How to know if we are experiencing hallucinations or communions with Masters | Mohanji
If it is real, you would have entered into deep silence because the frequency is so high; their frequency is high. If you’re talking to those frequencies, inside there’ll be nothing. No thoughts. Empty.
When certain activations happen, you can connect to various dimensions. So that’s real, that’s for sure real. But is it applicable to this world? See, for example, dogs hear much more sounds than we can. It can understand more smells than we can. But how it can be translated to our life, current life, that’s where the meaning comes.

Sometimes, some of the activations happen automatically without your particular activity or doing things in a focused way, activation happens, and then those dimensions open up. And you start receiving things from that. But all you have to do, like Patanjali says very beautifully, keep moving. Don’t get stuck. Because when various channels open up, we get stuck on various levels.
Instead, what do we do? We keep walking, keep moving. If it is useful, it will come to help; if it is not useful, no problem. Whatever is useful, listen to it; otherwise, let it happen, let it talk, no problem.
Some are projections. There are projections also. Some people say that I was just now speaking to Jesus or I was speaking to Krishna, Buddha etc. But many are hallucinations. If it is real, you would have entered into deep silence because the frequency is so high; their frequency is high. If you’re talking to those frequencies inside, there’ll be nothing, no thoughts, empty.
If you’re deeply connected to a Master, the sign is that your inner silence is also deepening. You can consider that as a clear benchmark.
Transcribed by Ulla Bernholdt
Proofread by Shyama Jeyaseelan