Topics: Power of Purity and Karma eradication; Creation-reflection of our consciousness; Is Universe still expanding?; Only two choices left: either to operate at the level of emotions or at the level of awareness; Subtlety is power; Limitations of free will, etc.

In response to mobile that rang just at the completion of meditation…
In any meditation class, your mobile should be switched off. This is because you are going deep within. External sound gives sudden jerk on body. It is very bad for your system. How will you feel if someone pours water on you while you are in deep sleep? You will be shocked and jerked from sleep. It will not be a welcome experience. The loud sound of a mobile phone not only shakes you but others too. It is not good. This is general guidance for everyone.
Mind and Activity:
Small innocent things that attract the mind could become traps in the path of liberation. Small things may also include music, food, etc. This attraction of mind and senses could be very detrimental in the path of liberation. It is not easy to avoid all these traps. But what helps is: being aware of the trap.
You should enjoy everything but enjoy with detachment. This means, whether that particular material is available or not, life goes on. The mind should be fully present with every thought, word, and action. This is very important to avoid repetitions. E.g- while eating ice cream, your whole concentration should be on the ice cream. You must be fully present. Each bite should be completely enjoyed. Then, a second ice cream could be avoided.
Temptations could be avoided. If you are fully present in the activity, second time, the mind may say, “…. Umm not again!” An activity with emotion becomes a memory. When the emotion is missing, an activity does not stay in your subconscious as deep as it would, as it might with emotion to glue it there. If you are doing activity subconsciously, the mind will say…. ‘Yeah, no problem, do it again!’ This is because our wandering mind prefers a repetitive action rather than a conscious action.
Power of Purity Meditation:
Most of the time, while doing an activity, the mind is elsewhere. I thought to share this important understanding.
Cleansing is happening with every Power of Purity meditation. But when you go into the world outside, contamination happens again. If you want to maintain the purity achieved during this meditation, be aware of every thought-word-action. Whatever you carry within should be pure stuff.
What is pure stuff? Something which is not selfish, something which is absolutely selfless.
No rituals can bring that purity which you can cultivate from within. Selfless actions elevate man to the highest. No kind of mantra or pooja can eradicate karma beyond a certain extent. In fact, it can only dilute it a bit, if at all. But the presence of mind in every thought, word, and action can eradicate karma or at least nullify its effects. It can liberate you.
Rituals can bind you. Certain poojas you are stuck with can bind you. Rituals are experiential in the beginning but soon become habits. Though you start a ritual with experience, later on when it becomes a habit, you cannot live without it! Thus it binds you. Any habit whether extremely good or bad is ultimately a habit because it binds you. How can liberation be possible when you are bound?

Q: This meditation cleanses one’s body or mind, or both?
A: The body is cleansed while taking a bath. The body is gross. It is made out of elements – fire, water, earth, air, and space. Elements are gross. What is cleansed with this meditation is the inner space. Inner space is fully made up of emotions/impressions of various degrees from various lifetimes. This can be cleansed. This is what we are trying to do in this meditation. Purified inner space makes us feel lighter.
The Shaktipat is like a trigger. Gross karma provoked you to take birth. Shaktipat penetrates through these gross karmas, eliminates chaff, and makes further progress easier.
Be clear about one thing- whatever you wanted to achieve in this life with this birth, you have brought enough fuel to achieve that. Whether you like it or not, things will happen, as per the master plan of this life. This is called destiny.
The fuel is not sufficient for the additions. Your destiny made you come here and sit. You may not know me before. Maybe you never heard these words before. These words are provoked by your destiny because you were supposed to hear them today. You could not have been elsewhere today. This is what we called the “Time-space junction point”. You can be only at a particular space at a particular time with a particular constitution. It is impossible for you to get a different place and time at this moment.
What you do not know in your conscious mind is what provoked this birth after you are born. Ours is kind of an unconscious existence. You exactly knew what you wanted to do before getting into the human womb. After birth, social and other conditioning made you forget what provoked this birth. You continued to exist thinking that, “I am doing the right thing!”
