Overview of Mohanji Global Initiatives - December 2022
The graphic below shows a snapshot of our activities in the month of December 2022.

where activities held

+ Events


tons of food donated

K Meals Served

+ Mai Tri Sessions
Highlights of the Month
Mohanji and Paramahamsa Vishwananda meet in Bengaluru
On December 3rd 2022, Mohanji was invited to address a gathering of devotees of Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda, the founder of Bhakti Marga organisation (headquartered in Germany) and a renowned saint steeped in the Bhakti (devotion) tradition.
A delightful Satsang ensued where several questions about life (e.g. handling problems/ situations in life, handling children) as well as questions about surrender, states of samadhi and queries about various episodes from the Bhagavad Geeta and the lessons therein.

Mohanji retreat in Shirdi
Experience the power of Shirdi with Mohanji; in-person & online events happened in Shirdi.
Mohanji reminded the group of the greatest blessing of being in Shirdi and connecting to Shirdi Sai Baba: “Baba is a Master of multidimensionality, and he teaches us that we are multidimensional, so we should remember that. Silence is the pathway to multi-dimensionality.”
Read more about the event HERE.
Special Highlights
Mohanji wrote and recorded a NEW meditation, Shirdi Sai Baba Miracle Meditation. It got released on the auspicious occasion of Datta Jayanti on December 7th.
Other Platforms

ACT 4 Sri Lanka – Soup Kitchen
Our team is now operating three community kitchens in Sri Lanka. The main kitchen operates six days every week. The second kitchen operates 3 days a week and the third one operates only on Sundays. All three kitchens consistently serve nutritious vegan food to the local underprivileged communities during the lunch hour.
ACT 4 Ukraine
Shoeboxes filled with Christmas gifts for children & winter clothes and jackets were sent to Romania for children and adults.

ACT 4 Hunger
In the month of December 2022, the worldwide team for ACT for Hunger distributed 41681 meals and 24057kg of food rations.
Himalayan School of Traditional Martial Arts & Therapies (HSTMAT)
Mohanji inaugurated the Himalayan School of Traditional Martial Arts & Therapies (HSTMAT) in Bangalore – the latest division of the Himalayan Academy of Traditions that is dedicated to the propagation of authentic and traditional knowledge forms of Bharat.
HSTMAT focuses on Kalari marma therapies – an ancient system of healing and rejuvenation that is highly effective in treating injuries, chronic pains, movement dysfunction etc.

5 continents 16 Registered Countries Active presence in 90+ countries

Serving food beyond boundaries, nationality, race, religion and species

Since 2003 Education Hunger & health Disaster relief

Since 2003 Serving humanity
Helping the helpless Dignity to the poor

Join hands in becoming powerful, successful and purposeful citizens of the world!

youth organization aiming to create a global community of powerful citizens and compassionate leaders.

Entertainment & empowerment

Himalayan school of traditional Languages

Himalayan school of traditional Yoga

Himalayan school of traditional Dance

Empowering youth to express their fullest potential
and live purposeful lives

Raise global awareness & consciousness through performing arts

Supporting generations to come by planting fruit bearing trees across the world

M House Media Content & Audio Visual Production

Invest in Awareness
Transformation of people
and business. Developing
ethical businesses

Moksha Trust
Renovation of the sacred
temples of India

Online magazine: Mind, body and soul