Hello, my dear friends. This is Mohanji.
Welcome to the podcast.
Today I would like to answer a question which somebody had posed to me. This is about the podcast itself. He asked the question, “Why don’t you add more matter to your talks? Even if it’s a bit longer, it’s fine.”
So my answer is, I have started this podcast not to give you answers, but to give you questions, to give you food for thought. There is a very important concept in the world of knowledge. A good teacher should show a student where to look but not what to see. If I tell you what to see, then there is no creativity for you. Your creativity is stunted. So my job is to just give you certain thoughts, certain questions, which should mature in your own mind through discussions, through sharing, through talking about it, so that it transforms you. This is my intention, not to give you so many ideas. We have done so many videos to give you answers of that kind. The reason for this podcast is not to teach you anything, I have nothing to teach you. Instead, I have some thoughts to give you, which can probably grow and mature in your own mind. So if you use this well; if you use this for your own thought processes, or you contemplate on it, you share with others and discuss it, and formulate certain ideas; that is the kind of maturing which I expect out of this podcast.
So, it’s not just to listen and forget; it’s not to get answers; instead, it is to think. The very reason for these podcasts are to convey this idea that we are all unique, we all have our thought processes, we have our inclinations, we have our tendencies, we have complete uniqueness. What can you do out of this uniqueness? Create a unique understanding; create unique expressions. So this is exactly what I want out of this podcast.
I would like you to mature these thoughts are in your mind and let the seed become a tree. And also, I’m making sure that all these thoughts are positive. We’re not trying to discuss negative thoughts. We are not trying to bring talks about people. We’re not talking about concepts and prejudices; anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge; this is not our subject. We talk about love, we talk about gratefulness, we talk about various aspects which nurtures you, enriches you, empowers you. This is what we would like to discuss. So, your thoughts are welcome.

I got a question, “Why don’t you talk about love?” So I said, I have spoken about love a lot of times. When we talk about love – we talk about love which is our very nature, it is unchangeable. It’s the same every time. There is no change at all. When we talk about love between human beings, love for materials, love for positions; that’s all temporary. That’s all waking state affairs. Let’s not confuse between the real love and the waking state expressions of love. When all other emotions end, what remains is love, just like our self. When we talk about self-realization, it’s only a realization of what is already sitting inside you. Like that, love is sitting inside you. Love and self are the same, love and God are the same, love and guru are the same. So, don’t equate that love with the transactional love in a man-woman relationship or love for materials, wealth, possessions, positions; that’s all very small and short – abbreviated form of real love.
So, let me reiterate, the reason for these podcasts is not to educate. It is to give you food for thoughts. I would like you to digest them as much as you can. Ask me questions, we discuss so that eventually we will see ourselves transforming without our knowledge; as we are growing without our knowledge, as we are evolving without our knowledge. There is no time limit for this, there’s no age limit for this. So all we need to have is just that fire inside; that fire to understand, to assimilate, to align, the fire to transform. If you have that fire inside, that kind of attitude, then these foods for thoughts will grow very, very rapidly within. And it will definitely help you to see the world differently, see your life differently. So this is something which I would like you to understand.
And then people ask, “Is there an age limit?” What age limit? Until you die, you can grow, you can evolve. And also there is a concept that at 50, a person attains his death, and from 50 onwards, it’s a new life. So 50 onwards, we are to start from one. It’s an interesting concept because, by the time you’re 50, you’ve completed one set of your life, that means half a century, then you’re starting again. So if we are in that mode, we understand and sometimes you can see in life that at 50, you transformed, you changed, something changed inside. This is also possible to see, there is no age limit. There is no age at all. Age is just a concept. Age is not at all a reality that way. You know, when you say age, it’s about physical age we’re talking about, but that’s not important. What is important is your attitude, the attitude to transform; your attitude to destroy your comfort zones and evolve. This is important.
So I would like to leave you with these thoughts anyway. I hope you understood the idea behind this podcast. It’s not to educate, but it is to inspire you to think.
Lots of love.

Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt
Proofread by Rekha Murali
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