Mohanji is a Spiritual Master whose awakening was graced by Sai Baba of Shirdi. He guides many on the path and works tirelessly to spread his teachings. Mohanji talks about Sai Baba being the Supreme Consciousness and how a real experience of Baba will transform you.
You will reach a level of awareness, where you are everything, and there is nothing beyond you, all of us will reach there sooner or later, at one point in time. First and foremost, we start a journey, we try to seek something and this seeking process sometimes takes a long time. This is the usual journey of an average seeker. We are trying to seek for something, we don’t know what we are looking for, and this process happens, in the scriptures, it is defined: Tat Tvam Asi (you are that, what you are seeking for, is you). So basically, what they are saying is that it is a journey from outside to inside. You are scattered all over outside because your mind is occupied with many things outside. You are addicted and connected to various things outside including places, people, situations, positions, possessions. From there you detach and finally, you come inside, and then you realise you are not even the body. You are the state or the Consciousness that operates the body. At a certain point in time you come there, you arrive, that’s when you settle down there. Then you really understand that all your relations, positions, and possessions have no value, and they are all temporary, they are only active when you are awake, they are not active when you are sleeping. So whatever is active when you are awake and when you are sleeping, that’s the real you. That you can only find inside you, you can’t find it outside. This realisation brings you inside.

So then, there are two aspects: One is the aspect of existence, as you as an incarnation. Sai Baba said, “In that mode, I am the servant of the servant of God.” I am the servant of the servant of God means, “I put myself in the humblest possible way, I am here to serve the servants of God, I am here to serve the seekers who are seeking for truth.” That is what Baba said. But when you look inside, like Hanumanji told Ram, “I choose to be your servant, and this is the role of my life, this life. I choose to be your servant, your wish is my command, but Consciousness-wise, you and I are one. You are playing the role of Ram, I am playing the role of Hanuman, but we are the same.” Likewise, Baba said, “In this life, in my disposition, my position, I position myself as the servant of the seeker, guiding the seeker to the Lord. But the Lord and I are one, you and the Lord are also one.” The moment you realise that you are one with the Supreme Consciousness, or what is inside you – 33% of you, the soul element is exactly what you are finding everywhere – that is, the microcosm and macrocosm are one. But because of functional roles, they seem separate. They seem separate, they are not separate. So when you stop seeking for anything outside, everything reveals itself inside. In that revelation, what you understand is that we are one with the entire cosmos. The created universe and the non-created universe, the known, tangible universe and the unknowable, infinite universe, we are the same, we are one with that. Then it is a question of us dissolving and disappearing. We become one with the whole ocean; the ocean becomes us.

Baba, in that mode, has said, “I am everything.” That is the place where all of us will reach sooner or later. And as we travel inside more and more, we start understanding the silence factor inside us, completely free, totally free, non-intrusive. Actually, based on no desires, no desires for anything outside, no desires for anything inside, even for realisation. So everything settles down to complete stillness. We become stillness, total stillness, and in that stillness, there is no world outside. Whatever you see outside is yourself in various forms – a tree, a plant, an animal, a bird… anything you see, it’s you. There is nothing, nothing else. So in that mode, all you see is yourself, and you are interacting only with yourself. In that mode, you are one Consciousness with the Supreme. So Baba, when he says he is a servant of the servant of God, He is the servant of the seeker; His role is to guide people to complete liberation. And please understand, this is a collaboration. When you are walking this path, when you are established in this particular mode, various oceans, various rivers come into you and you become a larger ocean.

That is what happened when Akkalkot Swami attained Mahasamadhi. A part of his soul merged with the tree under which he was sitting, and a part of his soul merged with Sai Baba. When some of his followers were coming to Akkalkot to meet him, He came in a dream and said, “Come to Shirdi, I am sitting there.” And when they came to Shirdi and saw Baba, they saw Swami – unity of Consciousness. And also, Masters who are here with a similar purpose – they conglomerate, they unite, and they deliver together. This I have felt myself when I interacted with Ganeshananda Giri Babaji, Vitthal Babaji, Avadhoota Nadananda, and Devi Amma. Devi Amma lives in Bangalore. Vasudevan Swami is one of them in Vajreshwari. What I found in him is that he was old and he was bent, he can’t stand up properly and all he does is, he prays, “O Lord Krishna, I have not seen you for a long time, I am old, I can’t see well, when will I see you?” And Krishna appears, not just appears, the residue of his presence would be on the wall. This means it was not an illusion; it was a presence. Various people say they had these appearances: Jesus appeared, Krishna appeared, Buddha appeared, etc. But many of them are mental projections. How do we differentiate between a mental projection and a real apparition?