Eighty percent of your vital functions are not controlled by you. Your heartbeat, circulation, respiration, digestion are not controlled by you! The brain is not controlled by your conscious mind. Limitations are so heavy that what we control is nothing compared to what we do not or what we are, in totality. With this understanding, you can do one thing — that is, allow fewer things to go within your mind structure and thus create lesser karma.
Be in the present and avoid resistance of all kinds, because you created your situations, subconsciously.
How is karma created?

- The thoughts are the first level of creation and energy is required for that. Words are the second level of creation. Energy is required for each word uttered. The last level is of action. Major karmas are created through emotions attached to each thought, word, and action.
- Emotion is the glue that attaches every thought-word-action to your subconscious. This makes you take birth again. Being detached from your action, observing yourself, and being fully present with every thought-word-action liberates you. You will not be bound or emotional.
- You must feel for other people but not be emotional about it. Feeling is a part of the system. This also means that you should do 100% of what you can do.
- Then offer gratitude and remain detached. Do not get affected by what you have done. This detachment is your liberation.
- You will always do your best when you operate in the detachment mode. You will not compare yourself with another person. You are unique, the other person is also unique. You are a karmic being; the other person is also a karmic being. Different karma, different constitutions!
- How can you compare different constitutions? When comparisons stop, the heart becomes lighter. You will not be worried. Then there is no anger, no jealousy, no hatred! You are then operating in the plane of absolute consciousness.
All scriptures are teaching us the same. We get stuck with words and forget the essence. Hence we do not progress. All Masters who came to this earth till today said the same thing! Times were different, situations were different and people listening to them were different. Collective consciousness was different in the past and is different in the present too. The past masters had to use certain words and ideas to address their subjects; but essentially, the essence is the same.
Power of Purity…
What is cleansed through this Power of Purity meditation is your inner space. This also cleanses your activities. The roots must be clean so that the sprouts will also be clean. We dress up well and show to the society but usually, the inside is terribly contaminated! We are still keeping a lot of bags, trash, and heavy burdens, but we smile externally and deceive others and ourselves! Pretensions! Grave pretensions!!! That is why people cannot trust anybody. They do not trust themselves too. When they start trusting themselves, they will also trust others.

Q: Can you speak on Creation?
A: Creation has happened at various levels. There are ‘beings’ of various levels of consciousness in the universe. All these beings are not created by the same consciousness. For example, you give clay to a 4th-grade child and also to a master architect. The child will create to the best of his ability but what will the master architect create? He will create a completely different thing. Same clay, same material, but different expression! Or, even the same clay in the hands of two people will attain different forms. How is that happening? This is because the consciousness of the creators of these clay models is different.
Similarly, universal consciousness has different expressions. The material of creation is the same. Energy is the clay. From a unicellular being to reptiles, birds, or animals to humans, all have happened with different levels of consciousness. Hence expressions are different, and the quality and texture of creation are different.
Your perspective or understanding of the higher consciousness may not be true. For example, whales or dolphins are creations of higher consciousness and are beings of higher consciousness. Scientific proof says that they contribute to the oxygen levels of the universe. What is their relevance in the universe? They are not just heavy beings floating in the ocean; they are contributing to the ecosystem.
The creature which contributes to the ecosystem of the earth is definitely a creation of higher consciousness, and of much larger awareness than ours, as we humans have only destroyed the ecosystem. If we are given the same energy, what will we create? Our creation will be a reflection of our consciousness. Indeed, we are creating our destiny every moment through every thought, every word, and every action.
We are pretending that we are great; which we are not. I am a postgraduate student, so I feel that my neighborhood degree class student is not great. This is my ego and nothing else. If one feels that, “I am better because I have a degree and other level of awareness”, that is absolute nonsense!
Each entity has a purpose. Each one has a value. Every animate and inanimate object has consciousness. Each does its role. Some are tangible. We may feel that a stone lying on the road has no value. But tomorrow, when the same stone is used to build a wall, it gets a value since it is used to construct a house! Everything has had a value, has a value, and will always have a value. This is the way the world was created. These have been the ways of expressions of various levels of consciousness.
Human beings are of a different level of consciousness because we have the ability to realize the highest. We have the ability to liberate ourselves from the birth-death cycle.
