our situation from within, we are fully powerful.
(Mohanji continues answering the questions in people’s heads)
Most of the relationships, about 80% of relationships happen because the other person is bored, we are trying to fill up boredom. It’s like, “My friend has a girlfriend, then let me also find one.” This is a very shallow reason for having a relationship. And this makes you weak, because you are vulnerable.
And then what happens is once you meet a person or once you start having a relationship, you will start building a lot of expectation on the relationship. We believe that another person can give us happiness. When we build our life on such assumptions, we are weak.
But if a relationship happens and it is fulfilling by itself because there is a larger purpose to achieve together, it will survive and it will always have that energy and power in the relationship. Actually what flows smoothly, what normally takes place, not what mind tells you to do, this is more real for you.
So whenever there is a relationship, try to build it on a purpose. If the purpose is not there, it is better not to have a relationship. Because you are better off alone. If a relationship is built on expectation, 100% guarantees, sorrows will be there. So, when we are deeply in love, what do we do?
We whisper. So quiet words have a lot of love and meaning. If hearts are together, we whisper. Even if people are together, if hearts are not together, we shout. So it’s important that the hearts are together 🙂 Physical proximity has no meaning.
If you look at the most of relationships, what we see is physically they are together, but mentally they are far away, then they go to the psychiatrist… They think they have a problem within themselves. There is no problem, actually the problem is building your relationship on something weak, that’s why.

Recorded and transcribed by Biljana Vozarevic
3 thoughts on “Increasing Awareness”
So beautiful. Answered two questions I was reflecting upon. Much Gratitude, Love and Bliss Mohanji, Annette
Mohanji, thank you so much.
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