The Glorious Dead


Ram Charan died last evening. He was ill, hospitalized and was in a helpless condition since long. None of his relatives displayed any substantial compassion. He was a school teacher and none of his ex-students provided any substantial help.Â
His own children were not too happy at the “loss of money” on behalf of their father. Only his wife was at his side till the end. She did her best to keep him comfortable. This being the state, after death, many people came to pay respects.Â
Society called for a meeting to mourn the death of Ram Charan. Many wept, looking at the dead body. Many grieved in public. I sat and watched the show with a smile. It all looked like a comedy show for me. 🙂

I am always surprised at the emotions people display when people die. I always think where these overflowing emotions were when the new dead were alive in their respective bodies.Â
Most people cannot handle personalities and see only difference between one another. Yet, they display profound emotions when these same people die. Amazing world of pretensions indeed!

One thing must be remembered. Human relationships are grossly conditional. Any close associate or friend can turn around and scandalise you at the drop of a hat, for any paltry reason. Relationships are based on relevance. A sick old man often becomes irrelevant in the gross world of time, money and profits.
 Their past contributions to the family and society becomes irrelevant with time. Words of gratitude dry up with time, too. Utility value is calculated in detail by even their own children. It is important to shed expectations as we grow older and consider whatever comes our way as grace and blessing.Â
In the modern age of mad rush for profits, this is the best attitude for survival in peace. Keeping sufficient money for a decent burial at hand’s reach also is a good idea. There are no emotions here. Just hardcore acceptance of reality and truth as it is.

It is also important, as we grow older, to catch God, slowly detaching from the terrestrial entanglements. Merge into God consciousness more and more consciously. This will take away the suffering from our pains. This will help us detach from ourselves and our silly emotions, too. This will dilute expectations and increase our level of satisfaction.Â
It is important to be real. It is important to understand between the real and unreal. A practice which just occupies the mind temporarily and leaves us back into misery as soon as it is over, is certainly not the right path. Perpetual bliss, objectivity and equanimity must be achieved. This needs shedding of our old patterns, habits, fears, expectations…so on and so forth.Â
As we grow older, if we move more and more into realms of equanimity, rather than differences, life would become complete. Liberation will happen sooner or later.

We must be aware that we are bound by concepts, especially pertaining to Kundalini, chakras, aura, so on and so forth. In absolute sense, they all are distractions, mind’s playground.Â
Concepts delay our spiritual evolution. It alienates us from truth. Sensations are experienced by the mind. It craves for more. It craves for repetitive sensations. Repetitive sensations create habits.Â
Habits bind us and leads to stagnation in spiritual journey. Spontaneity and fluidity are essential for growth in spirituality. This clarity is a minimum requirement for any seeker.

I meant this note just as a statement, an eye opener, at our own spontaneous pomposity; a mirror to our shallow existence of gross pretensions. If we are able to gather ourselves from our pretensions, we are redeemed. If not, there is no other choice than repeated births and deaths until total nullification.
Remember – Shivoham. We are truly the seed of God. Choose Godhood.
I always love you

4 thoughts on “The Glorious Dead”
“If we are able to gather ourselves from our pretentions, we are redeemed.”
That hits home. If ever there was a need for redemption, it is now. I pray that I can rise to the occasion….
Thank you dearest one, because after meeting you I learned that every true Master is helping us to shed our knowledge, concepts and hunger for sensations, and is showing us the taste of true freedom.
Like ukrainian – russian writer Gogol said: To simplicity you need to grow.
Eternally grateful!
Namaste Mohanji, What a beautiful post ! You really bring out the truth so easily ! I fully agree with your view. In today’s world there is so much hypocracy in human behaviour, in relationships etc. We must rise above the shallow existence of gross pretentions and redeem ourselves.Your blessings and guidance on this path is very much required.
My Gratitude, Appreciation and Unconditional Love to Mahavtaar Babaji, the Guru Mandal, my Gurus and You. Shivoham !
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