I believe that our biggest or the most important net worth, or the net worth of human life is what we give to this world, not what we take from the world. This is my strong conviction that our net worth is always what we deliver to this world, and not what we take from this world.
Secondly – Effective Years. Effective years are the time when you live for the world, not that you live for yourself. As a child, as a youth, we have been learning; we have been learning skills, we have been trying to position ourselves in the world, to get a job, to earn some money, to pay the bills and stuff like that. That’s all for us; all for individuals – that’s not an effective life. Effective life is the time when we start giving back to the Earth; selflessly, unconditionally and consistently. So effective years is what actually makes a person a real personality. This is my strong belief.

I have walked this Earth, more or less alone, since my youth or probably even before. My dependencies on people and on materials were very limited. Even now I feel that I’m not bound by people, time, space, materials, maybe very mildly not substantially bound or not bound in a very strong way.
So, this question was on my mind. What am I supposed to do in the world? At one point in time, I spent a lot of time trying to penetrate into the world of noises. I was living in a world of noises like everybody else. A world of noises means a world of communication, a world of sounds – a world of noises. I spent substantial time during the early morning hours continuously from 3 am to 8 am trying to go deeper into the source of these noises, which was silence. And I kind of touched there.
The moment I touched the silence, then this world of sounds became outside of me. I was not like a dry leaf in the wind, carried by the world of noises. I was stable, because every noise has come out of silence, and every noise goes back to silence. So, silence is more or less like the calm, deep ocean and I could taste or touch that, I could stabilize there. It took about six to seven years for that; a long time for that.
The moment I started stabilizing further and further into the world of silence, every sound became outside of me; inside it was silence. The inside world is the real world. The outside world is a relative world. When you wake up, you have a world outside; when you sleep, you don’t have that world outside. So, it’s a relative world. But the inside world, it’s always there; when you’re sleeping, when you’re awake when you’re dreaming. It’s always there. That world was established in silence. Why I’m explaining this now is that you understand where I’m coming from.

So I spent a lot of time assimilating this treasure, which I received; which came. So, what happens with that existence is that you need nothing from the outside world. Everything is fine. Everything is as it is, everything is okay. You don’t really have any need, or you’re not bound by the world outside, no materials, no places, no people, no person; and I never had any particular addiction that way, without which I could not exist. So, this was the state and I continued like that. That’s the time when I was asked by my higher-ups; the Masters, to go and speak in the world of noises. That was a big violation or violence. Once you are totally established in the world of silence, to go back to the world of noises is a big trauma. It’s an impossibility. No way, I can’t go into the world of noises again. A world of noises means a world of differences. There are ups and downs – the dualities; all the dualities of life are played in the world of noises, outside of you.

You have already done all this and you have nothing to do with it anymore. So you have literally spent time digging deeper and deeper and found the source – the core, and you settle down there; you are happy. From that mode, you are asked to go back again; by the seniors, by the Masters, by Guru Mandala; to go back to the world of noises. I said I can’t do that. They said you must, otherwise, you may take another birth, because you used this plane to get what you wanted. Now that you got it, you pay back. So, I was again brought into the world of noises, but this time as Mohanji – a personality, a person; a recognizable personality, I would call it that way.
So, I came back into the world of noises as silence, not as another noise. I existed in the world of noises as another noise in the beginning; later I came back to the world of noises as silence. This is probably what attracts people to me. This depth of silence is what some people are able to touch, feel and experience; this is my understanding. This could be the reason why people would like to meet me and the rest is history. The mission spread; various places, various activities, various people started connecting. They were all connecting to one core point. Their desire to be in the same state or same space; which means their desire to experience unchallenged silence, un-distorted silence, stable silence.

So what can you give? The highest you can give is yourself. I gave myself to this world. When you give yourself, you’re very vulnerable because you are in a world of noises as silence; you’re like a fish out of water. It’s not easy. I’m sure some of you understand the state.
People look at you as they are and they judge you as they are. They criticize you, sometimes character assassinate you, sometimes love you, sometimes want to own you, possess you as they are. You can’t do anything because you are here to deliver. You deliver to everybody as they are, as they can take. There’s no choice. There’s nothing else to do. I’m not complaining; I have never complained. I never asked for favours from the Masters. I never asked anything from the Masters. I just obeyed orders because you don’t ask anything; you have everything, you’re one with everything. What can you ask?

So, in this mode, a personality is accepted, just like various other personalities have been accepted as they are in the world and we remember them. Like that, Mohanji was accepted in the world to some degree; acceptance, rejection, all these things – everybody will not accept you, everybody may not like you, everybody may not dislike you. So, in this world, there is a position and a place for everybody; all species, every person has a position and space. Mohanji also has a position and space.
Some people found the truth in me and they came to me and they said, “I want to stay with you. We want to be with you.” I never called anybody. I never asked anybody to come, but when they come, I accept them. I accept them as they are sent and their eligibility I never questioned; I never rejected anybody. I never asked anybody to leave. I never asked anything from anybody, any favours from anybody. So, this clarity I already had. There’s no confusion; there’s no distortion. Then, what will I give or what is my style? AS I AM, that’s it. I can’t be somebody else. And there’s no need to be somebody else; you can’t be somebody else either; you are you. You are unique as you are, I am unique as I am. So, I deliver as per what I am.

