Align and heal your body, mind and spirit.

Mai-Tri Method

What is Mai-Tri Method?

Mai-Tri Method is a profound method of deep cleansing and harmonizing in which deep-seated subconscious blockages are removed, even from the subtlest layer of our existence - the causal body - where seeds of karmic impressions are stored. While the cleansing reaches deep into the energy records, it is important to note that Mai-Tri Method does not interfere with the destiny aspect of karma (as this is what has been chosen at the soul level, be it pleasant or unpleasant to our mind).

Who can perform Mai-Tri Method?

The Mai-Tri Method is performed by initiated Practitioners who connect with the consciousness of Mohanji, passing on the energy through their palms to the recipient’s chakras (energy centers) from the front and the back side of the body.

Who can experience Mai-Tri Method?

The Mai-Tri Method can be experienced by individuals of all age groups – from small children (5 years of age and above) to senior citizens, in any state of health. For pregnant ladies and children, Mai-Tri is milder and is done primarily for health purposes, rejuvenation and protection.

How it Works?

While passing through the energy centers in the body, the energy penetrates very deeply, all the way to the causal layer of our existence (the causal body) to address the root of karmic blockages. This enables the recipient to release deep patterns which cause physical and emotional ailments and imbalances. In turn, this release results in a beautiful feeling of lightness and accelerates one’s spiritual growth.

Practitioners initiated in Mai-Tri method are available in Canada. Mai-Tri method sessions can be conducted both in-person and remotely as well. Please contact us for additional details by emailing us at

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