Dear all,
While I was sitting with Mohanji today afternoon, I saw him checking posts on Facebook. Suddenly he came across a picture of a young boy sitting next to his mother, waiting for her to wake up. However, his mother was not sleeping. They were outside, in Gaza war.Â
He didn’t understand his mother was dead. She won’t wake up ever again. Mohanji’s subtlety couldn’t ignore the suffering. He immediately surged into action. He started typing, and after five minutes his consciousness delivered this message.

How many children became orphans in the last 7 days! How many children died! How many people lost everything? Who will answer?Â
In the name of the Lord, what is this?Â
Land? Power? Politics? Supremacy? When will man understand? Gaza is burning. The world’s conscience is burning even if we try our best to ignore it.
Whether it be Gaza or any other country where beings are bound or murdered, conscience must get burnt.
Awareness is the key. An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind. These are not my words. This is a famous truth. There is no way we can buy justice through wars. One man’s gain is always another man’s loss. When will we understand that?
Our soul cannot be owned by any body. Likewise, earth cannot be owned by any being. It can only be used for a certain period of time. What is expected during this time, is peaceful co-existence.

Earth cannot be owned by any. Earth is just a platform. Temporary possessions gives illusion of ownership. Transactions in paper makes us feel proud and money’s worth. But, when we die, we leave the paper and the property behind. Who owns earth?
Who will answer for the deaths and destructions that takes place in the name of land, religion and politics? All people are the same. All countries are the same. None higher or lower. None have the right to oppress or suppress another. Life must continue.Â
When we walk on the blood paved paths of existence, our feet must hurt. Tons of accumulated atrocities and murders have weakened the natural vibration of earth and make it lesser and lesser habitable.
When emotions are ruling, wars are inevitable. Expect the backlash. Hit on conscience causes guilt. Guilt travels through time and lives. When collective guilt takes over, destruction takes place. We may fall lucky to shed the body earlier than the backlash to express itself fully.Â
But, we may either come back or our own generations to come will curse the generations past for taking the soul out of earth, for killing the “life” of earth. None can escape the fruits of his action. This is an eternal truth. To keep a blind eye towards a crime is equal to committing it.

We are too selfish. We only like to sit back in the virtual world and watch the pictures of dead women and children on the facebook and hit “like” in support of the cause, irrespective of whether it is towards or against. We live in the artificial world of make believe and cheat ourselves in believing that everything is good outside there and inside within our own household.Â
The children brought up completely in the virtual world are total misfits in the world outside. Everything happens for them in the virtual world and they cannot care less for other people’s suffering. We never consider even once that inertia has indeed left us totally bound and helpless. The only part of the body that actually moves are the fingers which click “like” on Facebook.
Now, I know that even these words here are useless, I know, because it is not possible for individual consciousness to fight against the gross and ugly collective consciousness hell bound for destruction and death. Useless because the comfort zone oriented man will just discard positive words as tall order and discard any potential for collective action.Â
I know very well that even if a 1000 of us join hands against human atrocities, we will all be crushed mercilessly. The only permanent solution is increased awareness and different system of education.
Motherhood should happen in a more profound way. No mother will order the killing of any children. It has always been man. Love should prevail through motherliness.

Now, this mail is meant as food for thought. I am with the suffering and helpless. I love those who even help heal a small wound of the body or mind.
I am always hoping for Peace to prevail. Again, collective consciousness is too strong to grow any seeds of sensitiveness. Yet, let us not give up hope. Let us grow seeds in our own garden and distribute selflessly to other’s garden, too.
I love you unconditionally
2 thoughts on “In the name of the Lord?”
We were taught that unless we (as parents) feel the same intense pain for children all over the globe as we feel when our own children when they suffer, we haven’t begun to understand love. Its easy to love that which is “our own” eg terrestrial family,friends etc. The challenge is to love all equally. That has stuck by me for many years. When Mohanji visited us, we actually saw how that is entirely possible. Not once did I see Mohanji giving more love or attention to one, than to another. That can only happen when there is actually no longer any separation, and all that is feels as though it is our very self.