Some other beings might have the same capacity as ours, we do not know. We cannot say that we are higher just because we created these cities! We are definitely higher because we are expressing our creativity at our level with tangible material! And because we are using our intellect for our survival. Other higher beings are creating things or matter from energy. They created matter which is recyclable. We spill the gut of the earth and we cannot recycle it. This is our level of consciousness! If the same situation is given to two different people, it can create two different feelings! With a knife, someone may cut a vegetable and someone may stab a person!
Q. There are people who are going through similar experiences to learn the same lesson. When I am learning a particular thing, some other people from different continents are also learning the same lesson? Why is this required?
A: This is because awareness is different, the agenda is different, and also karma is different. There could be similarities in desires or even patterns of existence between two individuals. But they are not exactly the same. The syllabus is the same for all students of a classroom, but the purpose and consciousness are different. Even if they learn the same subject, their understanding and assimilation would be different. Two bodies are taken by two different souls because the aim is different experiences.
If you take a step further, this can be a completely different topic, just like life. Your understanding of a matter will depend on where you stand. It depends on where you can see, what you can see, or how far you can see. This is why a judgment based on partial understanding could become quite catastrophic for many, for example, dictators who ravaged nations and life and selfish politicians who were elected by the people and for the people, but who work only for themselves.
Creation is dharma-bound. What you are saying is karma bound. Human experiences are related to karma.
You do not know what makes your reality. You are creating karma through thought, word, and action. So you get parallel experiences. But Creation is something else. The macro Creation is about consciousness and dharma or duty. You are supposed to create. An architect is supposed to design a building and it is his dharma. Karma provokes life.
You know how karma is produced through thoughts, words, and actions plus emotions.
The collective consciousness of society also contributes to it. If people and society feel that you are someone great and behave that way with you, that could build up your ego and karma. You may also think that a particular person is good but others may not think so – this is individual perception!
Some people are humble and well-balanced while some behave in a humble way because of low self-esteem. Two-dimensional society. But society can see only their expressions, not their dimension.
A rich man may think that people love him because of the attention that he gets from the society, but usually, people might be loving his money and not him. You can see this kind of disproportionate life everywhere.

A: The universe is infinite. The universe is alive. It is expandable and contractible. The universe exists within God. His will can spontaneously change its dimensions. Just like huge stars disappear into nothingness, just like huge new stars are created, the universe is dynamic. This is a live, pulsating universe. It is infinite and infinitely alive. It can grow or shrink. It is a flexible universe.
In the highest consciousness, there is no lack of proportions. There is no inequality. There is one existence. Expressions of one existence, I am you and you are me. Gender, time, and space cannot matter. You express what I want to express. This is why all Masters are at one level. All Masters operate from one consciousness; it is you who name Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, etc. You choose what you like. No problem. But, consciousness remains the same and the operating level also remains the same — completely unconditional, completely selfless, dharmic operation and not karmic. Krishna, Jesus, and Datta have no karma. They came to safeguard the dharma. Do not confuse our karmic operating levels and higher consciousness creation levels.
Q: Is the universe still expanding?
The Subtle Way
Are we familiar with our symbol Ananta, the snake whose head and tail cannot be traced? Lord Mahavishnu sleeps on Ananta. Ananta signifies infinity. That is a stature of God, Parabrahma or Allah….. whatever you want to call. Everything happens within Him. Time and space are measurable only on earth. When the soul exits the body, time and space do not exist. The gross can only measure time and scale, and not the subtle. The soul is subtle. The Supreme Father is subtler. The soul is still an entity. When the soul completely merges with the Father, it cannot be identified, just like a river merging into an ocean.
A merged soul extracts itself when there is a need for a dharmic existence. That birth is not due to karma. It is not like our birth. It is a birth purely out of dharma or duty. Like the Sun is doing its duty every day. This birth is pure, uncontaminated, and without any emotions or karmas.
Emotions contaminate our birth. It becomes a lower level of existence. A lower level means more dense or more gross. More gross means it is prone to rebirth.
Q. Why are we of higher existence?
- This is because we chose intellect over might for our existence. This is because we have the ability to realize the highest.
- Animal lives a pre-planned existence. It goes through birth, life, and then dies.