When a Master of that frequency, like Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, or Avatars of that frequency appears, you don’t remain the same anymore. Your frequency has to shift, your frequency changes to receive their frequency. That means, there will be a different level of elevation, and only then you can communicate. This communication happens only through that elevation of awareness. But if it is just a mental projection, there will be no change, you will be the same. You will still have all your anxieties, fears, anger, hatred, jealousy… all those things. But if a real apparition, if a real encounter happens, with the energy as powerful as Sai Baba or Krishna, then you will not be the same again, it will not be the same, you will not remain the same. So this can be considered as a real sign that you are actually having communion, and the result, almost always, would be silence. You will not have any initiative to tell people, “Look here, I am speaking to Krishna, I am speaking to Sai Baba,” you may not even feel like telling, because the more you interact with any being of a higher frequency, the result is inherent silence inside. And no urge to prove to anybody, there is nothing to prove to anybody. What will you prove?
Your state is not provable. In what state you are operating, you can’t tell. Your behaviour is not possible to convey anything. Many people considered the behaviour of Baba as inconsistent, some people even thought he was mad. But he was a great Master. His operating level was different. He was discussing things with subtle beings, and sometimes he used to shout, scream, beat, he used to throw tantrums. All these were communications to various frequencies, various dimensions. So, it is not easy for a normal human being to recognise and understand a Master. What will you convey? When you are established in yourself, you will lose all desires to convey something to this world outside, not only a spiritual message but as what you are, who you are, whom you are discussing with – all these are irrelevant, there is no relevance, there is nothing to convey. You will be very settled and peaceful and whether the outside world accepts you or rejects you, it doesn’t mean anything to you. Because this is a world of minds, this is a world of concepts. I always tell people, if people who are ‘minds’, accept you or reject you, don’t worry about it, let it happen. But if Masters of great stature, if they reject you, then you have something to change within, most probably the ego factor.

Great Masters will not reject a person of a certain level definitely, because whoever is eligible to climb up, they hold hands indiscriminately, without any agenda. They will not ask anything. Real Masters need nothing from you, they are not looking at your wallet or pocket. But as somebody said, “When I give to Baba, I am sure it reaches thousands more; when I keep it in my pocket, it may not even be useful for my people at some point in time.” So, what you give, you get more, as spiritual grace.
Grace is the money, what you spend for a Master, or for annadaan. I always recommend annadaan as a cleanser, purifier. Annadaan is Mahadaan, there is nothing better than feeding the poor. When I say poor, anybody who is hungry, it doesn’t matter if it is a human being or any being who is hungry, their need is food. If their need is food, feed them, give them whatever you have, share what you have. That makes you rich, and that’s a very noble thing to do.

Because all beings respond to love, they respond to hunger. They are all instinctual things.
In instinct, the primary instinct, the basic instinct, is survival. The basic instinct of survival manifests itself in the need for food. Most of the animals and birds travel miles in search of food because that’s basic for their survival. And seasonally, sexuality is there for the species to survive. Human beings also have it, but because human beings use intelligence and imagination more than instinct, they manipulate all these things.

We tend to manipulate. That is why we have so many Do’s and so many Don’ts etc. while most of the other species don’t have it. They don’t have it, they live more a less a plain life, and they are not in opposition or resistance at all with life. We are. And that is causing lots of agonies and pains, even wars. So a great Master, in the relevance of Baba, he came here for creating harmony between religions, between communities. He’s not a Muslim, nor a Hindu, nor a Christian, nor a Buddhist. He is just a human being. He lived a normal life as a human being, but with a high level of awareness, which could transform millions even after leaving the body.
Transcribed by Nada Rakovic
Proofread by Shyama Jeyaseelan
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