Every location of the world, especially the location which attracts people have a certain energy plane, energy level. Nobody will go to any place just like that because a great Master who attracts a lot of people to him has attained that level of energy where it attracts – like a great magnet attracting all the pieces of iron. Like that, a great Master gains the power to attract because just by being himself, he attracts.
Like that, there are places on Earth, which are of great energy and power even if they are lying dormant for a period of time and nobody cares about it, etc. But just like gold in the mud, just one rainfall is enough to wash away all the dirt, and it will shine bright in the sunlight.
For example, a place like the Bosnian Pyramids, the great places of Samadhi like Shirdi, or the Himalayas in various places, attract a lot of people with nothing. When people come there, they become aligned.
What attracts a person to a place?
The state of alignment. Alignment means the body, mind, intellect, ego, the spirit is together inside, and whatever happens outside has no value. It doesn’t matter.
Anything can happen outside in relationships in places in positions and positions, anything, but inside, you are fully settled. A place of power gives you that experience of being fully settled inside. This is why places like the Bosnian Pyramids, where I’m talking from now, attract a lot of people.
Sometimes here people say, “Oh, that’s a great place to go visit,” of course, we come because of that. But later on, if you’re coming again the second time, the third time, the fourth time, that means the place is bringing you here.
It is probably not your decision, but that alignment that happens within you each time compels you to come here because you can’t get that through practices mostly.
Practices are good, but practices also need a lot of requirements, such as the right mood, the right environment, the right time, quite a lot of things. But when you come to a place that is already aligned, alignment is easier. Just like you meet a Master who’s already aligned, just by being with the Master, you attain alignment. Just like that.
Like, if you are sitting in a shop that sells fragrances, you will also smell nice because it will attract; you will also attract all those flavours into your system, into your body. So, this is exactly how.
Alignment means the body, mind, intellect, ego, the spirit is together inside, and whatever happens outside has no value.
Where you are, if you are in a place of alignment, you will tend to get aligned, and you will feel good. This alignment we are craving for all the time. We are looking for it. We know it exists, and we don’t know how to get it; most of us don’t know how to get it. We often do not know what we’re looking for.
When you come to a place, and you say, “Oh I feel good here; it’s nice.” Why? Because you’re feeling it already inside, nothing outside is touching you anymore. If you can carry this state with you wherever you go, you will be fully, always settled. And that’s a real settlement. You can settle in England or Paris or America or India or anywhere. That’s not a settlement that you’re placing your body in a location at the location. But here, when you’re settled inside, wherever you are, you’re very peaceful.
And you’re like a magnet you’ll attract a lot of people; they will say, “You are very peaceful, you look peaceful. I love to hug you; I like to talk to you.” That’s happening because you are already aligned; when they come in contact with you, they also become aligned. That is why this attraction happens. Some places have that effect. Some people have that effect.
In the Vastu, they talk about it in detail. They have classified auspicious places, extremely auspicious places, etc. When a temple is built, usually they look for a place which is greatly auspicious so that deity, the idol which is placed there, they induce prana energy into it, to deliver prana to the people who come to the place.
They make sure that the place and position are perfect to attain, gain store and release prana energy. In the Vastu, they talk about it.
When everything is aligned, you can never enter into the zone of anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge, that kind of thing. You will only be into compassion, kindness, love.
There are a lot of places on Earth that are auspicious in nature. Auspicious in nature means its retentive power to capture, store energy is higher. And that helps you, helps alignment. All the chakras are aligned with the various energy centres, the transformers of our bodies align, all the granthis, the junctions, and junctures of the energy system are aligned. Nadis, there are 72,000 nadis, are aligned.
A person is fully aligned when the body, mind, intellect, ego, the spirit is aligned. When everything is aligned, you can never enter into the zone of anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge, that kind of thing. You will only be into compassion, kindness, love. And there is no right, there is no wrong. I always say only one thing is wrong, which is violence because it creates more violence. It creates agony, pain.
But if you’re always love, if you’re giving love in abundance, you’re already very rich. The real richness is in your ability to give love without expectations at every point in time. And such places help that. When you come here you feel that great feeling of being in love with yourself.
Real love is loving yourself, accepting yourself.
Actually, real love is loving yourself, accepting yourself. Whatever is outside is your own expression. When you are fully love, you will love everything and everybody because of all your expressions. Nobody will come to you if they are not supposed to meet you; they can’t reach you.
There are 7.5 billion people in this world; we are not meeting all of them. And many of these people don’t know us, or we don’t know them. But there are people coming in contact with you, why do they come? They come because they are supposed to reach you. There is a kind of destiny at play here.
So, what attracts people to this land is also their destiny to come here. Whenever people go to a place of power, I tell them, go there to feel, not to see. You have to feel the land, experience the land, imbibe the land, and inhale the land, the energy of the land, and then you become fully that energy, alignment.
Transformation is basically fewer thoughts. Fewer thoughts, more freedom in mind. The fewer thoughts, the freer you become. The more the thoughts, you’re a slave to thoughts; you are completely bound by them.
Alignment is the highest you can achieve in a lifetime, and real spirituality is transformative. If it is real spirituality, that means you should be transformed. Transformation is basically fewer thoughts. Fewer thoughts, more freedom in mind. The fewer thoughts, the freer you become. The more the thoughts, you’re a slave to thoughts; you are completely bound by them.
If a place helps you like the Pyramids, the Bosnian pyramids help you to be aligned; definitely, it’s worth it. And for that, you need to be available, which means your mind should be here. Also, you need to be accepting the situation as it is, yourself as you are, because everything starts with accepting yourself.
Liberation starts with accepting yourself. Feeling a place experiencing a place, that also starts with acceptance. Acceptance is very important; it’s a key.
Transcription by Ulla Bernholdt