- It is not the same with humans. We have a different level of existence. We have the power to realize the Highest.
- The Highest is our Creator. As we go through the process of realizing higher, we become more and more subtle.
- Subtle means lighter. The body is the grossest which you can feel. Senses are subtler than the body. Breath is even subtler. The soul is perhaps the subtlest which you can experience.
- Even after death, our soul still remains grosser than the Father. The Father is subtlest and invisible. We go through the various levels of filtering until we become one with the universe. We travel from the limited body to unlimited expanse of the universe. Each location has its subtlety. Each Loka or world is different in subtlety. Earth, Moon, Mars, and Venus have different levels of subtlety or grossness.
This transformation of ‘limitedness to unlimitedness’ cannot be achieved through doing.
Doing only helps you to be with you. When you do Hatha Yoga etc., you may feel better. But, doing yoga with a mind wandering somewhere else is of no use. It may help as a physical exercise but will not tune your mind. Most of the people are doing yoga at the physical level because no teacher tells them that ‘this is for you to bring yourself to you’!
The scattered mind which goes out of the system with the senses should be brought back to your system. Then it becomes very powerful. Then you become powerful because lesser energy is wasted. Energy is money. Energy is power. Let anything happen outside, it will not affect you. When you are with your soul more and more, you become subtler. Your words become command to the universe. This is how Masters operate: “stop the rain” and the rain stops! The subtler you are, the more powerful you become!
Q. Is evolution linked to awareness?
A: Spiritual evolution is indeed linked with awareness. Awareness is expandable. In the path of evolution, it may take lifetimes of cleansing to experience the subtler. The mind gives you many options for enjoyment. When the senses get attracted, the body follows.
We existed for many lifetimes like this. One day we feel that “let all this be enough”. Voluntarily, a few things are dropped from the heart. The process takes time. How difficult it is to drop those impressions of many lives which you carried to create this character!! You must recognize and understand each aspect of yours that built this character and then unwind it. This can happen only through, recognition, contemplation, and meditation on yourself. A doll which was important when you were a child is no more important when you get a bicycle! Thus evolution occurs. When you are with higher consciousness, lower automatically drops. Some at lower consciousness cannot see the higher consciousness. It may take them lifetimes to realize, but eventually, it will be realized. From a spiritual point of view, let it be!
Time is speeding up. Twenty four hours just go like that! You have only two choices: either to operate at the level of emotions or at the level of awareness. We had more time and space ten years earlier. Today, weeks go so fast! While operating through emotions, one cascade will lead to another, and eventually, it will crash somewhere.
Those who can catch the higher awareness will catch now.
Those who are at borderline may fall into the emotions side. This is the way things are happening. This is a very interesting time. Just watch global happenings and you will understand the changing time.
Nature is responding. Things will get better. If someone is traveling at a speed of 20kmph, how far can you follow him by walking? You will need another mode of transport to catch him. Similarly, choices are to be taken now. Earlier, procrastination was allowed. Now, no more! Either play the game or get out of the field.
Q. How to choose a field?
A: The field is provided.
The earth is the field. The field had to happen as per your karma and eligibility. It is not your choice. That is why I was talking about destiny. Certain activities and certain thoughts, words, and actions have created the field for you. You are given the field. You are given the consciousness to operate in that field. You are also have been given the right understanding to perform.
How you perform in the field with the surrounding is up to you. Once you decide to lift one leg, another cannot be lifted! That is the field of free will. Free will is limited after birth, until death. It stops when one action is done.
We have free will until we decide. Once you decide to lift one leg, you cannot reverse. Your free will is dissolved. You have to wait for another situation!
I Love You

7 thoughts on “The Power of the Subtle – Q&A18 June – after BTW in Muscat, Oman”
Thank u .This has so much inner meaning.Really an Eyeopener.
Wah kya baat hai
My sincere gratitude Mohanji for this. Knowledge is useless without the Wisdom to use it. Wisdom I feel comes with lifetimes of experience. I again pray to all that is that I my one day take darshan at your feet.
Regards Amarjit
Thank you ♥
You always say the right thing at the right time to me. Love you guruji
Thankyou Mohanji, another pearl to cherish! <3