
Mohanji’s Guru Purnima Message 2024

I wish all of you a very happy Guru Purnima. Guru Purnima is a day to remember the Guru inside you. Guru Purnima is a day to clean up your mind and bring back the purpose of your existence. Bring back your priority. Bring back the Guru aspect in you. 

What is a Guru?

The manifestation of your aspiration for a state; A state of complete merger. Total expansion. A state where there are no differences, no divisions, unity, Advaita. That is Guru. Guru is beyond gunas, beyond all bhavas, all flavours. Guru is beyond everything. That aspect sits in you as your soul. 

When you surrender yourself to the aspect of Guru in the world or in front of you, you are actually surrendering yourself to the aspect of Guru inside you, awakening it. When you awaken the Guru aspect inside you, the subtlest matter inside you or subtlest energy inside you, you become That. You become oriented in That, and you will eventually dissolve into That. 

Once you dissolve into the subtlest aspect of you, you have no separation. You have no death. You are eternal.

This is the aim and the reason for every existence. 

But delusions come, distractions come, and they try to take you away from the reason for existence, which is the disillusion. You got to get back. You got to remember again and again, that you’re not born for sensory pleasures only.

While you have all that,

Always remember you are here to attain the highest possibility of human existence. You Can.

I wish all of you a great Guru Purnima. May you all have that remembrance in your heart. 

What is a Guru? Where is the Guru? And Why is a Guru? 

May all of you have a great life, a great future and a great remembrance of being one with your Guru. You have no separation. You have no difference. You and Guru are one. Always! 

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Transcribed by – Seema Jamakhandi
Published by Blog Editorial Team

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