This may be accepted or may be rejected by people, we don’t know. We can’t say anything because people are people, they are themselves. They will accept only if they can accept; they will reject if they don’t want to accept. Then the growth; whatever happened – various countries, various people started connecting for various reasons. This show started where I had no control. I never scripted it. I never directed it. I just acted my role, played my role. Simultaneously, I continued to play my role as a son to my parents, as a father to my daughter, as a husband to my wife, as whatever people considered me as they think, I played that role. I never restricted any roles, because it’s not my job to restrict. People connect to me as they are, as I told earlier, and I just reciprocate. I do not tell people, “Hey, don’t do that.” Nor do I tell people; no, I can’t do that. So wherever there is a resistance or a rejection, there is also a continuation for that matter. So I don’t want anything to be postponed, let everything happen. Good, bad, ugly, all those things; it will happen.
I never created any kind of personality mania, but people must have a personality to connect to, they need an object, a frame, a form, a method, a known practice to connect to. This is essential otherwise what will they connect to? If there is no Mohanji, what do they connect to? If I never existed, there’ll be no Mohanji to connect to. So, I was created and sent by somebody. I’ve never even asked why I am here.
Since I’m here, I do my job; what I’m supposed to do. Whatever are the dimensions of operations, I never tell, people experience. Let people experience, let people talk. Let people write. This is their thing, not mine. I always tell people – be truthful with your experiences. Only if you believe in your experiences, you write about it. You must trust your experience and should believe in it. Then you write about it. That way everything is authentic. If you fake it, or you hallucinate about it, it will not work because people are not stupid. They understand; all the people are intelligent. I believe that everybody is intelligent. Nobody can be fooled. So you can’t really keep on delivering something fake and say, “Oh, now I fooled everybody”. It never happens. For some time maybe, you fooled some people but that price you have to pay; I never wanted anything to do with it. When you fool somebody, when you harm somebody, when you confuse somebody, when you character assassinate somebody; there’s a huge price. Maybe it will last lifetimes. When you gossip about somebody, when you betray somebody; the price to pay is unbelievable. Believe me. I don’t want anything to do with it. I never betrayed, I never character assassinated, I never gossiped. I just delivered what I can. When people talked badly or people judged me, I just kept quiet because they are paying the price. What’s my problem? If they want to pay a price, a huge price for criticizing me, that’s their job; they decided to pay, maybe through lifetimes. It may take lifetimes to pay off the debt.
So, I never created any personality cult here. You need to have a face to speak to. You need to have somebody whom you can identify with. You need an image, which you can recognize and connect. This is important and that image should be static. I never ever created one image. I was always free with my life. I just moved around as I am. I walked in various costumes. I did my thing effortlessly as I am. I just walked through this earth. So, people’s opinions, people’s concepts, they’re all sitting in somebody’s minds, I have no control over it. I will never control it either because if they are good to the world, they get rewards. If they are bad to the world, they have to pay the price. This is very simple. You do good things in the world, you talk good about people, you are benevolent, you’re compassionate, and you’re kind; you get a lot of rewards as energy comes as grace to you. At the same time, you criticize people, judge people, character assassinate people, talk bad about people – you probably don’t even know about that person, but you judge them because of your prejudices, because of your concepts, then you are paying the price. You pay a huge price for it. Sometimes it goes into your children’s life. Sometimes it goes to your ancestors, sometimes this huge debt you create, maybe the whole tribe will have to pay. It’s possible. When we harm somebody, we have a huge price to pay. When we kill, we have a big price to pay.
So, I am very clear about this and I wanted to give you clarity because this question kept coming up. What am I trying to create in the world? The answer is very simple, NOTHING. What will happen? I don’t know, and how things will happen, how it will evolve, I do not know; I never make a plan. I have no agenda. All these 10 years when I’m in public life, like 2012 to 2020 – 8 years plus, I’m in public life; I have never scripted any agenda. It all happened. I neither asked people to come to me nor did I ask people to go away from me. I loved everybody who came to me, I accommodated everybody; I gave what I can, as per my capacity to everybody who came and I made sure nobody leaves empty-handed from here. I gave whatever I could, but I have my capacity like you have. So I gave whatever I can and then some people were disappointed because their expectations were too high. How can I sort it out? Some people were very happy, and they wrote about it. They said, “I got what I wanted. I’m thankful. I’m grateful”. I’m also grateful for their confirmations and love. So, this is how life is. Those who criticized me, judged me, character assassinated me; I thought they wanted this experience from me. They got it that way and if they are satisfied, I’m satisfied. Nothing touches me that way. Of course, there is an inconvenience. When somebody talks bad about you, it’s inconvenient for you. But nothing is permanent; the same people may talk good about you later. So, nothing in life is permanent.
I’m very clear about this. So, there is no personality cult. There is no cult. There is no sect, nothing here. What will I do with all these things? I exist as a person who has been appointed to do a job, to spread warmth and love, to spread compassion, to spread kindness, to spread unconditional love, selflessness, to spread liberation or to bring the thought of liberation to people. How many people will be liberated? It’s not my job, I don’t know.

