March 26, 2020
Hello friends,
We are all on quarantine in our own houses. I think it’s the same all over the world, especially in India; we are all in a kind of house arrest. But this is inevitable. This is the real drastic step our global governments have taken to contain an epidemic and we must comply with it. We must support it. We must do everything possible to help our governments to stabilize the situation. This is very important. I understand there are a lot of inconveniences because many people have already told me about their suffocation because of forced isolation, about deteriorating mental levels, uneasy psychological states, feeling terrible, self-esteem affected; all these things are expected, I have spoken about these possibilities a long time ago when I said almost the entire global population might be affected emotionally and psychologically.
When we are in confinement for more than a reasonable time, this is bound to happen. And this is not about any external factor. This is actually something internal because it’s about a situation that we are used to versus a situation that we are forced into. So, we are used to a situation where we were in our extreme freedom, where we could go anywhere, do what we liked, we could buy anything, and we could eat anything, we could go to places; we could have entertainments at various levels. This was our reality before, but right now, that’s not our reality. It’s all confinement. And we have certain restrictions in food as well. This is very uncomfortable for many people.
I’m responding to a few questions which came to me, in fact, some people have told me that they are going through this tough internal process. I’m not surprised. That’s why I’m giving this message.
In a situation where there is forced isolation, we are bound to have inconveniences, suffocation. This is what people feel in prisons. That’s exactly what the animals feel in the factory farms. That’s what the animals feel in zoos. So, wherever there is confinement, there is suffocation and there is a lot of emotional distraction. Then we start blaming every external factor like governments, like the enforcement bodies for our state of suffering. It’s not true. It’s actually the sign of times. The situation is not created by our governments, global governments. They have not done this. This has happened due to whatever reasons; I don’t even go into who created it because that’s already created. Let’s look at the effect; we will not look at the source because there’s no need to know the source right now as it will not help us. It will only probably accent our level of distraction, accelerate our suffocation, discomfort or our discontentment.
So, I would rather, you focus on your inner state. And some people ask me, how did you attain this state of calmness? My answer is through self-imposed isolation. My question is that are you ready to have that answer? I’m not underestimating you. I’m not saying that you are not up there. It’s not the point. The point is that in every situation, we have the ability to remain calm, not blaming any other bodies, any other external factors, people, places, time, various situations, and just count on our gains and merits. We have a place to sleep. Number one, that is a shelter. Second, we have food to eat. Maybe that’s not the food you like to eat, but we have something to eat, we can satisfy our hunger. We have something to eat, we have a place to sleep and we have clothes, some kind of protection from the environment. So, this is exactly the basics that we look for, any existence looks for; any human being, any sentient being looks for. So we have all that. And I think this is very important to remember, understand and acknowledge at this point in time.

When emotions are running high and we start fighting with people, in the families, we start blaming them for past events and reasons and stuff like that; we are creating hell in our own homes. And I think that we should never do that because now, God or nature has kept us together in our homes, our families together, and that should be counted as a blessing, not as a curse. We should always look at our blessings. If you have to reach higher levels of awareness, you need to have a lot of deeper levels of acceptance, a very high level of acceptance. So acceptance is very important; acceptance of oneself, acceptance of the situations, acceptance of the people around you. Even if some people in your household are angry, upset and they’re blaming everything, it is up to you to pacify them, console them, give them the reasons and the awareness. You should tell them; look here, all that you talk has no value in this situation which is not created by us. It has befallen on us. You know, it’s like you are out there in the streets without an umbrella, then the rain starts and there is no shade, you will be drenched. That’s not because you did anything wrong or somebody did something wrong to you that it happened that way. The situation created it and you are experiencing that effect.
Now, there are places in the city where people said the police are literally attacking or beating people when they come to get some resources etc. Well, I would like to say that this is part of the enforcement bodies’ job. They have been instructed not to have people coming together in some places because then the virus gets transferred. One person can infect a 1000 people, or maybe more, if he goes into public places. So, we need to understand that these enforcement bodies have their job to do for our sake. Maybe they are doing it aggressively because they don’t want to take any chances. So there’s no point in blaming. I think we should just take care of ourselves, and we should follow orders and we should trust the governments now, whichever country you are in, we should trust the governments to do their best. As I had said earlier, no government was equipped to handle something of this nature and size. They never expected a situation of this kind, where there is a total embargo. You can’t move anywhere, you can’t go anywhere, all the borders are closed and situations are out of control. So, they will definitely do whatever it takes or whichever way they can, to create the effect where the disease does not spread further.
So, we need to comply; we need to accept. Now lastly, what I would like to say is that this is a great chance for you to develop your highest level of awareness. First, stop blaming anybody. That’s the first step. Nobody is responsible for this, maybe we can say collective consciousness created this effect. If the collective consciousness of our unconscious lifestyle was not responsible, we will not be in confinement. It is collective consciousness; collective consciousness born out of insensitivity, collective consciousness derived out of unconscious lifestyles, and the collective consciousness of taking the nature for granted, or the collective consciousness that took our nature for granted. We have encroached into every territory, we have captured, tormented, tortured and killed various species; we have done much harm to our own brotherhood; our own nature, our own fellow species, the species that are coexisting with us. We have harmed them and we have thought that they are all for us to enjoy, or do whatever it takes. And then just like we had slavery in the past where we used to buy and sell people; use people as we liked and kill people if we didn’t like; the same thing we are doing with animals and birds today. So this mindset has to change and nature is giving us a chance to do that. Nature is giving us a chance to be humans again.

