On 10th March 2022, I had to go to the Emergency Department at the Leduc Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta, as I had severe abdominal pain and vomiting. After being put on a saline drip to stabilize me, they took blood tests and a CT scan. The ER doctor determined that I had food poisoning. I was not able to sleep well that night for a couple of hours, but once I had kept Mohanji’s picture in my room, I felt a sense of relief and was able to sleep for a few hours then.
The next day passed in severe abdominal pain and cramps in my stomach. By afternoon the pain got worse, and I could not even get up from bed and call my wife to come home soon. I called Sanjay Acharya and his wife, Alpa Acharya, to tell them I could not make it to the volunteer session because of abdominal pain.
Sanjay suggested to Alpa to give me 3 Mai-Tri sessions over the next three days. From her busy schedule, Alpa provided a Mai-Tri session for me. I was lying in bed in pain when I saw Mohanji. He was in a beautiful white robe. He smiled at me and told me to walk a few steps. Then he told me to lie down and passed white light all over my body with his hands for an hour and a half.
My pain had stopped. Mohanji appeared very calm and peaceful in his white light. I was even able to eat a liquid diet and slept well in the night after that. When I woke up, I was feeling better but not sure how the day would go. I was on high medications for stomach aches and cramps for the last three days. As the day went by today, there was no pain and no stomach cramps, and I did not take a single medication for pain or stomach cramps. Mohanji truly worked his wonders on me and cured me.
Thank you so much, Mohanji, for curing me. Lots of love and blessings to both – Alpa Acharya for the wonderful Mai-Tri session and Sanjay Acharya for initiating this Mai-Tri session.
Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 31st May 2022
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