Mohanji Speaks – Zoom satsang, part 2
on 10 November 2019
Well, that’s very simple. As I explained in the beginning, it has to start with accepting yourself. There is some element in you which is not accepting yourself fully. And you probably are depending on other people’s opinion about you for your acceptance of yourself. But please understand, nobody can understand you, sometimes even you cannot understand yourself. Because you are a full and complete being, if you really accept and understand that aspect of you, where you are full and complete, then you will spontaneously feel no kind of expectations, judgments, or criticisms about yourself in you. Only we can raise ourselves or pull ourselves down.
It is all our story. This is a unique story and we are the author of this story. Because of our authorship we have this life. This person or this book of life is written by us. What we call destiny is our script. So, if you really accept yourself, you will not sabotage yourself. Sabotaging also happens with expectations, which you probably derived from the society, somebody told you that you should do like this. We also have a lack of acceptance in us.
If you look at everyday life, we will feel that. There are so many factors which we don’t like. “Oh if only I was like that… If only I was like this.” We have a certain benchmark; we have certain expectations. They are all unnecessary. We are what we are, whether we take it or leave it. There’s nothing you can do about it. Because this is the script you made for this life right from your birth till death. The script is well written. All the people coming into your life who are giving you experiences and flavours are all connected to the script. You allowed them, you allowed these people, you allowed these situations, and all these happenings are your choice. If you look at it as a drama, the whole drama from birth to death, you allowed all these people who are walking in your life, you allowed all the experiences. So, all you have to do now is just witness, watch this drama and be happy. Because there’s nothing you can do now. If you want to have another script, you have to take another life.

Question 2: Is reciprocating the bond between a dog or any animal and its human expression, a type of bhakthi?
In any kind of bonding or any kind of relationship, don’t look at them as animals, people, etc. Then you won’t understand. Understand that every being coming to you is a soul in action. They are all souls in action. So, when they are coming close to you, think about why they are coming closer to you, because there is a connection. So, the cause is a connection, which is a continuation, and the duration depends on the intensity of the connection. The flavours or emotions that we share with them as well are connected to this connection.
If you look at the whole picture, so many beings have come to you and given you experiences, not just human beings. But we have a special kind of feeling towards human beings because we are of that species, not because we have something else to do with human beings. All relationships have their unique flavour and their relevance. We must accept all relationships as the same. What caused it? It doesn’t matter. How long it will last? It doesn’t matter. Right now, you have it; experience it. That’s all. Life has to be looked at that way. Right now, we have it. This is our time; this is our experience, that’s it. What will it be tomorrow? We do not know. What about yesterday? It has finished. So, we look at life like this.
We don’t know who all will be with us tomorrow. Whether it will be an animal body, bird body or a human body, it doesn’t matter. Who will live with you or walk with you, be with you forever in the future? We don’t know. And how long will we be with them, walk with them, talk with them? We don’t know because, we don’t know when we will die. There are so many things which we do not know. What you know is the reality. Right now, you are listening to me and I’m talking to you. This is a truth. This is a reality and that’s about it. Next hour, we don’t know. Basically, past is finished; future we don’t know. So, don’t worry about these two. Right now, we are here. You make the best out of it. That’s it.

Do not look at the body and underestimate the soul. The soul is the same and it has taken various bodies. In the story of Krishna, when the Avatar was happening; Krishna was taking birth and various beings decided to come as cows, calves etc. so that they could touch him, and they could be with him. Various beings decided to come even as grass where he walks so his feet would fall on them. Such things like that can happen. So, everything has its relevance. Do not underestimate the grass or even a falling leaf. Everything has its flavour. Everything touches you, if you look around, if you witness the light, witness the world. Everything will touch you from deep within, and it has its relevance.
Also understand, at the end of the day, life is equal to the experiences that you have. So, make your experiences beautiful. We must completely remove all the anger, hatred, jealousy etc. All those things are not needed. Just be plain and simple and accept the world as it comes. Accept the people as they come and accept the whole dimensions of life as they are, so that you have no conflict; you have no resistance; you are in total acceptance and then see how beautiful your life is.
Question 3: How do we know if we are in a purification mode or just suffering because of ignorance?
Suffering is always ignorance. There’s no other way. Suffering cannot be of something else. When you are fully aware, you won’t suffer. Ramana Maharishi had cancer. When somebody asked him if he has pain, he said, “I have pain, but I have no suffering.” Understand that suffering is a choice. Suffering is usually due to resistance. When total acceptance happens, there is no way you will be suffering. In total acceptance mode, there is zero suffering. Whenever there is resistance, we tend to suffer.

Purification is very simple. It’s an every-moment thing. You can always be on purification mode. How? Make sure all your thoughts, words, and actions are selfless. You have no enemies. You have no anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge, etc., and you have no negative feelings about anybody on Earth. Everybody has done their part in your life. Some have given you good experiences. Some have given you bad experiences. They’re all experiences at the end of the day. You have lost nothing. Because you have abundance of experiences, you should be rich. The richness that you have, the scars on your face, should talk about your survival, not your pains and sufferings. It should be a life of strength, power and abundance. Abundance happens only through acceptance.
Generally, we resist so many things. We don’t even enter an experience because we are afraid. Then, that part is completely removed from life. Instead, we should focus on what is. This is what has been given to you; this is the time, this is the place, this is the situation, these are the people, these are the experiences. Use that hundred percent and enjoy that experience. Whatever the result is, it doesn’t matter. When you are in pain, go into the depth of the pain and come out victorious. When you have happiness, dive into the depth of happiness and come out victorious. When you have suffering, go deep into suffering and come out of it. Happiness or sorrow, you should dive deep into everything and come out of it. You will see that you are fully yourself. It will be a life well lived.
Whatever happens in life, always surrender at the feet of your Master if you have a Master (Guru), or at the feet of the Lord, if you have a Lord that you worship. Whatever religion you are, whatever method you follow, it doesn’t matter. If you do not believe in God, keep surrendering at the feet of the existence because, existence has provided all these. Whether your connection is with a Guru, a teacher, or a God that you imagine, or the supreme consciousness, pure brightness, whatever it is, keep surrendering everything and say, “Thank you, I’m feeling grateful.” Live every moment with gratefulness. Then you are rich. A life well lived.

Transcribed by Rakshitha Ananth
Proofread by Shyama Jeyaseelantttt