I am bringing the thought of liberation to people. Some people may be liberated; those who are consistent and they will never change their connection. They’re always focused. They are fully clinging on; they will probably get liberated or probably because they will connect to my state or what I am and that happens to them. But there’s no guarantee here. It depends on the people. How many of them will be staying with you, fully connected to you; I do not know. I never ask.
“Are you going to stay with me?” I never ask. I even tell people, you can go now if you like. I’ve told this to people. You got what you wanted. Now you can go if you want. I never ask people to go, I have never asked anybody to go ever; I will never ask either.
So, this is exactly how I am. I think I have explained in a broad perspective, who is Mohanji in this world, what am I doing here and what is my purpose? My purpose is to bring awareness higher if I can if people are willing to accept or connect consistently. There should be consistency, without consistency nothing happens. Otherwise, it’s like a pot with a lot of holes. You pour water the whole day, but eventually, at the end of the day, there’s no water. People go to various masters, various methods, various practices, and they try to compare, criticize, judge.

That’s not the right thing to do. I never ask people to stay with me. If some people say I found another master, please go. You have all my blessings. I never bound people to me. I will never bind. Also, I never went to any guru for something. Vittal Babaji gave me the title of Raja Rishi, Raja Yogi. I never asked. After meeting me, within 5 – 10 minutes, he gave me the title. We didn’t even discuss or I didn’t even tell him what I do in life. He said, “Oh, precious diamond, this is your title.” And he gave this ring to me from his hand. Likewise, Avadhoota Nadananda transferred his spiritual wealth to me. I never asked. I never even knew that such a thing can happen. Ganeshananda Giri, Vasudevan Swami, Devi Amma, all these masters who are deeply connected to me, they all support me, protect me, they love me not because I asked for anything. I never asked anybody for anything. I never asked for a title. I never asked for any kind of favour; nothing.
So, life is very simple. I still am that silence which I earned almost 15 years ago. I still maintain that silence. I feel some people like that silence and they get attracted to me or some people like me. Some people come because somebody else told; those people don’t stay as the connection is not direct. They have come because somebody else has come or somebody else has told them to come; that never works. If your connection is not direct, it never stays; it never happens – forever. You should feel, you should assimilate, you should connect and it should be suitable for you just like the shirt you wear. That connection should be suitable for you. You should feel good with that connection. Otherwise, it won’t stay. Never ever have a connection because of somebody’s compulsion. That will not work, especially in the path of spirituality.

I never told anybody I am their guru. I never told I’m enlightened. I’ve never told anybody I will give them something or you come here, I will make you enlightened. I don’t give such promises. I don’t want to give promises. This is all individualistic. If the wood is sufficiently dry, one spark can create fire in the wood. But if the wood is green, wet; you can use the whole matchbox but it will not catch fire. So, if dry wood comes to me, maybe they will catch fire. Again, I’m not promising. I’m only delivering as best as I can. Sometimes some people say that he doesn’t know anything. I accept that I don’t know anything. Some people say he knows a lot of things. I accept; that’s your call. Anyway, I am judged as per what they are. So, I don’t worry about it.
This is my answer.
Transcribed and proofread
by Rekha Murali
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4 thoughts on “Mohanji on his journey”
Pingback: Consciousness Shift and the Covid 19 Pandemic – Thus Spake Mohanji
With due respect, the post entitled “Consciousness Shift and the Covid 19 Pandemic” appears to be an after-thought, an effort –possibly unintended– to force-fit past statements into present-day facts. In 1961, Nithyananda Baba of Ganeshpuri left his body, because he was recalled by Rishi Mandal, to deal with a bad planetary position that was to occur in 1962. When mathematics genius Ramanujam was young, there was a small-pox epidemic and all his sibilings perished, in 1889. These unfortunate things happen. There was a small plague in Shirdi, from which Sai Baba Maharaj protected his devotees. These were taken as just occurrences, and not called “consciousness shifts”. In any case, the added intensity in Covid situation is that all temples, siddhar samadhis and other places of worship are also locked down. This is called “sthambana” shakti, connected to one of the 10 dasa maha vidyas. Thank you.
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