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Divine Sanctury

Who is Mohanji

Being a renowned humanitarian, Mohanji is recognised as an international advocate for non-violent living. Mohanji believes that the best religion humans can follow is humanity to all beings on earth and to express ahimsa (non-violence) in our thoughts, words and actions.
Mohanji’s teachings are simple. In life, our bank balance is not what we take from the world but what we deliver to Earth. As humans, we all have a purpose; we are responsible for expressing kindness to all living beings. Mohanji has founded various global platforms for people to express themselves through acts of compassion and kindness that add value to society. Mohanji was born in 1965 in the village of Palakad in Kerala, India, had his childhood, teenage life and education like everyone else and pursued a successful career in the shipping industry as a dynamic leader with twenty-four years of senior management experience in the Middle East.
Mohanji’s journey of transformation began with the passing away of his daughter Ammu in a tragic road accident in the year of 2000. In his words, “One by one, God removed everything that I was probably attached to, and placed me firmly on the path of freedom and liberation. We must lose a lot to gain somewhat.”
Golden Path

Golden Path

Mohanji walks on the ‘Golden Path’ of Raja Yoga also known as ‘Royal Path’. He says the Golden Tradition exists to spread the message of true love beyond all boundaries; and preserve the ultimate dharma (righteousness) of existence. Like an open river, it is allencompassing. Its realm is the entire universe.

This Golden Path never binds anyone to any system and allows free
choices to everyone. Personal freedom is respected the most. One is
allowed to experience. Nobody judges. Nobody criticise.

In Mohanji’s words from Jesus, Zoroaster, Buddha, Devi, Sai Baba,
Mohammed, Shiva, Maitreya to Guru Nanak, all the spiritual Masters
of the Tradition were one consciousness. They had the same mission –
taking seekers to complete awareness and liberation from the birth
and death cycle on Earth. They came forth time and again to show us
our real potential, showered pearls of wisdom onto every generation
and always told us to look within ourselves.

Global Platforms

Those who were deeply touched by their personal experiences with Mohanji, has grown organically under Mohanji‘s guidance and vision into a global community. With the goal of creating a better world for the future, all activities of Mohanji Foundation are united by a simple motto – Adding Value to the world.

Today, Mohanji Foundations are formally registered in 18 countries across six continents, while activities are conducted in over 80 countries worldwide. Mohanji Foundation in Sri Lanka is in full alignment with the objectives of the Mohanji International Foundation which is headquartered in Switzerland, under the direct supervision of the Swiss federal government.

Besides this, Mohanji has created various other platforms for the world and provides daily guidance on their operations. At this point, more than 20 platforms formed by Mohanji are working across 90 countries across 6 continents. They can be classified into Teaching & Practices, Selfless Service, Global Transformations, Himalayan Academy, Festivals, and Publishing.
Global Centers

Mohanji Spaces

Mohanji has created ‘Cetres of Benovalance’ around the world. These are places where one can experience a deep sense of connection with self, nature, and divine consciousness. The overall theme of these spaces would be respect for nature and benevolence toward all beings, showcasing the essential teachings of Mohanji and the Dattatreya Tradition.
These centres offer the seekers an opportunity to detach from negative emotions like anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge, etc., and the development of virtues like kindness, compassion, selflessness, non-violence, etc.
From these centres, they can connect with Mohanji to actualise themselves, achieve and express their highest potential, elevate their awareness, and achieve peace, harmony, and stability in life.
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