Conscious Dancing - Guided Dance Meditation
Conscious Dancing is a highly effective guided dance meditation through free, unstructured dance. As a powerful technique of alignment, Conscious Dancing awakens the vertical dimension of being as the participant moves the body freely, keeping the attention within. Dancing is combined with occasional vocalization and breathing methods, while the music creates internal responses that support expansion in love and surrender.
Why Conscious Dancing?

How Does it Work?
By the time the Conscious Dancing reaches the crown, a powerful and yet divinely delicate energy is felt within the dancer’s energized central axis and throughout the body, including the subtle layers of the aura. Nothing else exists but the bliss of a vertical pillar of light, with the mesmerizing inner silence which is deeply enriching, healing and transformative.

Conscious Dancing is being your natural self when your whole being is in the ecstasy of being Alive. When every atom comes alive, it rejoices the very truth of being alive. The dancer dissolves into the dance. The dancer becomes the dance. All separation disappears. There is no beginning or end to the supreme dance of Consciousness. The never-ending dance beyond all boundaries and bindings begins and ends in the unshakeable stillness of oneness. Dancer and dance are one. Yesterday, today and tomorrow are one. Life and death are one. It is an eternal cosmic dance. It is ecstasy of creation and ecstasy of dissolution. It is celebration. It is being Conscious of the super conscious that is dancing beyond time and form. It is love. It is dance.
