
Mohanji’s Message to Peru

Beloved friends,

This is Mohanji. To all my friends of Peru, I wish you a great time ahead and also I wish you great happiness. I visited Peru a few times already and I met most of you. But the relationship that we have is always there. I am there always, I am with each one of you, I walk with you, I feel you, I feel every vibration of yours and I give you energetic support wherever you go.

Always do something for the world. What is our net worth? Our net worth is what we give to the world. Not what we take from the world. We are all here to fulfill our desires, various types of desires. But these desires always bring more desires. So at some point in time we will start feeling the pangs of the dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction – not because we did not get fulfillment, but dissatisfaction because we want more of the same thing. So it is important to understand, witness, be aware and also think that all the people around you, the birds, the animals, the trees, the plants, everything has its life, its worth, just like us.  So when we move in this world always be aware: we are the product of all these things around us. We are here because of many, many things around us. They are all part of us. Respect them. We must have respect.

We must have respect, we must have acceptance and also we must have love – primarily towards ourselves. If we do not accept ourselves, if we do not love ourselves, if we don’t respect our own existence we do not respect anything around us. Let us start with self-respect, self-acceptance and self-love. Accept ourselves as unique creations, very powerful, because we are all related. We are all related by soul, we are all related in consciousness. When you are walking, I am walking. We are all walking together. We are eating together, we are drinking together, we are living together. Please remember this: we are not just an individual, we are a force. And there is no barrier, no cast, no country, culture, color, community. No barrier. We are all united in consciousness and consciousness is all over. Beyond this Earth, beyond everything. When we stay united, we are force. When we feel separated that is only in the mind. There is no real separation, but because mind sees differences, mind separates us. Otherwise there is no separation. When we are clearly and purely aware of that, we will not feel any separation.

We are all here to serve, to give more. That is the highest awareness that we should have as human beings because we have the capacity to use the intellect and imagination and create all what we have created. The world that we see, the human creation has all come out of intellect and imagination along with the grace and the facilities available we created out of this land. So, when we are aware of all this, what is the highest possibility in our existence? Think about it.

We have divided the world so far with too many divisions and now is the time for unification. Now it is time for unity. We should all be together, we should love together, we should live together. And this way we can spread the energy, the light, the brightness in this world.  Be leaders of that.  Lead by your own life. Lead by your own light. We will create a big impact in this world. This is a time for unification, remember that and that should start with accepting yourself.

I love you and I am always with you. Whenever you think about me, whenever you remember me I am there. Just remember that your net worth is what you give to this world, not what you get from the world. Let’s take a step backwards and look at this whole thing. I am always tasting something, am I satisfied? Maybe not. Let us now look at giving something, deliver whatever you have – time, love, money, skills, experience. Whatever you have, share and then see how you feel. I am 100% sure you will feel great.

I love you and wish you all success.

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Transcribed by Ekaterina Nestorovska

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