You know, we are used to certain habits; habits are broken. Addictions – we are used to certain addictions, some people are addicted to cigarettes and some people are addicted to alcohol, or drugs and so many things, and that’s not easily available now. So, the addicts go through tremendous stress. And if there are such people in your house, they will be displaying various levels of irritation, violence or aggression. We have to handle them wisely. There’s no other way. We need to have enough stability to handle everything in our houses. And maybe, you won’t get much medical support for them at this point in time because all the doctors and the clinics are busy taking care of the coronavirus situation. You may not get much assistance to access the de-addiction facilities. So, that has to be understood. And some people are going into the level of suicide as their withdrawal symptoms are really wild and violent. I understand that too because that’s part of it. And that was supposed to happen in this kind of forced isolation.
So, every situation you look at are all chances for you to change for the better. Be stable, calm and handle situations as it comes. The first step is acceptance, non-resistance. Second step is accepting the society or accepting the environment as it is. And please understand; now the governments have said that only the family members and close family members should stay together, the rest of the people should be staying in their own facilities which prevents us from having guests at home. This is not a punishment. This is because they want to isolate and monitor. This I understand, I spoke to somebody from this enforcement authority earlier and they said, they don’t want to punish anybody. They want to keep people sufficiently apart so that they can monitor them easily. They want to make sure that the people who are not part of the family stay outside the family so that the families are properly taken care of as well; this way, individually or in one group, they can contain the possibility of the virus spreading. So, I think that we need to just obey and follow what the government says, just because they have a definite plan.
So, we are not supposed to keep any non-family members in our houses and we are not supposed to go to other houses while in isolation, but at the same time we must take care of our people. So if you have anybody isolated and they don’t have access to assistance; our people are isolated and don’t have access to medical support or shelter or food, do let us know. We will try to do something but no guarantee what we can do because we also do not have mobility.
Do not blame God. Do not blame situations. Do not blame Gurus. Do not blame your father and mother. Do not blame your doctors; do not blame your government. This blame game is going to really sap your energy and that’s not going to give you any kind of strength. Secondly, fear is absolutely not required, if you have taken the precaution, if you’re staying away from the public, if you’re following the instructions of the government, the public authority, the hospitals, you don’t have to worry. If you engage in activities that are not recommended, then you are responsible, not them. So, we must understand the situation clearly; we must obey accordingly; we must follow accordingly.
So, again, coming back to this question, please take care of yourself, please take care of your family and accommodate everybody who is at home peacefully and with love. People of your own family may have various demands, disagreements, and disappointments because of this forced togetherness. So, we as a family should try to contain it. We should not blame each other and fight with each other and make it miserable inside the house where it is miserable to exist together. So, don’t make that situation. If that situation happens because of other family members, diffuse it. Pacify everybody, talk to everybody, and make sure everybody understands.
Take your time. Maintain silence, if possible. If you have enough inner strength and if you have gained strength through good associations, talk to the world and give them some confidence. If you have strength, if you have stability, share it. That’s the highest thing you can do at this time because even though the world is closed, social media is active; you have all those spaces to convey your message through and use it properly and convey your strength and your stability effectively. If you are unstable, then you have to maintain silence. You’re to do more of pranayama – breathing, meditate, connect to yourself and look at yourself as an outsider. Introspect. Contemplate. What exactly is annoying you? What is making you angry? And don’t blame outside entities, outside beings, spaces, time and people. They not important. That’s escapism. Instead, go within and see what is hurting you inside. If you’re very steady in your connection with the supreme consciousness, God or guru, nothing will destabilize you. This is for sure. That’s the only connection you really need at this point in time. Faith is medicine when fear is the disease.

So, you need to see what is destabilizing you, what is annoying you, what is making you irritated? Those are the things which you probably need to pluck out of your system. And that’s a good thing, write them down and understand – “this particular thing is irritating me”. Not having a cigarette is irritating me. Not having coffee is irritating me. Anxiety for not having the food which I want to eat is irritating me. So this is good for your introspection, you can understand where you stand. Write them down on a piece of paper and burn them. As the paper becomes ash, those feelings also should become ash in your mind.
I leave you with these thoughts and please think about it and try to understand and transform yourself; try to assimilate yourself and stop blaming the governments, the systems and the enforcement authorities. Don’t blame your family members or each other for past events, incidents or past actions and never make people’s life miserable in your house. Instead, try to love, try to forgive everything and forget the past for good. Try to love and give lots of love to people unconditionally. Renew friendships with your family members and try to understand them and their feelings better hereafter. People really need love and probably we have failed to give love to our own people for a long time since we have been very busy; this is the right time to do that. So, give love, share love, protect people and tell people – I love you – wholeheartedly within the family. If you have not told them for a long time, tell them now and display that and make it extremely sincere. This is the right time to do that because you have all your family members available within your house. So do that and convey love to your friends that you care, through phone, social media, etc. Always understand that together we are strong; divided or separated, we are weak. So, let us remain together as one family, one global family and let us support each other as one global family. All the people are in the same situation like us. So, don’t try to do portray yourself as a victim. We are all victims in that mode. So don’t worry about it too much as all are in the same boat.
This is the time as I said yesterday to press the reset button and completely cleanse yourself and make yourself stronger and stable. And then your world will be better for you. This is the right chance for that. And I’m always with you. I’m walking with you.
I will always be with you. Just be happy and do your best. Lots of love.
Transcribed and proofread by Rekha Murali
Read or watch other Mohanji’s messages on Corona virus here.
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