A deeply insightful and straightforward message from Mohanji, in a  Q&A format – to enjoy and implement :-).
Loving regards, BTW Team
Topics: Choosing Gurus and spiritual courses; The seeker’s relationship to the Guru; Fulfilling our own spiritual mission; How many e-mails can you handle a day?
Q. How to choose a Guru? Â Which spiritual courses to take?
“A: All Gurus are one. The Guru that appeared to you is usually the right one for you. But, do not be confused as to whether you are on the right track or not. Just accept the Guru, in front of you, or guiding you, even if you have never met him physically. Start walking the path with faith and confidence. Maybe you will meet more Gurus (road signs) on the path.
Wandering in search of a Guru is absolutely unnecessary. This is because, you will be searching for someone whom you think is the right one for you. The reality is your eligibility. Thus, learn to accept the Guru who helps you now. Whoever he is! Take this as your starting point and start walking from there with faith and devotion.
Guru will choose you. You need not choose any Guru.
Even if you want to choose a Guru, it is your choice. When you decide to leave this Guru, it is also your choice. If you shift to another Guru, it is also your choice. But, do not take your decision based on the words of others.
You decide for yourself. In reality, do not decide anything, just let things flow. If you decide to be with me, or leave me, it is also your decision. I do not invite anyone, nor do I ask anyone to go. I am all inclusive.
The same is applicable to many spiritual courses. It is an intellectual requirement, not a spiritual requirement. You may like all the foods served at the buffet table and you may want to taste them all. However, you have your own stomach capacity. If you try to cram more, either obesity or indigestion, or both, will result. Take only as much as your stomach is comfortable with.
There are 100’s of meditation techniques. Try a few and choose what you like or what suits you. Do not follow others. You are unique. You carve your own path with the available materials. The same vegetables can be used to make different curries. Make your own curry with the available vegetables. Use your inner guidance. Just keep walking with faith in yourself and your Guru, whoever it is. Never procrastinate.

Q. Who are you really Mohanji?
A. I understand your curiosity to know more about me. But tell me, how will that help your spirituality?
Do not marry the Guru. Marry His consciousness.
Guru in the physical frame is as perishable as all physical frames are. It is vulnerable to changes. It is affected by time and the seasons. Remember one thing. Every physical being is vulnerable to time and changes. Therefore, do not be too curious about me as a person.
If you attach yourself more and more to my physical image, forgetting the simple messages that I deliver from time to time, you will develop expectations. Expectations and realities may not match. Eventually, you will suffer from disillusionment. Everyone can easily create expectations about another. Understand clearly, it cannot work that way. Life may take a different course altogether.
I do not believe that anything is fully right and anything is fully wrong, as long as people are travelling a karmic journey. When the mode shifts to dharmic, it is a different story. So please, kindly refrain from sending me mails pertaining to my personal life. Leave it alone. There is nothing for you to imitate or enjoy in it. It is a life filled with work, work and more work. You want to try? Sure. Most welcome.
If you like my messages to the world, if you like my meditations, you are welcome to follow that path.
Again, it should not be because you like my physical frame, voice or lifestyle. It should be because you like the message or the truth in the message which applies to your life. Once again,
Marry the consciousness, which is permanent and unshakeable. Never marry any Guru.
They are crazy people. Believe me. 🙂

Q. Is it wrong to think only of my own spiritual journey?
A. All of you have come to this mega mall called ‘world’ with your own shopping list. This is fine. There cannot be any other way. So, please go ahead and exhaust the shopping list before the money (your breath) completely leaves your wallet (your body).
This journey or shopping list is your own. Even your close relatives have nothing to do with it, because they have their own shopping list.
There are common things to buy, such as household items – tables, chairs, refrigerator, fruits and vegetables etc. Your shopping list will agree with that of your relatives as long as this match exists. There are individual items as well, like your toothbrush. You will not want to share it with anyone. Hence, allow time, space and privacy for everyone.
Do not judge the purchases of others. There is nothing right and nothing wrong, in the absolute sense. You are carving your own destiny.
Kill Guilt. Kill Anger, Anxiety, Jealousy, Revenge, Enmity, Distrust, Hatred, Comparison and Desires.
They will all make you spend your money faster. They all make you spend emotionally. When you are spent and sick, you will suffer a painful death. Have nothing to do with it. Just love and serve. In this way, when we die, we will die in peace.
Guilt is very powerful. It glues us to the Earth. Have nothing to do with it. Do what is right, according to your conscience. It may not be right for others. Never harm anyone through thoughts, words or action. Otherwise, your right is your own right. It will suit you.
Trash Guilt, whatever it may cost. Be relaxed. One thing is guaranteed – you have brought sufficient breaths to complete the original shopping list of this life. Do not add more. You do not have sufficient funds for that. You did not bring them. Time borrowed is pains borrowed. You have to repay it with interest. Be aware of that.

Q. Mohanji, I have written to you, yet I am still waiting for your reply.
A. I still hope to reply to you individually. At this point in time, just in this email box, I have 6344 mails. It is impossible. I may not be able to continue replying individually in the near future. As more and more people are practicing our meditations in many countries, mails have suddenly multiplied.
Many of you have sent your testimonials and messages of gratitude. I thank all of you for letting me know through your mails that you are happy. I really appreciate your time and input for telling me that you are enjoying it. Your happiness is my happiness. I appreciate all communications. However, I may not be able to reply as before. The mountain of mails in front of me is growing. How will I climb one by one and when will I ever reach the top of the every growing mountain? I request your kind understanding.
I would therefore appreciate it if henceforth you could send your testimonials and questions to mohanjiforyou@gmail.com, to Caroline and Dr. Deepali, who are working relentlessly, along with Biba to cope with the ever-growing demand. They will read and compile your testimonials and post them in blogs as inspiration to others, to build their dare to experience.
This is the golden path of purity and faith.
Also, some of you could not trace me on Face Book! I liked that. I am anonymous!!! My FB name is Para Brahma. However, I also suggest you join the FB pages ‘Mohanji’, ‘Bless The World’, and ‘Ammucare’ which have been created/are run by our selfless supporters. All the updates are posted there. The web site is also being revamped and will contain more details, including the new programs and events. All details can be communicated with Caroline, Dr. Deepali and their team. Please send all your suggestions to them.
I wish you Happiness, Peace and most importantly, the perpetual taste of higher consciousness.
3 thoughts on “Spiritual Journey, Paths, and Guides”
🙂 %) ********
Another clear no-nonsense explanation. So happy BTW family growing so rapidly. At your feet beloved Mohanji.
thanks dear master 🙂 love and love, gratitudessss